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The Annunaki Aliens!!


Active member

dudesome, you sneaky snarky specialk mofo.......

I am?:tiphat:


As for annunaki. Alot of things start making alot of sense, when you take that theory into count.

Did you guys know that Rotschilds only cross their genes with other Rotschilds? It's said that Rotschilds are hybrids of Annunaki and Humans. They say that whenever rotschilds cross with humans - ugly children are born.

this makes you rethink the whole New World Order theory. If that's true, then 2020 is predicting to be something like sci-fi horror movie...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you guys should spend more time learning about things like jury nullification, the 4th amendment, and horticulture. :D you will actually use that


the shit spoon
4)The picture of the solar system with the Sun in the center, and saying that Europeans only figured it out 300 years ago - didn't the Mayans and other mesoamerican civilizations figure that out like 4,000 years ago?

7) Atlantis - guy is saying it's bigger than Rome, etc. - so where is it? And why can't we find it? We have scanned EVERY inch of the globe from space.

Greeks figured it out too. Who knows what the druids thought.

Also DUDE they found Atlantis, look it up its fascinating. It was buried by a tsunami or several...

Sea Peoples could've been those from the Atlantean culture, Etruscans, and anybody else they picked up along the way while they were marauding after the cataclysm... an "earthquake storm" across asia minor and the mediterranean... some aftermath featured in the old testament as the plagues visited upon egypt.

In terms of prehistory, there is so much that went on pre-10,000BC that we don't know about because centers of trade/power were along the coast and sea levels rose.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

OK dudesome, I went back and read most of your previous posts to determine that you're not actually specialk, you're one or two clicks shy of his particular brand of crazy but bonkers nonetheless.

it's been a long time since we've seen him around here.



Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If you follow the evolution of the skeleton over time, you'll find slow change from generation to generation, except for one specific skeleton in which every single bone was different than the last generation.

Evolution cannot explain this.


Active member
you guys should spend more time learning about things like jury nullification, the 4th amendment, and horticulture. :D you will actually use that


The reason I stopped reading about 2012, aliens, etc. was because it was doing nothing positive for me.

I know people who are fucking obsessed, I would rather spend my free time doing things that benefit my life, but to each their own. :)

And yeah, that guy needs to stay away from the tanning salon, stop smoking meth, get a real job and definitely get a fucking haircut!! lol


Active member
mjeh, havent seen a good ufo video, since my first one.

"is it true?!"

"some dude that thinks it is speaks"
the final answer,

again, mjeh, if there are aliens (unlikely there are not)

well, if they are advanced enough to come here, they probably think we are monkeys and will study us from afar.

or we are lucky they havent found us lol (doubtful that a advanced species would be so backwards)

about "gods" coming here,

you do know that primitive man would receive people that had invented swords, as gods?

just looking at people today, superstitious and stupid as they are today, many of them,
you cant believe anything told of old.

"the sky is blue. why?!"

"eh, there is some guy in a chariot that rides across it and paints it,...eh...really fast"

lost in a sea

aliens like we imagine as bipeds that can breed with humans really are a fabrication,,, if anything its useful for the ptb that people just grab at the whole aliens/ufo's crap because they just add everything they dont understand to that conspiracy,,,

it doesnt hold a drop of water with me anyway,, it is possible that viruses could easily survive trips between planets though,,, say like when there is an inferior conjunction between the moon and venus, where the moon moves out of the earth's plasmasphere and moves through venus's coma then comes back into the earths plasmasphere,,, they are the ultimate aliens viruses and no one knows really what they are or why they exist,,

there is a wealth of hidden knowledge far more interesting than aliens imo.
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Active member
there are many things we do not know.

im sure many of them will surprise the fuck out of us.

personally i really like the new movie paul, that would be cool aliens for sure. have a spliff with those lol.
Sure is strange seeing all these 'open-minded' members slamming something they don't understand and can not prove/disprove. But as I've seen countless times here, it's better to slam the messenger than to think about the message.

But yes...he does look like a chipmonk. I still like him better than the guy that sounds like someone is squeezing his nuts to get the answer...

How do you explain ANYONE being able to cut/move/perfectly place 1000 ton stones? The Trilithon stones for instance, but there's similar on almost every continent. (I kinda wonder if there's any under the arctic and antarctic...?)

How do you explain the perfectly straight tooling marks in granite, when scholars say we were pre stone-age at the time of construction?

How do you explain the passage in Genesis where the Bible says that man was "created in our image"...? (not "my" image, but "our" image)

How do you explain the Mahabharata describing in detail the aircrafts of the gods and the descriptions of the weapons used thousands of years ago? An 8,000 year old Sci-Fi story dating back to pre-history, with better immagination than the best Hollywood has to offer us now-a-days?

How do you go from hunter-gatherer to forging bronze...without someone knowing it can even be done. How do you know there is brass or tin in the dirt, and how do you figure-out how to smelt the impurities and form the metal(s)? And why were there weapons and jewelry, but no farm implements made...?

Perhaps the end of every eon (a unit of time) we start at ground zero and rebuild with what's left. Perhaps this has gone on for many eons and resulting re-building cycles. Would explain a lot.

Regardless...I'm not sure I trust the scientific community for accurate and concise data, since subjective rationale is often not very rational in the long run.
Using global warming as one example of the slant scientists can put on it's "data", I doubt we have the whole "evolution" theory straight. There's just too many gaps and suppositions which the scholars gladly fill-in with their own brand of science fiction.


Bent Member
How do you go from hunter-gatherer to forging bronze...without someone knowing it can even be done. How do you know there is brass or tin in the dirt, and how do you figure-out how to smelt the impurities and form the metal(s)? And why were there weapons and jewelry, but no farm implements made...?

Just saying.........your a caveman, you know of fire from lightning. So you start a fire on a bunch of rocks and that fire goes for several days. Someone drags a very large stump and the fire enlarges and get really hot as your sitting around the fire your see something dripping from a rock......... copper, Human curiosity would make them try and try to understand and repeat.

just a thought


Active member
the annunaki story..hmm lessee.

aliens on another planet, came to earth to mine gold, got lazy and decided to create workers and used monkey dna combined with their own (interesting morals)

to create us (the first version)

something went wrong, forget what, created a second type (kinda explains neanderthals and cromagnon :))

one alien favored man and gave him stuff (armor and jewelry? fantastic beings, hey, dress pretty and kill someone, wouldja? :))

somehow one of the alien bosses got afraid of man and decided to allow a coming flood to destroy man, while the other dude decided to save man.

this is of course a Interpertation of the old babylonian texts.
and i forget the most of it.

texts change so much through time..

the story of noah is a told retold many times, in some of the more older texts, he is immortal. (and has a completely different name)

who can say, if the oldest texts we know arent simply a retelling? with much lost in the process?

a grain of truth in a myth.

metaphors and how words are used change too.

a text might change greatly, lets say a slang of the day was used, that later changed to mean something completely different ? (rather common occurance)

we would never know.


Active member
I'm not sure I trust the scientific community for accurate and concise data...

Logic is the systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion, with confidence.

Interesting epistemological approach:

You don't trust empirical methodology because of possible data errors -- induction is ruled out.

You don't trust reasoning a priori via logic for an unknown reason -- deduction is ruled out.

Uhm, that leaves you with "stuff I just kinda feel is right because I don't know why."

Which seems to become, therefore: :alien:


Active member
I wonder if Annunaki like weed :)

Although if theyre reptiles that means they're not mammals. Means that they don't have CB1 and 2 :(

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