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Thatguy's Swamp Grow '08


Active member
Thanks Paddi! That's an honor, coming from you!

Thanks for the info on the P#1. Even though the strain's been around for a long time, finding any info other than DP's is next to impossible.

Update coming real soon.

All the best,


king of the dinosaurs
looks great man. cant wait to see em finish up. i bet you cant either

gotta love a blueberry break between tending the plots


wooow m8 looks great outthere in the swamp the p#1 its a killer i think looking so retardo in a cool way hehe keep em coming m8


Active member
So I was out there yesterday. Things are progressing quite nicely.

The runt.

This one has been stretching for light, it's about 5 1/2 ft tall now.

The 2 I bent.

A closeup.

The FD's.

My flowering bagseed.

I once again forgot to take a pic of a plant, and this time it was the biggest HKxWW. Here's the other 2.
2 angles on this one.

And the other one.

Here's the rest of the bagseed plants.

I looked at the NOAA long range forecast, and it says that my area will get slightly above average rainfall over the next couple of months, and so I decided to make a change.

I was going to just use the kool bloom during flowering, but with the rain we're supposed to get, I decided to buy an organic bloom fert. I bought peace of mind bulb food, 3-8-8. I'm still going to use the KB, but at least this way when it rains it won't be pure water diluting the KB, and the plants should receive better fertilization over the entirety of flowering.

The P#1 should start maturing around the beginning of Sept., and I can't wait!!!

All the best,


Active member
OK, so time for an update. These pics are from the 9th.

I'll get the bagseed out of the way first.

The flowering bagseed. I find it interesting that only the top of the leaf petioles is purple. Nowhere else.

The Passion #1 runt. Maybe 2 ft tall.

The tall, lanky P#1, about 6 ft.

A shot of the size of the P#1 fan leaves.

Random shots of the other 2 P#1's.

The first Frisian Dew to flower.

The other FD.


Active member
The Hindu Kush x White Widows.

And since my partner from last year (who's doing his own thing this year) wanted to check out my shit, I had him take a pic of me in my clearing.

All the best,

little j

looks real good. i have to look into that f. dew plant. others have mentioned it also. say its great smoke. many people seem to be growing it. (i think)? little j


Active member
Thank you, guys!

little j, if you come across anyone growing it or has grown it, please let me get links!! I'm really looking forward to these 2 being done!

All the best,


Active member
So I went out there on Wed and Thurs. 2 days because I forgot that my batteries were dead in my camera, and I also forgot my greencure.

So I used the greencure, which eliminated the PM I had instantly!

The pics aren't the greatest, as it was dusk, and I had to use the flash.

Here's the bagseed plants that started flowering just recently.

Bagseed on left; HKxWW on right.

This Passion #1 was my runt, but it's at least 5 ft now.

This P#1 is almost 7 ft.

And some assorted shots of the other 2 P#1's.

My early Frisian Dew. I'm giving it 4 more weeks, for a total of 10 weeks!

And the other FD, in the middle.

And, finally, my hindu kush x white widow. They're all at least 6 ft, with the last one almost 8 ft now.

All the best,