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Thatguy's Swamp Grow '08


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice update bro...bout freekin time LOL... glad you had a safe season bro .peace


bwahhhaa..dont forget sarcasm..lmao..
j/k man, what a way to finish! and very well written ta boot!
Glad you had fun outside, I look forward to it as well.


Active member
T, I know, bro! I'm the fuckin king of procrastination! Now to get my ass started on my new thread before I get a chance to do it again!!!

CD, thanks, dude! I wanted to make sure and include as much as possible, as I don't have so many pics!

Here's one to next year!

All the best,


Active member
No, it was picked up at a trade show, I think.

The shop I got it at is like 15 minutes at the most from Sal's place, so remind me when you come this way next. I'll take you there.

All the best,



scared of outside? sh!t man, there aint NO denying whose plants those are in your basement, indoor scares me.
plumbers, meter readers,furnace guy, city inspection,theives, crap to many things to pin you or make you scramble in your own crib, inside aint for me.


Active member
BTW, bozo, yes, I did mean powdery mildew. And Greencure is a fungicide. Potassium bicarbonate & a spreader-sticker. Works good, but you have to apply it frequently during wet conditions. Much better for backyard & ID grows than guerrilla grows.

All the best,
Just looked through the thread, nice grow ya had huh. That pheno 2 def looks tasty. I hear ya on trimming bro, absolutely tedious after ya do the largets nugs lol. Thank god I have a trimmer as well, gotta love the ladies!


Active member
good to see you had a good harvest. Nice to have a professional trimmer like

Look forward to your next one.
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fred norris

hey THATGUY , just found your thread. i will be doing my thing in the swamp this year. mosquito bites, lots of tiny holes from thorns and soggy feet. hope to see you in the swamp.


Active member
1st off, sorry to chaoticmetal and Hazy! My dumbass didn't even have my own thread tagged!

Thanks, metal!!! It was definitely a labor of love!

Yup, you're quite right about the womenfolk...yet another reason I keep her around :laughing:

Nice one, hazy! I had to show my girl what That Girl was, she didn't even know!!! So I showed her the Family Guy spoof on it.

I'm looking forward to growing the next one! :D

fred norris, any help I can offer, just ask! I'm actually thinking of trying some different areas this year, I want to try this with less work than last year.

If I do a swamp grow, I plan on sticking to the edges of marshes instead of making trails straight into overgrown swamps.

The next couple of months is a great time to find cheap waterproof boots. Found some Wolverines for $30 last March! Kept my feets nice and dry all season! For the 'skeeters, I should have bought stock in J&J, I used so much damn OFF!!!

All the best,


Active member
I hear that, fred! It was the driving force behind my choice to grow in a swamp myself. It was the only place I knew I could put all the plants I wanted to grow, and I didn't have the ability to spread my plants out a lot.

But now I have a lifted truck, and the world has gotten a whole lot bigger for me :D So now that I can much more easily spread my plants over a few towns, I will do so.

Because my biggest fear last year was that someone would find 1 plant. Then I'd be screwed, cause you couldn't find just one. You found one, you found them all. Don't want to live with that stress if I can help it!

So anything I can do for ya to make it easier or safer for you, let me know! I know you're cellar's boy, and any friend of his is a friend of mine!

All the best,


Active member
Gonna follow this one , i am interested to see how the frisian dew will do in swamp conditions.

This strain 's got my thumbs up


Active member
THC, you're a little late, bro. This was my '08 OD grow ;)

BTW, the FD did GREAT! Check back 1 page or so for the grow/smoke report.

Fred, the truck was because of my jealousy too! Ever seen the browndirt warrior vids? That shit SOLD me on trucks for guerrilla grows.

Not to mention it took a very trusted friend's truck to ferry my supplies to my grow this past year. The location was 1.25 miles from the closest I could get a car, up 450 ft in elevation! I'd have never made it on foot with all the soil and shit!

Unfortunately I'm pretty positive those 5 gal bags will need water WAY too frequently. I used 5 gal buckets in '07, and with the heat I had to be out there to water them every 2-3 days!

Even last summer I had to be there every at least 4 days, and that was using 10 gal bags!

But honestly, I think it would be easy enough to cut a roughly 5-6 inch diameter hole in the bottom of the bag to allow taproots to make it into the swamp. That way you wouldn't need to worry so much about watering.

Check out some of the swamp tube threads, too. I'm gonna give a shot to at least 1 this year, just to check them out.

BTW, if your old place in CT is close enough to the river, maybe I could give you a hand checking out some spots with my nifty ass truck :D

All the best,

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