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The 6k Stadium that foil tape built

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Hey all, as per schedule the weekly update.

I have failed to get a functional trellis up. Partially do the L.G.S. (lazy grower syndrome) and partially because of the sadists over at Hydrofarm with their 5'x15' net trellis. I believe I finally have the right answer, just need some help and nobody can tonight. You'll see it next week.

On with the show.

Headband right, Sage N' Sour left, bitches like to stretch and they aint even close to being done:


Flat room in next post.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Going to be clicking this room shortly, maybe as soon as 3 days.

Budding 26 New wave, 1 Sage N' Sour, 1 Omreta RX (High CBD strain) and 2 Legit GS cookies out in this room:


My 8 GS Cookie moms and 1 GDP mom:

Closeup of a cookie that has been topped to have 4 main shoots, per the Mum thread that is a link in my signature:

The slight cat-clawing is what I believe to be the coco, despite being flushed very well.... if 30 gallons for 8 plants isn't enough....:ying:

Catch ya'll next week and as usual, post up any questions/comments you have and I'll respond throughout the week.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Going in 650, going out 900. Pretty standard, no signs of deficiencies or burn.

Ph in both rooms is 5.8, going out has been around 6.0-6.2


very very nice mate. great building skills and groomage!

thanks to 100gOZ for pointin me here

is that one pump running the full groom mate? and how did u dial in the pump so it was running the right amount to each site? very interested mate il tag along if thats ok. good luck on the rest of ur grow

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
black_thumb, Sqydro, supermanlives, greenmatter welcome and thank you for the compliments.

how much longer they have left?

Today will be the beginning of week 3, so another 7 weeks before they are done. The flat room has been click and will finish around the same time.

very very nice mate. great building skills and groomage!

thanks to 100gOZ for pointin me here

is that one pump running the full groom mate? and how did u dial in the pump so it was running the right amount to each site? very interested mate il tag along if thats ok. good luck on the rest of ur grow

Thanks to 100gOZ as well.

The pump is watering the entire stadium. There are 1 1/4" ball valves that separate each half of the room (one goes to the headband side, another goes to the Sage N' Sour). I turn one off and then switch when the reservoir is half empty.

The drip emitters I am using twist to adjust their flow, so I can manually 'tune' each plants water flow. The first two waterings they were all tuned. The emitters have another quality that I appreciate, in that if they should get clogged, you just untwist them, blow them out and they are fully functional again.

I will be doing my weekly update tonight.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 3

Week 3

Stadium is rolling along nicely.

I have trellis netting up and the first pruning of backs and undergrowth. Fungus gnats are showing up in small populations so the Bti is coming out.

On with the pictures

Headband side on right:

Sage N' Sour on left:

Center shot:

I wove the trellis netting threw the 1" pvc and then attached the pvc to the ceiling with 1" EMT clamps:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Week 1 GSC & Cookies

Week 1 GSC & Cookies

I turned the flat garden over to 12/12 two days ago and put a trellis attached to pvc on each table.

20 New wave on the 4x8, 6 on the 3x6 and 4 GS Cookies on the 3x6 as well.

New wave table, 7 on one side, 6 in the center 7 more on other side, staggered:

Cookies and New wave, cookies up front:

My 4 Cookies:

As usual, thank you for your praise and any questions I am happy to to answer. Next picture update will be a week from today.


Excellent attention to detail Mr C....Not sure which BTI yas got for the lil gnat fuckers , but it helps ta hang yellow sticky traps ta catch the adult fliers....and...

The Gnatrol WDG "water dispersement granules" have a lot longer shelf life than the "mosquito dunks" at Lowe`s or Home Depot , and.....

Getchas some SM-90 to innoculate your medium @ 5ml per gal to encapsulate the eggs/larvae smotherin em so they can never hatch before ever putting a plant in the medium next run FTW.....

Top shelf shit Bro....Keep up the killer work....Hope Harvey`s double whatchas`re lookin for......



looking great... i'm slightly jealous

any reason why you havent pruned out the bottoms more on the plants in the horizontal tray?