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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


Living life large...
Sir, well...:drum:

StRa, thanks man, glad your enjoying it. :)

I switched my bitches over too plain ph'd water, and just like magic...colors !

Heres my 3 headed monster, A lil~fuck I missed or [fim] it's kinda cool look'n...

And the gunks are finally starting too show some signs of the swell...

The whole gang, Strawberry diesel on the far left, I've been hand watering her for now, but as soon as the others are done [ 2 weeks]
I'll put her on the flood table, along with the WBK. [ the smart pots make that possible]

Lets take a peak inside the cloner...:peek: and the White banana kush takes the early lead...

Well that's it for now so...Peace :smoweed: Sprout. :smoker:


Smile Vs Cry
Yo bro..what a nice nuggs you got there, im excited bro i just buy some staff for germinate the magic beans you give me...few days and popped ya man...
respect and MUCH kudos to you lil!!!


looks outstanding sprout, cant wait to thry my gunk! ill be cutting the madness on saturday at 66 days, cant wait!


Living life large...
Killer, Right on brotha, let me know when they come up !

jonnyb, :)

Here's my new toy...Strawberry deisel.

get'n a Lil~frost on her already...


More gunk, she turned almost black this run !

Top shot, Gunk and Route66 stuffed in the middle...

White banana kush.

She's a slender thing...

:smoweed: Peace Sprout.:smoker:


jealous as always my friend. if his straw d is sugaring that quick, cant wait to see what the white does!:jump:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Your very good at picture taking lil~greensprout. Like the thread and your plants look very happy :smoweed:


Active member
Well I'll be...... That Strawberry diesel is amazing!!! Love the structure / nodular tendencies and fat ass leaves!!! Might have to look into scoring that lineage!!! And that gunk looks crazy, hella black!!! You oughta be well entertained with them dang thangs sprout!!!


Living life large...
Superstone, thanks man I've been want'n to add the Strawberry d
into the line up for a while now, it appears too be worth the wait...:)

jonnyb, I'm look'n forward to see'n that White banana kush myself,
she's a Lil spindly right now, but I just screwed in that new bulb and
gave her a front row seat to the show... so.:yes:

Brother Bear, thanks man, and welcome to my humble abode,
the camera and the flowers do most of the work, I merely try to
put some perspective on the true beauty of these amazing plants.

Carlos, that could be arranged my friend...:bump: pass it on !

Easygrowing, thank you, your too kind. :tiphat:

who dat, :biggrin:

OK, here's a few parting shots, it's chop'n time, I checked the trichs on
the Gunk and the stems were bright red and full, with the heads right
around 70% amber with a few heads that actually burst and shriveled
back up so... I have a feel'n this shit's going to have some couch lock !:smoky:

Top shot, Mission Imposable style...bump, bump, ba, da, bump, bump, ba, da !

I'll be back next week with some new gear, including that Live Fire I'm
currently test grow'n for the House of Love seed co, so stay tuned...

And as always, Peace :smoweed: and be safe, Sprout. :wave:


Living life large...
Carlos, Ya it's one of those sectionals, with a lazy-boy on each end. :kitty:

BroughtSuperior, thanks man ! :joint:

Maj. Thanks big brother...:bump:

Puma, right on...gonna get some of your gear rock'n now brotha ! :headbange

Here's a few pix's from the garden, the Strawberry diesel's start'n
to really stack`em up...it's look'n like I found a keeper, fingers crossed !


White Banana Kush

Live Fire


I know I haven't been hang out here to much lately but I have been work'n
nights...10 hour shifts too boot :coffee: I have about 5 more weeks of this shit
then I go back to my usual day time shift, so please bare with me and know that
I'm always lurk'n your threads, even if I'm not post'n in them, thanks for your
understanding in this matter and I'll talk too you all soon, peace Sprout. :wave:


:good:Don't know what you're bitchin' about...your plants look like they're happy working 12 hour shifts!(lol)Looking really good!

ps. Don't hit me! :wave:


:laughing:damn it man, is that all you have a lame excuse like that? i work 28 hours a day and you dont hear me complaining! :laughing:

take it easy and smoke a big bowl, it will be back to normal soon my friend, then you can enjoy the fruits of your labors.... and i might see something from you after you get some sleep?

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