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THC's 2010 indoor


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
imvho (in my very humble opinion ;)) it's safe to use now (still week 3-4 right?) and not leave nasty flavours behind.

naturally I would still aim away from the buds and shield them with my hand (gloved) as much as possibe :)


Active member
good idea jamie

yeah i think it is best to do it that way

treat them once aiming away from buds and shielding them, cuz tuesday i'll get my predators so a second treatment wont be necessary

cuz if i don't do it now i'll have web covered buds in 3 weeks

@ CE : pvp is BAC planbt vitality plus , a very good anti borg product

Karma Genetics

Bro i would spray PVP one last time, And get some roofmijt afther that to be let loose at 5 weeks flower, (the PVP will kill it otherwise)

I do it till 3rd week, my buds taste goooooooooooooooooood


Active member
I do it till 3rd week, my buds taste goooooooooooooooooood

i know they taste good ;)

yeah i'll treat them with that stuff tonight after my late shift

the fact that also you use it and you have great weed , reassures me

btw i did send you a pm bout the predators few days ago


Active member
thx , i also think the quality will be much better now that temps are cooler , everything is much stickier and especially smellier this time

the mirres smell soooo nice this time lemony mmmmmmmmmmm
Nice plants, the cold air makes it smell alot more for sure. Last winter the smell was hanging around my house. I'm sure the quality gets better with cold air in the end of flowering.


Active member
Threw 6 sour jacks from Karma in water just about 24 hours ago on a heating pad with constant 27 degrees and 5/6 have already germed

gonna plant them this evening

the 4 golden leaf seeds didn't make it

i took one embryo out of the seed and planted it in a propagator , you never know

I also defoliated all plants too see how htat goes cuz it was becoming a jungle in there

i also have to train the mirres and the sssdh again cuz i don't want baked buds, it gets 29.8 degrees in the top buds so that is too hot

sadly i lost the cutting from mirre nr 1 , this one was the fast chemmy lemon pheno

pics will follow


Active member
update we are now week 4 or 5 of flowering(depends on strain the sativas began later)

they are looking and smelling great , but i cant help but feel that the buds are really really small especially on the trainwreck

Dubite defoliated the sour bubble about 2 weeks ago and it exploded withj bud growth ; all buds the same size almost

So i thought , lets defoliate all plants , and i did, but i have the feeling they don't all take it so well

also i tried a new brand of soil that could also be a reason the only plants with normal buds for this stage of the cycle are the sour bubble and the sssdh and those are the only plants which are growning on a tested soil mix , all other plants are on another soil mix and the buds just seem mini

I am only topdressing this time with npk and bone meal and kali and judging from the color from the leaves it cant be a lack of nutes , the indicas received their second and last topdressing 10 days ago

Here are the pics , it is a real chaos with these outdoor plants flowering indoors , next year i'll just flower my mothers in my greenhouse and indoors i wanna grow only small plants from now on!!!


here the trainwreck




as you can see tall and lanky i think she stretched too much cuz the lack of space the buds are too small and i dont have real colas

I'm still not usd to this indoor stuff and taking into account that a hps is so weak it cant penetrate

Mirre nr 1


looks real good and has that citrus smell but i lost the mother :(

this was suppose to be my keeper mirre

Happy brother



looks real nice but only the top buds are worht something , i gave her the wrong shape for an indoor grow

Sour bubble defoliated 2 weeks ago , the only plant that has decent buds


Mirre nr 2






never looks happy the leaves always curl and droop

Mirre nr 5



this is one of the longer flowering mirres she needs around 11 weeks

She doesn't smell like citrus but smells a bit sour

she looks great but i don't like her aroma

Mirre nr3 or sweet jack



i think i mislabeled this one as it smells like sweet jack , it smells like the red candy pheno which smells a lot like spg but with a hazy twist




smells real nice and the buds of this one are also developping good

As expected the happy brother looks real nice and is my favorite looks wise and then comes the sour bubble , i just love indicas

I am certainly gonna run the HB again and i also want to tr the bx1 or 2 seeds to compare them with the cut

Happy brother is one o my favorite herbs , i stopped buying it cuz they always sell it as haze in the coffeeshops and most of the time it is not well grown, i have good memories of this strain cuz i did smoke some good happy bro about 5 years ago in the black widow , and i never forgot her

so i'll finally have my own HB

Next run i wanna put about 50 plants in my tent all very small and only 3 days of 18/6 ,this way i can put a lot of HB and they will al get good light

i wanna do an all indica run next time
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Life is one big grow........
nice bro...realy nice...may the will pack on soon!!!
you will love the sourBUbble...its a true indica and realy tasty...after a nice cure is realy sour!! the field is not the best so i am realy happy yours make some good buds...they will be rock hard!!
i also like the heri....!!


Active member

i got mold on one of my favorites the sour bubble

RH ranges from 75% lights off to 49% lights on

thsi is because now it is real humid here

still i didnt expect problems so i didnt install the dehumidifier

i sure installed it now

look at my baby , i lost all main colas , still got smaller buds left




noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there is no satan!!!



i got mold on one of my favorites...

that sucks !!!
i know ...
but though its a fucking summer for all growers here in europe as well
many growers i know got problems with mold this year ...
keep your head up mate
i keep my fingers crossed that you can safe the most out
of your buds :ying:

greetz hans



Active member
thx yeah it is real humid , still i didnt think max 75% could give problems with mold :(

i am wondering how i can prevent this , i mean i got a dehumidifier but i cant close the window cuz the exhaust tube blows air through a small window opening,

so i dont know if a dehumidifier will make any diff

i want more sb but my mom is reallll small and the sb grows reallll slooooowwww


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
mold is a pain in the ass for all of us growers,sorry for the lost of the main cola...but you could use it to make some bho ;)

greets from some thousand km south :wave:


Active member
i've got mold on the outdoor gg2's,very little spots
picked it out & put some wet soil on it(very little bit)


Active member
high guys

no updates lately

I am gonna tear this tent down , also my mother box , and set it up at a buddy's place , this way i can keep my genetics alive

the yield from each 600 watt grow will be split in 2.

I am lookin to rent a place as soon as possible , a house with a garden sp i can start indoor and outdoor again

I harvested a few plants yesterday the mirre nr 1 and happy bro's top buds are again a bit dry like last grow.

I have kept a 55-60 cm distance and the temps didxnt get higher then 25-27 degrees

Next run i am gonna use a cooltube , i mean y outdoor and greenhouse buds are smellier and stickier then my indoor

Buds are real small this time only the sssdh and the sour bubble hae good buds this all has to do with the soil mix as those 2 plants had another soil brand




happy bro

smells real nice in the gh , indoors it smells like a white strain , in the greenhouse i smell the familiar deep warm HB smell




mirre nr 1(fast flowering) too bad the top buds are a bir dry




sour bubble

lost 3 main, buds to mold so not mold resistant , this one didnt dry out and was nice n sticky