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Tex’s Farm: Perpetual CFL Micro SOG


East Coast, All Day!
oh and the aloe versus cloning powder...

Idk if it's because of cold temps but I would just stick with cloning powder.... The aloe works for sure... no doubt about it, just not something to brag about.
Cloning powder is definitely way easier...

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Well gang, I really hate to say it, but sometimes real life forces you to change your plans. Circumstances way outside of my own control are forcing me to shut down the farm. Right when I think I really had everything dialed in and flowing. It's all good, no one is dead, busted or anything like that, just shit life throws at ya. So, I harvested the last 9 plants from the perpetual setup...

Got 42.1 grams (1.48 oz) from the last 9 girls. 4.7 gram average. Not the best, not the worst, it was working. Oh well, here is that chop dry and ready to jar...

So, I have decided to finish this off with a SCRoG of the last mom. This is Northern Lights B, prolly the 3rd mom I have had from this one. She vegged about 3 weeks. Topped a time or 2. Now she has been in flower for about 2 weeks. Under the screen for about 1 week. I have never tried a SCRoG, but have always wanted to. So I figure why not.

So, that is where this SCRoG is at right now. This will be my last run for a while, who knows how long. I will let ya know how this SCRoG comes along.

Happy farming, stay safe.



East Coast, All Day!
damn thats a bummer man! atleast you are safe though!

looks like you got some nice dry smoke and that scrog will prob supply you with enough for a few months. try and make it last for as long as possible! don't wanna go back to street weed!


Active member
looks interesting tex! watching
about your post, sorry you have to quit, happy you try to look at the bright side! hope to see you back at it anyways... :)

TexMex McDirt

Active member
soursmoker - I won't go back to the street schwag, never. I hope everything works out and I can get back into the hobby, we'll see. For now, yea, I got an oz and a half to enjoy for a while.

rootidec - Thanks for the words and for lookin' in. Keep up the good work!

johnnyrotten - Thanks. I dunno about starting back up man, I hope so, but I ain't holding my breath. Good luck with your future micro endeavors!


Active member
I'm sad about this news :/. Your harvest looks fantastic though!!!! I hope you continue to lurk around every now and then once your scrog is finished



New member
Hey Tex, great thread. You have been inspiring and informative. I hope all goes well for you and that whatever you are giving it up for takes your life in a positive new direction.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Chloemobile - Those nugs in your last pull looked great. I can't wait to see the new cab. I love the idea of building the frame and then skinning it. You gotta post pics when you get that going.

Kushion - Grazzie. Thanks for your support man. Keep up the good work.

The SCRoG is really shaping up nicely.

Happy Farming. Stay Safe.


TexMex McDirt

Active member
SCRoG entering week 5. I trimmed out some leaf. But other than that I haven't really done jack to it. After running the perpetual micro SOG for so long, that required almost daily attention, this SCRoG is so easy. I check in on it like twice a week. Water it like every 5-6 days or so. Really easy, low maintenance. So, about 5 more weeks and she oughta be ready to chop. I will try to post pics every week or so.

Happy farming. Stay safe.



Active member
Hey tex. I actually finally got around to building something. Ill post some pics in my thread soon. That scrog is looking healthy. I know your results will look great. I bet the once to twice a week maintenance is a nice change of pace.


TexMex McDirt

Active member
After taking a break for some minor security reasons, I am back and really looking forward to getting the farm going again. I had 5 Northern Lights seeds tucked away. I germ'ed them, 4 of 5 sprouted, one refused. I planted those 4, one died out right away leaving 3 contenders. Wouldn't you know that all 3 of those sons of bitches turned out male on me. So, I just sent away for some new beans from the Boo today. I ordered some more NL, cause I really like it, it's super easy and tolerant of mistakes and does well in a micro SOG. I also ordered Blue Mystic. The description sounded nice, it has the same flowering time as the NL and it is said to carry a very neutral odor during flower. So, we'll see what that turns out like. I am hoping to see these beans within a week or 2 and will be getting things going again. Good to be getting back into the hobby. Here's hoping my order to the Boo gets there and back to me with no issues.

Happy Farming.
You will like the BM, I have grown it out twice now. I just sprouted some BMxC99 beans I made about 3 years ago, hoping they turn out nice. I need to order some more BM myself.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
It is good to be back, very good.

FirstTimer10 - Great to hear good stuff about the Blue Mystic. I read that it might be susceptible to mold or mildew. Did you ever have any problems? It is also supposed to have a low or nuetral odor in flower, which is really good for me, stealth. Thoughts on that? Thanks man.

I never had any problems with mold. I gifted some clones to a friend of mine who grew it outdoors in the NE and he had no mold either.

It was definitely low odor When I grew it inside. The first time I grew it we had 2 3ft plants with absolutely NO odor control at all and nobody was the wiser. One had a faint skunk smell if you brushed up against it and the other smelled exactly like blueberry muffins. The last go around my C99 plants smelled stronger than the BM so you couldn't smell them at all.
