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The 6k Stadium that foil tape built

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
DHF, thank you for the compliments. I have some of the dunks from the hydro store.... need to look at the packaging again. I just crumble up a dunk, stick it in a large pitcher and let it breakdown/dilute, then at the concentrate to the main reservoir at the time of watering.

Shcrews, thank you. They are still on week one and they are both strains I have not run before, so I want to see how they stretch out before I do any pruning. If they are extremely stretchy and I can train those lower branches into the screen then I don't want to shaft myself out of being able to do so. They will be trimmed up before the start of week 3.

Hundred Gram Oz thank you for the wellwishes. They are more a symbol of annoyance then really a problem. If the plants were younger, I would be more concerned, but since their roots are highly established I don't fear much damage from the larva.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 4

Week 4

Pretty uneventful week. Bugs under control, a couple emitters on drip system crapping out and need replacement (seems to always happen), but still beats hand-watering.

Headband side not quite filling out like I would like, but lessons learned for next round.

Center shot:

Sage N' Sour side:

Headband side:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 2

Week 2

I don't really know what this strain is, but its not stretching much. Its almost definitely not New Wave, hopefully its dank and the guy that ripped me off didn't totally fuck me over.

The amendments that my friends recipe called for are causing a Ph run off of 6.6, so I've since switched off of salt based fertilizers and am doing compost teas (with the addition of Protek and hygrozyme) to switch to an organic fertilizer base, which is more in the ph range that my medium is. Live, learn, adapt and don't switch your recipes if they already work. I should listen to my own advice of K.I.S.S.

?? strain:

?? strain & cookies:

Cookies being LST'ed top shot:

Ask away and updates come every Thursday.


Active member
Plants look healthy, even if they aren't stretching for shit. The stadium looks awesome though :good:. Curious what your nute recipe with the organic base is? Not sure if you mentioned it earlier or not, I read way too much to remember everything ;)

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Plants look healthy, even if they aren't stretching for shit. The stadium looks awesome though :good:. Curious what your nute recipe with the organic base is? Not sure if you mentioned it earlier or not, I read way too much to remember everything ;)

Thank you for the compliments.

As far as nutrient recipes, I was doing cutting edge 3 part with a lot of crazy additives and had amended my pure canna coco with oystershell, azomite, greensand and dolomite.

Now, I am simply making teas. The last tea was a mycorrhizae dominate tea with fish hydrolysate (2-4-0), kelp meal (.2-0-2), molasses (has P and Ca), alfalfa meal (2-1-1), cottonseed meal (6-2-0), humic acid, GH subculture-M (never hurts) and fungal dominate compost (composted woodchips).

When I am in more need of higher P's and K's later in flowering, I will simply pickup some guano's and some other goods. Need to research if guano teas are bacterial or fungi dominate; I do realize that guano has already been decomposed by microbes and thus is biologically available.

I guess the long and short of it, I don't buy a pre-made organic fertilizer, I biologically break down substances into plant available forms and craft my own N-P-K.

I will have to post a picture of my DIY vortex brewer.
Only advice I could give which made growing in coco dummy proof is, use stright up maxi bloom. I'm serious, the fertilizer mod buddy taught me this and I will never look back. It works better than mixing all kinds of everthing up. MAXIBLOOM you will not be disappointed. Great show keep up the good work

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Only advice I could give which made growing in coco dummy proof is, use stright up maxi bloom. I'm serious, the fertilizer mod buddy taught me this and I will never look back. It works better than mixing all kinds of everthing up. MAXIBLOOM you will not be disappointed. Great show keep up the good work

The maxibloom/lucas formula are both awesome, hands down... but I've ran it and I've ran H&G and the H&G produces more and higher quality buds then the maxi can. The PGR's in H&G do some funny stuff that is awesome.

The flat room with the PH problem is because I listened to someone else recipe and you live and learn. Don't fix what aint broke.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 5

Week 5

Sorry, no pictures this time.

Been battling root aphids for the past 4 days and have won. I tried some organic approaches and they simply did not work. I prayed to my idea of god and asked for forgiveness and then forgave myself for using Imidocloprid. Pyrethum bombed the rooms to kill the flyers and bam, no more root aphids.

I fucking hate them, 4th time having them in 4 different locations, in different towns, different equipment, different genetics. I simply cannot control them organically. I already know about Metarhizium anisopliae strain F52 and Beauveria bassiana. They are a great idea, but simply put do not work effectively. If I use them as a preventative measure and use a lot of nematodes, I might be able to prevent it in the future... we will see.

PM showed up due to the extra stress of the plants and the inability to effectively spray the vert room (cannot physically spray every leaf), so I might bust out the old sulfur burner or individually pull plants out and spray them with Safers Powdery Mildew cure. Mind you the PM just showed up, so its not out of control.... yet.

The vert room looks totally unaffected and is leading a charge for victory. The flat room got hit quite a bit harder, but is still doing O.K.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Mr C

Very impressive build and setup :tiphat:

On the Pyrethum bomb, how far along into flower are you comfortable using that?

Just curious - I've come close to having to use it mid-stream, but was lucky enough that I got away by the skin of my teeth..

Beautiful looking space(s) man - hope you don't mind if I ride along..

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Hello and thank you Anti

Mr C

Very impressive build and setup :tiphat:

On the Pyrethum bomb, how far along into flower are you comfortable using that?

Just curious - I've come close to having to use it mid-stream, but was lucky enough that I got away by the skin of my teeth..

Beautiful looking space(s) man - hope you don't mind if I ride along..

The bomb was an absolute necessary. The Pyrethrum itself has an extremely short half life (7 hours) so I don't fear using it at all, but the PGO's in it are more debatable and why I don't like using them in the first place. I HAD to get rid of the 'fliers' of the root aphids so they would lay more eggs.

very nice setup. some of those tops look close to the light tho are you getting any bleaching or anything?

No, I believe bleaching is from either heat of with LED's and high amounts of specific frequencies. Some buds are 6" from the 1000w with no bleaching. The tops of those particular buds are growing a tiny bit funny, but standard coloration and I don't think much about it.

Welcome to the show and update with pictures will be on Thursday. :thank you:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 6

Week 6

Hey all. Root aphids are dead, things are back on track.

The front entrance of the stadium didn't fill out like I would have like. I'm unsure if its the more scraggler clones that were put there or if they just aren't getting as much light. Probably both.

Week 6, 4 to go:

Headband developing quicker:

Sour N' Sour puts on its weight like Sour D, in the end:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 3.5? Maybe 4

Week 3.5? Maybe 4

This room was hit harder by the root aphids and ph lockout of the soil amendments. They seem to have rebounded and are making a run for it.

?? strain that smells fruit, almost bubble gum. A lot of yellowing from root aphid damage:

Cookies up front with ??:


?? after root aphid damage:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Hard to say since they aren't very far along. You can tell though that they are low yielders and would require a SOG'ish environment to do well. I'm interested to try them in a vert setup next run because of the amount of stretch and spacing between internodes; maybe it'll be a vert only strain for me.

Smells minty, looks... like half finished buds :laughing:

Glad you were able to overcome the RA's.

How are you liking the cookies?

Thanks for the well wishes St3ve