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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Gorgeous. I hope you find that buck. I've been eatin tenderloins for the past few weeks. Four does so far


Hey hows it going lilgreenspout, looks like you have been keeping yourself busy with the ladies which are looking mighty fine I must say.

Sounds like you have been doing a little hunting as well. It has been some time since I have had deer meat. Hope your able to get that buck, all in due time.

Take care my friend, I will be back to check you out soon



Active member
hm : ) Your "feeling" about those grow-was right then Lil !
Jesus christ-and you can smoke all those weed.Damn..

which Canon and Lens,are you using lil ? will try see about,i can read about it-somethere you showed a box with your gear-i remember. You shall win Lil-got my vote : ) and was looking into Photography equipment and found it : ) expended usm lens auchh..
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Living life large...
budman, maybe next season, he's on private land so he ain't
going anywhere, and he'll be even bigger and more majestic !

Carlos, look'n good over @ your new place as well my friend !

Green81, thanks man I try and put on a decent show... :dunno:

Easygrowing, no need too worry I have lots of friends to help
me smoke all that weed, as for the photography equipment I run
Canon gear with Tamron lenses, I use the canon 18x55mm for
most of the shots and the Tamron Sp AF 90mm f/2.8 for all the
macro shots, they're not cheap but you know what they say...
"The only difference between men and boys, is the prices of their toys"

ganja_hasi, Thank you for the nomination, I can't express in words
properly just how happy I am right now, so instead I'll just do this...
Brother Maj. thanks bro, for turn'n my on to the ICmag community,
I've learned so much here and made some great friends along the way !

OK the loves been spread around...
As you can see I've been nominated for the grow of the month contest,
I can't tell you how honored I am, to have my Lil~thread even considered
as one of the best here at ICmag, the whole concept just blows me away !
That said I'm asking everyone to check out all the other growers in the
contest, [ just click the link in ganja`s post] there's some interesting lighting
in one thread and some frick'n absolutely monster trees in another, find one
you like and vote for it... even if it's not my thread, I'll be voting for Pedro, Lol !


Peace out, Sprout. :)

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Living life large...
Thanks dansbuds for all your support brotha !

noWon, sorry man I didn't mean to skip your post... my bad !
good to see ya back on the boards, hell ya stick around the
best part of the show's about to begin, should be colorful.

Well it's day 47 now and one week since I gave them the flush
and switched them over to straight tap water Ph`d to 6.3, I only
add straight water to the reservoir now so the Ph level will rise
to 7.0 by the end of next week and that's where it'll stay till they
are finished sometime around day 70 or so, start'n to yellow up !

Oh... and swell'n up too.

As for the clones they hardly missed a beat when I transplanted
them, and their start'n too get some green back into their leaves.
That cold pressed sea weed extract really seems to help relieve the
stress`s of transplanting, of course some food doesn't hurt either.

No runt this time...

That's it for now, peace Sprout. :ying:
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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
They look fantastic sprout !!! your in for a heavy harvest :tiphat:

I just gave a buddy & my kid about 6 clones a piece .... they will be happy in about 3 months :biggrin:
Can't wait to do 6 under my lights soon . gonna be a little while yet though . :shucks:


Active member
Thx for swingin thru my place sprout! Always wilkum!

Congrats on the gro o da mo nomination!

Ladies lookin nice for day 47! cheese n rice!

silver hawaiian

Active member

If'n ya don't mind, I'd like to hear some more details about your cloning setup, .. The aero/sprayer gimmick, I get, .. But, do you pH your water? Do you use any additives (at all )? Or just straight water? Any hormones?

I'd love to root some big f*ckers like you seem to do, .. To be honest, at this stage, I'd just like to root some f*ckers, big or small. :)

:thank you:


Active member
Thanks Lil ! and yes agree about boys-Men And Toys : ) very sharp pics then ISO 800-IF you always going those..i would goes down to 100 and shutter low and low speed-If tripod,and if i had those gear.Or flash onto-raise speed to 1000 or more and shutter also up-why-IF increase only One plants-or trics and all around-should be nearly black.
ONLY for mabye advice ! not for be wise . ) lol....have gone your hole threat throug-2 x ..
For learning-cause i cant grow good-take all to loose about keep all clean and about bacteria..and mabye time for also thinking about those PH.
Can see you sometimes are so long down as 5.8.
Things to learn from here-also MC gives many good information.
Thanks for sharing and for the show : ) it,s real weed those ! but i has to find me a new cam and not easy to select..nope..Canons SX40 very much zoom-great pics outdoor-but then indoor and macro,for trics-nope-not good to those-but with 35 X optisk= 840 mm lens-you cant get it all .And the digital zoom is about 148 X or even more-lol-i can watch the moon very good.Or watch my nr plates for about 1 miles away . ) wish i was millionaer.
sorry all my bla bla-just thinked loud . ) yes
Smoke it Lil and friends hmmm !! Lucky one.


Living life large...
dansbuds, thanks man, I'll be watch for your next grow !

Carlos, twas my pleasure I love look'n at your Maui, and thanks !

Who dat
, good too see ya, it has been a while, peep away !

Easygrowing, lets see where to start... I do adjust the ISO speed
depending on the light conditions, it's just that in the flower room
there is plenty of light reflecting all around so I use a setting of
800 to 1000... which seems to work best under those conditions.
PH._____ I Start them @ 6.3 and slowly lower that to 5.8 as they
begin to show the first signs of rapid growth, I grow them like that
through veg and into flower as this is the time that they require the
most amount of nutrients and lowering the PH. [using mostly humic and
felvic acids] makes certain elements such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous,
and Potassium in particular a bit more readily available to the plants,
once the buds stop getting any longer... depending on the strain usually
somewhere around week 5 of flower, I put them on straight tap water
and let the PH. slowly rise back up to 7.0, this let's plants draw off their
own nutrient reserves and IMO sends a signal to the plant that it's time
too finish things up now... and starts the final maturing process.
Millionaire_____ hell yes... everyone wishes that !
Camera_____ I would purchase one that lets you change the lenses,
that way you can always buy more lenses like a macro or a telephoto
when you get more money. And yes friends, I do have a lot of those !

Silver, OK Mister you asked for it... you got it !
PH___ I do not PH. the water in the aero~cloner and I use plain tap
water, I do use hormones, I like to use good old CloneX... I dip them
for 30 seconds and add a table spoon of CloneX to the water...
[ I'll show ya a secret in a minute] I run them like that until I see the
first signs of roots, them little white pimply look'n bumps, you know !
At that point I change out all the water in the cloner with fresh tap
water and then I add 200 ppms of botanicare bloom formula, which
for my case is right around 7 milliliters to 15 gallons of tap water.

First off is a good clean cut @ a 45 degree angle, with a sterilized razor blade, disposable gloves are also a good idea to help
insure that no bacteria from your hands gets transferred to the freshly cut end of the clone.

Next I like too "lightly" scratch off "some" of the hard outer layer
from the bottom few inches of the clones, "lightly" is the key word !

I then go up to the first inter-node and make a single small scrape, about a quarter inch long, towards the bottom of the stem...

Here's my Lil~secret... since we're talking about an aero~cloner here,
you have to wonder, how long is that CloneX gonna stay on the ends of
your new clones... answer, "not fuck'n long" with 500 gallons per hour
spraying out them nozzles, here's where the secret comes into play...
Remember that small scrape we made at the node ? Well now I can use
that to introduce more CloneX as I see fit, I generally hit them every
few days until I see the white bumps and I'm sure their going to root.
I use a clean Q-tip and just lightly brush a small amount on the scraped
area, that way I'm sure they are get'n the steroids and not just wash'n
right off !

There are defiantly a lot of different ways to prepare your clones... but that's how I roll and it seems to work pretty well for me !

I know that seems like a lot of CloneX and no doubt the shit's expensive, but the consensus
seems to be that CloneX has a shelf life of about 6 month to 1 year, and I've never even came
close to using a whole bottle in that amount of time so... I let it rip, or drip in this case, Lol !
Hope that helps clear things up and if I forgot anything just let me know,
Peace out, Sprout.

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silver hawaiian

Active member
:thank you:

Super super helpful!

Any heat applied to the water? Just sitting on the floor, right?

I'm having the damndest time lately with mine. I also used to use just straight tap water, nothin' else, bada boom bada bing, success!

Now I can't get a bump to save my life. Just broke out the pH pen and went and picked up a bottle pH down, brought it down to 6.0..

Added some Root66, .. Oy vey. Something once so simple has suddenly become complicated for me. :wallbash:

Yours always look so great :respect: Big f*ckers too :D

Edit: When you say you add the Clonex to the rez, do you mean the actual gel used for dipping the cuts itself?

How do you measure 7 ml? I'd have to imagine if I sucked it up in a syringe/dropper/pipette, it'd just goop it up..?

Also, I love the touch of the Clonex up top. I'm with you, in these setups, we just blast any hormone off in about .2 seconds.

This latest time, I cut 'em, let 'em set in water overnight, then let 'em all hang out for a few minutes in the clonex before putting in the bucket. ... I'll definitely do some basting next time 'round.


Living life large...
Well there you go, I knew I'd forget something... :tongue:
Heat, No~No, I just let it sit on the basement floor
which is about 55 degrees, I also run a Titan cycle
timer which runs for 1 minute on then 4 minutes off.
that helps keep the pump from run'n all day and heat'n
up the water, generally it runs around 70 to 75 degrees
about the same as the ambient/indoor air temperature.

Measure'n, yes I use a syringe for the nutes, no spill'n all over the place,
and yes I just dump a spoon full of CloneX gel right into the water.

Basting, that's funny... wonder how that turkey I eat yesterday liked it !

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Active member
LIL !!!
: ) Thanks for your time for answering ! Not all are so kind to that-as you are .and You shares your knowledges-also nice done-and shall not learn you about photo-i know : )
But-you can if so-said upper-get a nearly black background-if-fastest timer and shuttertime-and increase trics-in one plant-if-you will and then schyyy...And
You driving dirtbike-sometimes-fishing-playes guitar-an real dog-you have-and do some of the best weed-and thread-Page 8-auch-those reddish strain-it,s insane-look at-

And think You are saying-then lower PH-better uptake nutrients-yes-those ppms-how much-they can "eat" ..and the resultats-speaks,for them selfs ! have done my clonetank bacteria fre now-i hope with bleach and hot hot water-and has to do it right-or-waste of time and money on power-always,i just had used tapwater and rainwater-those water have lesser or no lime-into it-lower PH -BUT-time for grow up-and grow better !!

Yes to those about cam-hm-but mabye i goes buyes.those SX 40 one time again-IF-you will and time-you can see why-in flowers for the Ladyes.And have many others-in good qouality-did not even had it,for enough time-for learn it real for know-But my trouble find that i will and so : ) it,s only the zoom-there doing it "difficult" for buy those D5100.
It,s 105 mm against those 840 mm...and i use it full out-not only for have it ! if in those size-to DLSR-has to be an millionaer-few years back-was halfmillionaer-had sold an apartment-those gaved insanely many money-right to the pocket-for an little ugly apartment-but in the innercity-there pll wanna live-im very happy-for get out,from those innercity-and my life-did not get better-because of all those money-it was only -what should i now buy and so-i spended all to many-on things-there was not nessecary-and was nearly better-then they was away again-most of them-i put into my little house-for not came to spend them all : ) not used to have many many money-so-it,s fells wrong-suddenly had about 100000 USD..and even more-and glad for-they are away-ok-could use some of those now lol-but-to late-

You know-neighbours lawn-always greener-and then shut up-but following you-and reads every word-you say : ) nice fishingpics also-and your dog-are also in the threat-a Huskyn-
You live your life-as it shall be lived-i think !.