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THC injection on UK tv!! (bbc3)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just finished watching a program on English National Telly where a Particularly dumb,bullshitting journalist Injected herself with Pure THC (Duh!) and basically lied and spurted all sorts of bullshit and half-truths to the Gullible Masses!
Did any UK peeps watch it? What did ya think? If I can find a recording I'll put it up somewhere for the rest of the Nation's to see......JBo :cuss:


just watched it on the beeb website...what a loathsome woman...did anyone catch what the strong hasj she smoked in the dampkring was called?
The stuff about pure thc or thc and cannabinoid was a bit weird-isn't the point that pure thc puts you on a paranoid downer a bit irrelevant as not many people will get to ingest it pure, i though that the joy of weed is the different combinations of thc/cbd etc that different weeds produce...wish i was able to find this really strong weed all the wee chavs were goin on about...the majority of skunk i've seen over the last few years seen that is commercially available is poorly grown, usually damp and no way grown out properly to give such reports any creedence. The GP at the start was, sadly typical of the medical establishment's lack of understanding of the plant, although the other guy was pretty sound in his take on the link to mental illness and the gutter-press scare stories..."saying that smoking one joint will lead to mental illness is like saying one glass of wine will turn you into an alcoholic." Interesting program and not nearly as negative as i expected...who wouldn't wanna go to the dampkring after seeing that eh?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
booforever said:
just watched it on the beeb website...what a loathsome woman...did anyone catch what the strong hasj she smoked in the dampkring was called?
The stuff about pure thc or thc and cannabinoid was a bit weird-isn't the point that pure thc puts you on a paranoid downer a bit irrelevant as not many people will get to ingest it pure, i though that the joy of weed is the different combinations of thc/cbd etc that different weeds produce...wish i was able to find this really strong weed all the wee chavs were goin on about...the majority of skunk i've seen over the last few years seen that is commercially available is poorly grown, usually damp and no way grown out properly to give such reports any creedence. The GP at the start was, sadly typical of the medical establishment's lack of understanding of the plant, although the other guy was pretty sound in his take on the link to mental illness and the gutter-press scare stories..."saying that smoking one joint will lead to mental illness is like saying one glass of wine will turn you into an alcoholic." Interesting program and not nearly as negative as i expected...who wouldn't wanna go to the dampkring after seeing that eh?
I couldn't agree more with U Booforever and couldn't have saiid it better so Ta very much! JBo

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
just got doe watching it...ive watched a couple of hers before...
1st does anybody know any1 who injects pure THC?? i fuckin dont.
thrn theres the whole thing about "Skunk" having only pure THC(implied) thats pure Bollocks....
I was very surprised at how fair robin murry sounded, considering its been his research and statements He has made over the past 3 years which have led to many of the most damaging(to the movement) headlines....
most opf the problems she encountered were due to lack of experience and tolerance.. and not finding her right smoke...although i must say the king hassan did seem to suit her well lol....
I will give her kudos for her last 3 words though
"" Drug of CHOICE ""


Un - Retired,
the program had a few good points but a lot of bad points and mis-information


Active member
The title said it all,should i smoke dope?..well love in your case quite clearly not me thinks.Like we give a toss about the opinions of a wino and some body who puffs 20 fags a day,great to see the bbc putting licience fees to good use.In my opinion the bbc should stick to what there good at repeating the same old crap tv from yester year.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
OP were you as pleasantly surprised by robin Murray as I was,....id always seen him as a kob but his view wasnt really that far from my own to be honest...mopst ppls will be fine but a tiny proportion may have a tendancy to o off the deep end.(my mate as an example-2 tokes will put him in the secure unit-without fail)


For all the US/other countries people who can't watch it: go to www.samair.ru, pick an HTTP proxy based in the UK and set firefox(if you don't already have it, get it!) to use that proxy. It's under advanced settings-->choose how firefox connects to the internet. Also she's a hypocrite and a liar, I've never seen anyone inject pure THC, if she wants to tell the people not to smoke weed, she should back it up with REAL facts, not some shit she makes up. There's no way a tenth of a gram of ANY weed can get you as fucked up as she says it did on her first spliff.
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Well-known member
Does it occur that smoking cannabis with tobacco can make you dizzier or ill effects can happen. Also she is already sure that it is going to do something bad to her, she is in a new environment away from her kids and already worried about them. I wonder if this **** is just trying to bring her agenda home when she doesn't understand a damn thing except a placebo affect.


The DEA calls Marinol "medical marijuana."

contrasting the effects between just THC and THC with other cannabinoids as would exist in natural marijuana.

THC has been approved by the FDA and is regularly given to cancer patients. In pill form it's called Marinol.

Sativex is another preparation made by GW pharm. of Great Britton. They are seeking FDA approval. It contains both THC and CBD.


That is segment 5 of six. toward the end of segment five is where the reporter is injected with THC+CBD and then the next day with just the THC. The story continues in segment six.

Again our cancer patients are only allowed to receive just the one. Just pure THC.

When taken by itself, THC may be the very worst part of marijuana.

This video shows that our cancer patients are being fed a drug that can increase worries while they are in the hospital.

They need the herb itself. Just like God made it.


Granny lost her memory because she was old and sick. This was just one persons opinion.
I did not find it to be full of any information.
Also all the glass balls just makes me glad to not be dependent on dealers for medication.

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