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The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World



Just sitting around the house today, bored as usual. Stumbled upon this article and thought it was rather amusing/informative and it might spark some conversation. I thought I was just afraid of spiders until I read some of this. The writer's style sort of made me laugh, though perhaps a little less profanity would make it more professional (though this is cracked.com) Anyone have any interesting bug/insect/whatever encounters?

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
I thought these were pretty gross.


Camel spiders [pictures], or windscorpions, are neither true spiders nor true scorpions. They belong to a separate group of arachnids called solifugids (sunspiders or Solifugidae). Solifugids are medium-large arachnids that occur mainly in arid regions of the world. They are nocturnal predators that can run very fast. The long, forward-projecting front "legs" are really pedipalps used in food-handling and mating. Solifugids are not poisonous but may inflict a painful bite like any large arthropod.


Perpetual -- Yeah, I've read about those guys. Nasty looking fuckers. A few friends from the military said they used to shoot these things point blank for fun.

The Son of Man -- I watched that not too long ago, actually. Pretty funny.

Good stuff! Keep posting!


Bugs, or should we say arthropods (true 'bugs' really are just pentatomidae, the stinkbug family, arthropods are inclusive of all the segmented invertebrates) are awesome. I hope to see a lot of them when we go to the rainforest. There are more species of insects on earth than any other group, some estimates are 3 to 80million species, and we've only actually identified a million or so. It's hard to even comprehend how crazy that is!!#@$#
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When I was in high school I got a baby tarantula--the kind that grow big enough to eat birds. The terrarium would get to where it stinks after a while so I would have to take the evil bastard out to deodorize the joker. I put that little devil in a tupperware thing, but didn't put a top on it. So it escapes. I can't find that damn thing anywhere. So for the rest of the time I lived with my parents I was always looking over my shoulder for the thing to jump on me like from the movie arachnophobia. Never did. About six years later my mom was putting the christmas tree up in the attack and she found the now big ass critter sucking out a fucking baby squirrel. She stumbles back off the attic walkway and steps between the boards and her feet pop out the kitchen ceiling--she was stuck. The whole time she was up there not three feet from the spider it just sat there sucking out the squirrel starring at her with those little beady eyes. He remains at large.

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
The Son of Man said:
... She stumbles back off the attic walkway and steps between the boards and her feet pop out the kitchen ceiling--she was stuck. The whole time she was up there not three feet from the spider it just sat there sucking out the squirrel starring at her with those little beady eyes. He remains at large.
im a retard for even opening this thread knowing damn well that nothing on this earth scares me except bugs and the like. i could care less about a 20ft snake but bugs freak me the fuck out. i had nightmares about spidermites the first time i got them and ended up moving because of them. the thought of having hundreds of microscopic spiders running all over where i spend most of my time and almost positivly crawling on me really got to me.i left my grow cab there btw lol fuck it they can have it

now i just keep a supply of avid around and spray like rambo with a machine gun at the sight of them lol 2 spray bottles at once lol


Whoa, holy shit.

Whoa, holy shit.

The Son of Man said:
When I was in high school I got a baby tarantula--the kind that grow big enough to eat birds. The terrarium would get to where it stinks after a while so I would have to take the evil bastard out to deodorize the joker. I put that little devil in a tupperware thing, but didn't put a top on it. So it escapes. I can't find that damn thing anywhere. So for the rest of the time I lived with my parents I was always looking over my shoulder for the thing to jump on me like from the movie arachnophobia. Never did. About six years later my mom was putting the christmas tree up in the attack and she found the now big ass critter sucking out a fucking baby squirrel. She stumbles back off the attic walkway and steps between the boards and her feet pop out the kitchen ceiling--she was stuck. The whole time she was up there not three feet from the spider it just sat there sucking out the squirrel starring at her with those little beady eyes. He remains at large.

That is a great story. Holy shit, I wouldn't be living in that house. Would've called it a wrap after I lost the spider. Just goes to show you; you never know what can survive in your basement/attic so be careful. Plenty of black widows and brown recluse around my region so I'm always spraying or using diatomaceous earth. I actually left a box of junk in my old apartment attic because I just didn't want to brave the journey into spider land.

Outlaw Grower said:
i had nightmares about spidermites the first time i got them and ended up moving because of them. the thought of having hundreds of microscopic spiders running all over where i spend most of my time and almost positivly crawling on me really got to me.i left my grow cab there btw lol fuck it they can have it

Lol, pretty funny. They are some creepy fellows when you think about it. I don't even want to know about all the other microscopic things around me. Probably better off not knowing.

Good stories, people. Let's hear some more! Some good information on identifying/dealing with dangerous insects/arachnids: http://bugguide.net/node/view/28627


Cannabrex Formulator
While technically not a bug but a myriapod, giant centipedes are really the only thing that scares the fook outen me.



Anime n Stoner Aficionado
that trantula story is nuts! just got some old furniture from the in laws & somethin had spiders... luckly we gotta attack kitty & she goes bonkers over 'em!


Insane centipede

Insane centipede

genkisan said:
While technically not a bug but a myriapod, giant centipedes are really the only thing that scares the fook outen me.


Yeah, that's not going to help me sleep any better tonight but thanks for the contribution! :p I'd probably explode if I ever got near one of those.


The Son of Man said:
When I was in high school I got a baby tarantula--the kind that grow big enough to eat birds. The terrarium would get to where it stinks after a while so I would have to take the evil bastard out to deodorize the joker. I put that little devil in a tupperware thing, but didn't put a top on it. So it escapes. I can't find that damn thing anywhere. So for the rest of the time I lived with my parents I was always looking over my shoulder for the thing to jump on me like from the movie arachnophobia. Never did. About six years later my mom was putting the christmas tree up in the attack and she found the now big ass critter sucking out a fucking baby squirrel. She stumbles back off the attic walkway and steps between the boards and her feet pop out the kitchen ceiling--she was stuck. The whole time she was up there not three feet from the spider it just sat there sucking out the squirrel starring at her with those little beady eyes. He remains at large.

If you had that shit on video tape you would be a millionare. HAHAhahah funny story man.

BTW lets kill those giant centipedes before they get bigger and rule the world.
HOUSE CENTIPEDES ARE SUM FUCKED UP BUGS. I dont know if you guys ever seen house centipedes before but they are common where i live and they reproduce indoors and once u have them its very hard to get rid of them , rather u can just "control" them. They eat crumbs from food other insects and fruit / vegetable. Here is a link for more info about these little fucks.
