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thank the police thread

wallyduck said:
remember the old saying , keep your friends close , and your enemies even closer ..

its best to keep a good attitude toward the law enforcement and be on good terms with them , specially with the job many of us have , its the safest way no doubt ....
treat them like they are your best friends , youll be surprised at how it can help...
Nice post wal ;) Hard to treat em' nice when they beat our families asses though. The last time they twisted my arm almost breaking my arm & said stop resisting & hurt my wrist with those metal bracelets kicked my ass hog -tied me put me in the back seat. I think they just to do their "job" to legally assault people/their victim the one who isn't even fighting back most the time, and that space between the back of their seat is small, and you hafta sit tied up :fsu: I dislike dem basterds with all my heart :laughing: but i'll put up a front for the bitches just to keep my dirty lil' secrets l8 UGK
thanks pigs for givin' me motivation to grow harder :D this buds fer you


livin my way the high way
ok simply put i say FUCK THE POLICE if im starin down the barrel i pull mine out too and go from there not one cop has ever done anything helpful for me. example i was lost in colorado and i saw a cop at a diner and stopped to ask him how to get back to the main highway and he said fuck off im busy i wanted to kick his ass but restrained myself.

o yea i forgot ill be the nicest most considerate person to them if i have anything illegal on me or a good reason but if i got nothing ill walk right up to one and yell
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Proud Cannadian Cannabist
id like to thank the police for being a decent band with a cool frontman. that Sting fella rocks. oh you mean the cops....never mind........


i don't care who is pointing a gun in my face, if you are the authority, mugger, policeman or otherwise and are immediately in control of my life....

i hate you.

i will fight you

i will resist you now or adapt, survive and come back another day. if you are trampling on my rights as a citizen i will die on my feet before living on my knees. so politicians, lobbyists, bureaucrats, and corporations beware. Don't tread on ME!

having said that; i totally need the police to enforce laws of personal or corporate perpetration. without the tip of the spear our society becomes an anarcho-mob, and our meritocracy breaks down into disorder. fuck that.
Fuck your average beat cop/patrolman trying to make a name for themselves. Fuck a traffic cop too stupid to work on crime, just filling quota to make money. Much love and respect to an honest, hardworking detective - they get murderers, rapists, and the ilk off the streets. Fuck a P.O. - both parole and probation, getting their rocks off by stripping away the rights, both constitutional and human, away from people and controlling their lives. But mostly FUCK A CORRECTIONAL OFFICER they treat you like an animal and think nothing of giving you a quick rib shot while no one is looking or spraying mace through the bars.. Ive been there, I know.
FUCK THE POPO!!! I don't need them to feel safe, secure and protected. Thats my job. How much real crime do they actually prevent? All they do is show up after the fact and make a report. The world was a better place when there were less jack booted thugs in uniform and more people taking it upon themselves to provide their own security and safety. Just another part of governments control over it's people. Make people think they need more police, security, pass some feel good laws and GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS.

:fsu: :rant:


Yummybud said:
maybe not you personally but without the police, society wouldn't function.

what would stop people from robbing you, raping people, murdering others etc, nothing.

the police enforce the law, without police you'd live in a society without laws. you better carry your shotgun with you at all times.

Hm maybe because people dont want to rape another person or kill them ever thought of that? i could be wrong of course maybe every one is a homicidal maniac? BTW did you ever see the correlation of crime with the advent of capitalism? seriously the police are only created to enforce the protection of property which is like what 2/3 of the law?

Basically their a form of oppressive social control much like modern day ignorance camps which you must have graduated from.


I can't wait to see the Police. With F*cking Elvis Costello!!!




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wow-some f'ng idiotic comments om this thread huh? Im feeling rowdy today! who doesnt feel safer with the police around? ever live in a society that doesnt have law enforcement? I havent, but im smart enough to figure out that it would be hell if they werent around. how many civilians(smokers, growers, non smokers etc.) do you know who would give thier lives to protect you? not in the general sense, but in the monday 2 a.m. convenience store robbery sense? how many of your friends are willing to patrol areas of this country that you get shot at just cuz your not from there? how many will spend months or years in their off time tracking down the thug that killed your daughter, just cuz it bothers them the case never got solved? or stop on that shitty section of highway to help you out with a flat tire cuz you dont have a jack? anyone who says fuck the police either hasnt given the subject ANY rational thought at all, or is just kinda, well, dumb.
i will take this society any day. fuck living in a place with no enforcement, and even worse, a society where those officers get to decide which laws they want to enforce and which they dont.
Now, that being said, FUCK sheriff john bunnell. (you know, the wildest police videos guy)that guy is a scumbag criminal motherfucker with no morals whatsoever .and all the officers of the law that GET JOY out of persecuting people who fall victim to outdated and evil laws. fuck the officers who lord the power they are entrusted with over the citizens they are sworn to protect. its the individuals, not the organization.
okay, slap me down-whos on board?

p.s. one hint on dealing with popo-when in highschool, DO NOT deflower the daughter of the only state trooper in town, whos direct supervisor is 500 miles away. my beatdown made rodney king look like a day at the spa!
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Do you all know how war starts?

It starts because somebody else is making a decision to change your life. Thats what, Hitler did.

Wars are always fought by the stupidest people because they don`t have the ability to change the world in the right way. This is why they fight, to hurt each other. I.E the stupidest people.
Fact is, cops just do their jobs. It is the politicians that you vote for which make the laws for them to enforce. When it comes down to it, most police are just like you and I. Just people trying to make a living, and help out society more or less. A world without police of some form would be chaotic, unless people learned to be moral. Society as a whole needs law, only because there will always be people out to screw others and not live up to their dues. Justice is not in the hands of the law, but the people as a whole and on an individual level. Since so many people choose to act immorally or not be responsible, there is need for law. Therefor, it is only just that our society is overseen by police.

Morality and law go hand in hand and I'm talking about a lawless society without police (anarchy), it really comes down to judgment being seen on an individual level. Let's face it, man kind in general is not wise enough to govern themselves in an anarchist state. We have enough trouble doing it with a central form of government and laws as it is. People who say "Fuck the police," actually need the police more than anyone. I have no problem with police, but I think if people were wiser they would be unnecessary... for the most part anyways. I give kudos to the police, but not drug laws.


Active member
If put in a position where it was easy to abuse your power you probably would, read up on the stanford experiment...
Those that say fuck the cops are from a small town, and those that say cops keep the peace probably live in large towns....
I didn't mind the cops when I lived in a large city because they wouldn't abuse their power just to bust some smoker, hell I don't even know what you would have had to have done to get pulled over...
But back in my small home town they are terrible terrible people that don't have any real crimes to deal with so they harass everyone for bullshit stuff that they didn't even do... lots of "fishing" going on around here...

And for those of you that say its the politicians fault, fuck off, police can and should use their discretion...
Biggest gang in America.

Majority of them think they are above all of us...either your a brother (in law enforcement) or you're a civilian.

I have an officer friend who refused to ever arrest for weed. He is retired now after 22 years, and smokes just as much as me. So they do have a choice, its not mandatory arrest.

Cops have a choice when it comes to enforcing MJ laws...most of them think it's EVIL and hurts children.

that makes them hate everyone of us here....and for those of you sticking up for Jake, walk up to him on the street and say Hello, I use marijuana, do you think that makes me a bad person? get back to me on the results...