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Thai Haze X Skunk 1



Need info on the type of high, how long it takes to flower, yield, amount of stretch and anything else anyone can tell me about it?????


Well-known member
I also got these as a freebie

Type of high: Sativa up high
Flower: Probably 12 -14 weeks
Yield: Average
Stretch: 3x


Active member
I am having doubts on the seeds viability...as I have 3 have been soaking since yesterday...No signs of life..no cracks..Not good.. :cuss: Mine came with my order of Hawaiian Snow..from Seedboutique..lets hope they pop before too long..as I'm pretty excited about this strain...Lets all keep each other abreast on how their seeds progress....

Hope everyones pop...

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smellmyfinger said:
Let me guess....u got 'em in a freebie pack? I have the same question's.

LOL...I was wondering the same thing...go figure...

Edits to add....Thanks for the linkage, those threads and pictures were exactly what I needed to know....
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really interested in this strain as well. thanks for posting this thread.! ive only heard from the other threads that this is a long long flowerer 14 weeks like was posted above and that ya its a total sativa.


Thanks to everyone that posted here, Id give you all rep, but cant, maybe I need 50 posts first like I do before I can send or recieve PM's?


Active member
No luck with any popping yet...How about anyone else? How much longer do you think one dares to leave them soaking in water? and still have viability?

Treetops :nono: :deadhorse
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reed richards

New member
try doing the paper towel method, scuffing them, or adding a little(I mean very little) sea kelp to the water. Or you could do all of the above. I find that just soaking in water gives me lower germ rates all around.


Active member
Thanks for the come-back....they have been in the soak since 11:40 1-23, thought I would see even the slightest bit of a crack..Nothing...but I may give your ideas some thought...sure would like at least one to pop...

Treetops :cuss:


Active member
Hey, Did anyone get their seeds to crack/pop? I have mine in vermiculite waiting to see what happens...
Treetops :smoweed:


Registered Pothead
I am five for five. I precrack all my seeds though and put them straight in rapid rooter cubes. No soaking or any of that.
I soaked mine for 20hrs. in a glass of H2O(tap)w/a drop of H2O2 and a drop of Hygrozyme mixed in. Stuck them into moist Jiffy pellets in a tray and stuck em under a coupla floros for 24/0(48hrs now or so)with a plastic dome over them. Dome has been misted 2x/day and removed for a few hrs. as well. Temp in room is about 75degrees or so. Just spotted two poking out!! Looking good...


Active member
Yeeeha....I had 3 pop so far....3 out of 5 for me...but I attribute that to my seed soak, too much water in my tube..think I killed the rest of them...but we'll see...

Treetops :jump: :jump: :woohoo:
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3/5's not bad for this strain, from what I've heard. I'm at 2/5 right now, but it's only been two days. I'm excited too, as I've heard Sam the Skunkman is a talented and respected breeder.

Edit: I actually ended up with 4 out of 5. I just hope they're female!
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freebie thixskunk

freebie thixskunk

got 5 free with order from seed boutique 4 look good one was a seed shell or something going to put it out side in june to see what mother nature does what the hell they were free and something that takes 14 weeks to flower I would need to raise the roo in my house.I will follow this tread wish everyone the best.


Active member
AriesXX said:
3/5's not bad for this strain, from what I've heard. I'm at 2/5 right now, but it's only been two days. I'm excited too, as I've heard Sam the Skunkman is a talented and respected breeder.

Hey, Aries...thats cool to know....first grow for me of these...You grew some good looking Hawaiian Snow as I remember....and we are used to long grows..I cant wait..

Keep me posted...