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thank the police thread


Active member
SomeGuy said:
Thanks to The Police for:

Driven to Tears
Can't Stand Losing You
Don't Stand So Close to Me

Huh? Wrong Police?

Bravo... Bravo... now THAT police is the only police I like.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
demonicaardvark said:
but pigs are the ones who agreed to this absolutely corrupt rulebook and use it to impose the most possible harm on innocent people and thats my beef with them.

I could not agree more..

The ''it's my job'' logic is very faulty IMO. I mean sorry for killing your wife and kids but...I am a hitman..it IS my JOB! Sheesh..
I'd like to thank the police for never arresting or ticketing me for the 10+ times I have been apprehended while in possesion of small quantities of weed.

I'd like to thank the two officers who had guns pointed at my face for not arresting me, for not accidentally shooting me, and for not finding my weed that was stashed in the bush, despite looking for it for 15 minutes.



Sneak attack critical
9Lives said:
I could not agree more..

The ''it's my job'' logic is very faulty IMO. I mean sorry for killing your wife and kids but...I am a hitman..it IS my JOB! Sheesh..



The Nuremberg Defense is a legal defense that essentially states that the defendant was "only following orders" ("Befehl ist Befehl") and is therefore not responsible for his crimes. The defense was most famously employed during the Nuremberg Trials, after which it is named.


FUCK THE POLICE!!! Can't think of a time when a cop helped me...or did anything to benefit me! So FUCK'EM


Active member
maybe not you personally but without the police, society wouldn't function.

what would stop people from robbing you, raping people, murdering others etc, nothing.

the police enforce the law, without police you'd live in a society without laws. you better carry your shotgun with you at all times.


gets some
To my local PD:
Thank you for being lazy and thank you for racial profiling. Both of those mean I stay a free man.


Cannabrex Formulator
I would like to thank the police in my area fer being unconcerned with the casual smoker.

God Bless Kebekstanbul, home of Curds (with fries), here in Glorious Canukistan, Land of Moose and Beaver!!!
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id like to thank the cops for not seeing the jar of haze i threw in a residents yard as i was running down the street from them while rolling a blunt on a public table.

i would also like to thank them for throwing me on my face in the dirt and rocks with no shirt on and lifting me up by the handcuffs... and stealing the c note i had in my wallet.

also for not arresting me when i went back retrieved my weed and smoked it all and it was even better.



Don't hate the police, hate the laws. Sure some cops can be assholes, but so can everyone else in society at times. The way I look at it, they're just doing their job.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I suppose like most I've had my ups and downs with cops.
My respectfulness to them has resulted in 'fair play' by a few
who might've taken the opportunity to bust me. One night
while being stopped for a headlight being out went like this:

Me: I sure could use a break on getting that ticket sir.
Cop: Break? I'll give ya a break, do I smell something
burning in there?
Me: No sir.
Cop: I'll be right back with your ticket.
Me: Thank you sir.

I relit that joint about 30 seconds after he pulled away.......


Chat Mod
Usually i would say fuck the police, but 2 things happened today to change my opinion. the first thing was to hear for oncethepolice at my alma matre (according to the news media) responded admirably to an armed subject at the university where i earned my B.S., the second thing being, 3 cars behind me as i got hit by a drunk driver was a police cruiser. my left leg is broken, also a chillum in my pocket was broken. apart from the broken leg, i am fine. please pray, send good thoughts, or positive vibes to the community which is northern illinois university.

peace -fb


remember the old saying , keep your friends close , and your enemies even closer ..

its best to keep a good attitude toward the law enforcement and be on good terms with them , specially with the job many of us have , its the safest way no doubt ....
treat them like they are your best friends , youll be surprised at how it can help...
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Raistlin Majere

weed enjoyer said:
id like to thank the cops for not seeing the jar of haze i threw in a residents yard as i was running down the street from them while rolling a blunt on a public table.

gotta call bullshit here, there is no way you could run down the street while rolling a blunt on a public table, just no way man
i mean i did it once on a public bench, but no one has ever pulled it off on a table before
i need to see a vid or some pix pls

i try to follow the same advise as wally here :joint:


Active member
Hello all,

I have to ask myself why would anyone want a job in which a traffic ticket cna and has gotten cops killed..... respect for enforcing the laws (really, where would we be without them)

Then there are those cops which enjoy messing with people and abuse the power entrusted. ...hate.

Then there is the cops that run into burning buildings..... admiration.

So as it was pointed out earlier, its all relative.

I think we generalize all cops as assholes looking to make your day bad. And for those that are indeed breaking the law what more justification does one need.

I am fortunate to live in a MMJ state. I do not break the laws (well maybe traffic) in general or as a means for a living. So I have nothing to fear from them. I give them no reason to look my direction. I am gald they are there for my general peace and protection.

That being said, there are times when they are over bearing.

Case in point....I used to go to university in a little town in Nor Cal called Chico. WOnderfull place.

Anyway, amoung other local/national holidays that are celebrated in Chico is Halloween. Anyway, back in like 1989 some 15,000 hit the small city streets on Halloween night. People were in costume and others were not. Many were either drunk or stoned or a combination of both. The atmosphere was charged.

There were soo many people that you could not drive your car anywhere downtown. The cops were completely outnumbered something like 25 to one. Some people started to climb up on the theatre's marque. Others on business awnings.

There was some damage done but hte most part it was a peaceful huge street party.

Well simillar occurances began each Halloween after that. The City ordered the general party atmosphere to stop.

So they started to bring in cops from surrounding areas with dogs and body armor.

In the center of twon on each corner of each street intersection they placed 4 cops in full riot gear with ...get this..."semi-lethal automatic weapons".

I asked the cop...why are you here in such force? He replied so you and your friends start a riot.

At this time I was a 42yo man and I was floored by this answer.

I then asked him...."When did I wake up fascist Germany?"

His reply was move along.

I flipped him off and called him a phuquing Nazi and went on to the party. I do not feel comfortable with Big Brother watching me. Never have and never will.

Cops are a necessary evil. But like any watchdog, should not be let to roam unattended.

Just my point of view.
