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Thanks Bubbleman



I got my 3 bag, 5Gal Bubblebag kit today. Boy, was i very happy and Icouldn't believe my eyes. This unit is made top grade and will last me forever. I love the storage bag that comes with it also. I made my very first Bubble Hash ever today. It was very quick since i had alot to do today but, i was very surprised at how much i got from the last two bags. Didn't get a chance to take pictures of the run, but will with the next run of NYCD that i'm getting ready to harvest in a couple of weeks. The hash i made today was from Green Giant and it was awsome.


Ok, got a PM asking some question so i took some pictures. First, i gave "alot if not Most" of the hash to my buddy. He was so happy and never smoked any hash. I just gave him almost all of it to smoke with some of his other friends and Girlfriend. Here is some pictures of the 3 bag, 5 gal kit. Comes with three bags, two pressing screens, and a nice fleece type storage bag. Here also is some of the hash i got from the Green Giant. The small ball is from the last bag with the small screen hole size and the bigger ball is from the second from the last. Can't remember the screen sizes and i'll have to check later after they are dry. This kit is make of some tuff stuff. Not sure what the material is, and i'm sure Bubbleman will stop by and post the materail, but it will last a very long time. If you take care of it like i will. I don't see myself buying a new for a very, very long time. Hope everyone likes the pictures.

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Do you put one bag inside the other and strain the material thru all thre screens wiyhout removing plant material? Or do you dump the contents of one bag into the next?

I'm blazed on some Kush , please explain

How much plant material =How much hash?

How long did it take?

I wonder how much different the 5 bag setuo is to the three? is it that noticable?

Texas Kid


The bags goes inside each other. You put the plant material inside the last bag which is the center bag. It has the largest holes, you blend the ice cold water for about 20 mins. After you are done blending, you pull the first bag out and let it drain, after that there is no plant material in the second bag. When you pull out the second bag and let it drain, you can see the hash plaste forming on the screen. I just took a spoon and scrapped it clean. Next you have the last bag, pull it out of the water and let it drain. This bag takes awhile since the screen holes are small. You will see the hash paste forming on the screen. After all the water is out, scrapped it with a spoon. Once you are done, you use the pressing screens to press out the water. The hash will still have water in it. I used a towel and put the pressing screen ontop of the towel, so the towel would soak up the water when i press the screen down. I hope this helps, i'm not good at giving directions.

This kit gives you to hash types. You also get two matching pressing screen for the hash that comes out of the last two bags.
Good Luck


Thanks for the info GB

I've got to get some coming to me

Texas Kid


Ive got a few WWs finishing up soon, i think it would make decent bubble. I saw a 1 gal system on bubblemans site,anyone used it.
BG: how long did it take to arrive?




Once they got my money order. It got here in 6-7 days total, pretty fast if you ask me. Came all the way to the east coast from BC. I'm going to be doing anohter run tonight and will post some more pictures, so check back later on. Got the material from the first run and i got some LSD#1 material i'm going to add. Everyone that smoked the hash from my first run, was very happy with it and wanted more. Oh well, only had alittle bit, check back later.


Mmmmmmmm LSD Bubble

Gotta love that

A week to get anything thru the mail is a victory in my opinion

Texas Kid


I had the 3 bag 5 gallon kit. I just got the 1 gallon 7 bag kit a few days ago. Personally, the 1 gallon is better for me since I mostly run schwag through them. Also, my grows never top 3 plants so I've got less shit to run. The 1 gallon bags are very small, but IMHO the best thing smoking (pun intended). The extra bags really clean out all the contaminants. My 45 and 25U bags have had the best hash I've smoked EVER. I passed the 3 bagger on to a friend in the tradition of Overgrowing and Oversmoking the world!


Active member
Hey billgoat, thanks for the kind words, it sounds like your getting the most out of your bags already> the hash looks great, as does your bbag spread. Its great to see people turning those scraps into the lovely hash that they should be turned into in the first place.
LOve to hear a smoke report as well as see some melty pics.
bubble man

ps, ahhh and to answer your q, the bags are made up of a fine quailty gortex, and polyethelene screen.


Thanks Bubblemane, I'm getting ready to cut down some NYCD and will be doing a run of that. I'll have to get you a smoke report from a friend, since i can't smoke now. I got a VA doctors appoinment soon and don't want to piss hot, but i'll make sure to get a report in and maybe some pictures.

OH, when are you going to have those stash boxes up on your site? Want to see some pictures of them before i order one.
Thanks again