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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


Active member
wsd mira muy linda! happy harvest! killin it as usual. pass the pipe. consistency rocks:headbange:

ps def lookin forward to the carpal trimmel syndrome as well:)


Living life large...
Caliente, what up with you ? thanks brotha, turned out alright, didn't hit
the 2 lbs I was hope'n for but "What ever" still more than I can smoke !

Handyandy, thanks I saw your chop too, look'd pretty good from here.

Smoke, got it...thanks.

Alrighty then, with another harvest have'n come and gone, it's on to the
next one, the clones are really coming along now, probably let them go
another week and then flip`em, I'm gonna try and keep these a tad more
under control, that last run was knock'n on the ceiling and the pictures
suffered because of it, and honestly the totals weren't any higher so...

___White strawberry diesel___

The Lil~runt in back is catch'n up quick...hopefully she makes the show !

Macro porn...:dancer:
The OGD.


Peace out, Sprout.



Active member
Sup sprout. Some is always better than none all day! Just got back from a week in lake powell and looking forward to weeks of choppin and trimmin! Then back to the indoor grindstone. Rough life we live i know! HA!

Your next round looks good. Healthy and Happy!

over n out



Living life large...
Well after a long time ponder'n my next move,
the decision has been made, and the winner is...


I went with the Ebb and Flo bucket system, now I can put my plants
right where I want them, finally a Birthday present I can actually use !
:gift: This is way better than another tie, or stupid ass socks... :dance013:

Peace all, I got some clean'n :mopper:and some assemble'n too do !

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Active member
Lil Green! I'm stoked for you. I love the feeling of new gear to play with. Have fun and snap some pics while your at it.



Living life large...
Carlos, sorry brotha didn't see your post till it twas too late...
Rock'n the lake, right on and ya it's tough but someones gotta do it !

Silver, that's cool and all but, Sprout don't need no damn leash... Lol !

MileHighGuy, Thanks, long time no speak... I love new toyz too, it's the unknown ?

Brother~man, thanks I'm catch'n up to ya, Lol !

The new whips start'n to take shape, I got the pond liner installed and
covered up with fresh white poly sheeting to give it that sterile look...


That yellow duct tape is some wicked shit, sticks too almost anything.

Oh man... I'm gonna be able too do some serious fuck'n grow'n now !

The brains of this operation, unfortunately... also the expensive part.

Bubble'n since yesterday, gotta get some culture a brew'n,
I'm using 5 gallons of experienced water from my other tank
plus 20 gallons of fresh too get things roll'n.

Gotta get the rest of the hoses hooked up and the tank moved into
position, and the all important "leak check",but shit... I'm get'n there !

Peace, Sprout.

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silver hawaiian

Active member
Lookin' awesome man. I have a buddy who runs a similar setup (8 buckets, 5 gallons, 10" net pot) under 2k horizontal. He grows some f*ckin' tress man.


Does this mean no more dirty girls for a while? :confused:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Looks great sprout !!!! :tiphat:

I'm still too paraniod about leaks & floods on the second floor to do hydro. plus i'm still playin with the passive hydro of coco . prolly gonna stick with it fer awhile cuz its workin great for me .... so far !!!

i'll keep an eye on yer progress though for when i do eventually get into the water :biggrin:


Active member
Oh man... I'm gonna be able too do some serious fuck'n grow'n now !

It,s looks serious Lil : ) will following.See how it shall be done

TipHat . )


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
hell yeah sprout...does the room have that new car smell?!? nothing better than new gear....


Living life large...
Silver, thanks... I gotta admit when I finally finished setting
it all up, I sat down, smoked a bowl, and admired my work,
let's just say that grin is gonna take a few day too ware off.
As for the dirty girls, well that's the real beauty of it all,
now I have room too add more plants, if I get a hanker'n !

dansbuds, ya this type of set up does have the potential for
a fairly large flood, thus the pond liner, if my calculations
are correct it should hold approximately 200 gallons in case
of a catastrophic deluge. also tomorrow I'm installing a self
actuated sump pump with a hose directly to a drain, that way
if I'm gone and something does break or leaks, no problamo !

Mos Cutty, thanks man I was over too your place and I must
say "those are some very, very happy girls you got there", that
shade of green is awesome and that sheen, wow... just wow !

Easygrowing, thanks, I'll do my best too give you a good show,
it's a new set up and all so hopefully things go smooth, I believe
they will, as it's not that much different than my last set up, with
the exception of all the extra gizmos and hoses and such, well see...

budman, it's more of a "new tire smell" what with all that rubber. Lol !

OK, the whips ready for action, the plan is too run it a few days
make sure all the kinks are "completely worked out", then add 1 plant,
see how that goes [couple of days] and if it's all good, add the other 5.

As for the WSD clones, their right where I want them @ 25 inches.

here's a top view, start'n too fill in nicely.

It's been quite the weekend, what with all the construction going on,
too top that off I'm breeding my husky, and if you've never seen two
huskys do it, trust me it's combination of bad porn and a no holds barred
street fight, one minute it's fine and the next it's all out frick'n warfare !
Think I'll go smoke a big bowl of sheesh and just kick back and relax...

Peace everyone, Sprout.

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Active member
Holly Wow that is such a cool setup!!!!!!! Makes me want to get some rubber roofing instead of a blue tarp.

Have you ever used ACT or EWC teas with your set up?

Again your setup is high :woohoo:class