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That Backyard Boogy Video Grow


nice man! i love how happy they look. you can just feel them buzzing with energy with the leaves just reaching like that.

Me and a friend have a little outdoor going that has had multiple issues and now some security problems, so I don't know if it will finish but I'm feeling more comfortable about just dumping our entire water ration on them about once a week (works out to about 10 gal/plant) instead of using the timer and spreading it out like 4 times over the same period. Seems to be working so far!

enjoying watching your crop progress..


nice man! i love how happy they look. you can just feel them buzzing with energy with the leaves just reaching like that.

Me and a friend have a little outdoor going that has had multiple issues and now some security problems, so I don't know if it will finish but I'm feeling more comfortable about just dumping our entire water ration on them about once a week (works out to about 10 gal/plant) instead of using the timer and spreading it out like 4 times over the same period. Seems to be working so far!

enjoying watching your crop progress..

Glad you're enjoying the videos. Having security issues really sucks, the next two months gets my fucking ulcer churning! Hope the new water schedule works out for you. All the best man and I hope you get a good harvest. :tiphat:


Bud Shots - 08/24/11

Bud Shots - 08/24/11

Grow has been deleted because the mods are a bunch of hypocrites!


I've seen some white moths flying around at home, haven't seen any at the grow as its about 25 mi away and only get out there once a week. Plus we have it screened in so I don't think many moths should be getting in.. didn't stop the grasshoppers tho :) long story.. No caterpillars yet that i've seen...

Watering seems to be working.. I like the idea of dumping all the water at once so I know the plants get it. earlier in the season have had problems with wild pigs chewing up our main drip lines and all of our water going to waste. Now just think someone else has visited our spot, so that sucks. I don't know if we'll be able to finish it or not, but I got a couple little ones in my back yard so at least I'll get something. If you got a secure backyard that is the way to go! It's good to be able to keep a close watch on them :)


I've seen some white moths flying around at home, haven't seen any at the grow as its about 25 mi away and only get out there once a week. Plus we have it screened in so I don't think many moths should be getting in.. didn't stop the grasshoppers tho :) long story.. No caterpillars yet that i've seen...

Watering seems to be working.. I like the idea of dumping all the water at once so I know the plants get it. earlier in the season have had problems with wild pigs chewing up our main drip lines and all of our water going to waste. Now just think someone else has visited our spot, so that sucks. I don't know if we'll be able to finish it or not, but I got a couple little ones in my back yard so at least I'll get something. If you got a secure backyard that is the way to go! It's good to be able to keep a close watch on them :)

You really have to watch for those moths, they make a caterpillar that will tear your gear up, I start spraying my stuff with BT when I start seeing them. BT is organic and non toxic but it will kill those caterpillars dead. Why do you think someone has visited your site? If they have, you'll be ripped for sure unless you cut it before they do.


I've got spinosad, that is supposed to work on cat's isn't it? Got it first and foremost for a thrip problem i had.. Is BT better if you have to spray something on the buds? You spray preventive once you start seeing the moths around? do you stop with the sprays at some point?

Found a beer bottle cap on the ground next to our plants that we're 90%+ sure was not from us. Kind of remote area, and grow hidden pretty well, private property fenced/gated but others (seasonal ranch hands) do have access.. they are not supposed to be out there this time of year but pretty sure someone has been based on that find.

Definitely worried about it being ripped, as we only can make it out there once a week or so.. not really possible or enough that we would camp out there (only 6 plants that have been through hell at times this season) :)


Spinosad will work on the caterpillars, I just don't know if it's safe to spray on your bud. The BT stuff, it's organic, you could drink it and it won't harm you so yeah, you could spray the BT on the buds. Good luck man, seriously hope you don't get ripped.


You use Monterrey Garden insect spray, its ok to spray on strawberries 3 days before harvest. I had two crops last year, first was destroyed by caterpillars, the second I used Monterrey and I could literally see dead caterpillars on the leaves before they got big. I had no damage to my crop, and sprayed up until 2 weeks before harvest. Shit works.

Ive used BT, and its ok. Spinosad is in the Monterrey Garden spray, its the key ingredient.

Lookin sweet Midnight!!!


You use Monterrey Garden insect spray, its ok to spray on strawberries 3 days before harvest. I had two crops last year, first was destroyed by caterpillars, the second I used Monterrey and I could literally see dead caterpillars on the leaves before they got big. I had no damage to my crop, and sprayed up until 2 weeks before harvest. Shit works.

Ive used BT, and its ok. Spinosad is in the Monterrey Garden spray, its the key ingredient.

Lookin sweet Midnight!!!

Thanks for checking in Cali! Ditto what you said about the Monterrey Garden spray, it works.


yep, got the monterey... at home i've got some pumpkins close to my little ladies outdoors and the pumpkins got infested with mites. been battling them and think I'm getting them under control. jet spraying with water every couple days and neem/spinosad. Seems like I've been able to keep them at bay and off my important plants so far :)

midnight didn't you say you had a mite problem on one of your vegetables next to your ganj plants? did you try to fight them or just rip out the veggies? any problems with mites now or have you been doing anything as a preventative?


yep, got the monterey... at home i've got some pumpkins close to my little ladies outdoors and the pumpkins got infested with mites. been battling them and think I'm getting them under control. jet spraying with water every couple days and neem/spinosad. Seems like I've been able to keep them at bay and off my important plants so far :)

midnight didn't you say you had a mite problem on one of your vegetables next to your ganj plants? did you try to fight them or just rip out the veggies? any problems with mites now or have you been doing anything as a preventative?

Yeah, my beans had mites bad. I pulled them up. Before my stuff started budding i was switching up between malathion, liquid sevin and Bayer Complete. Now that they are budding I am using Liquid Lady Bug and a homemade concoction that is habenero pepper, garlic, soap and nicotine. It seems to be working because the mites are under control.


09/01/11 - Still Shots

09/01/11 - Still Shots

Grow has been deleted because the mods are a bunch of hypocrites!


Lookin good! Whats the devils weed made up of? Looks like some kush maybe? Keep up the good work, your yield is gonna be kick ass!


Thanks for checking in Cali. The Devil's Weed is Afghan x Afghan/Skunk. I grew it last year inside, it makes some big ass colas. One of it's other "side affects", at least for me, it makes me horny as hell, the stuff is natures Viagra! Here is a strain link.

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