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Tex’s Farm: Perpetual CFL Micro SOG

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Your going to need to keep your plants really short to allow the light from those COBs to cover the whole canopy. I would have went with a larger quantity of smaller power COBs but you should be able to make it work.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Hey Bueno Time. Thanks for looking in. Your COB thread is fantastic. Whether or not I stay with the micro SOG Dr Bud style or switch to a slightly "bigger" plant SOG, I definitely plan on keeping the girls around 18". I'm not too worried about COBs light angle (120 degrees I think). They throw out plenty of light into the corners, I wouldn't want the girls to get tall enough, close enough to the lights, for that to really be an issue. When I say a bigger SOG, I mean more along the lines of girls with like 2-4 main colas instead of just the single cola Dr Bud style. Vegged just long enough to be topped a time or two. I'd still want them quite short when they go into flower, like 6" or less. So hopefully the stretch, getting 2-3 times taller, would keep them under 18". We'll see. Just something I'm thinking about playing with.


Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Sounds like you already know what Im talking about and have a good plan. I'll try to remember to check in periodically to see how everything plays out once things get rolling with the COB setup. I think you will like them.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
So, I haven't posted anything in a while and thought I'd share the new farm. I've had the new updated farm running for a few months. I am still dialing a few things in, but overall I'm really pleased with the progress.

Here's the new "room". It's right up in the attic where the old farm was, but this is totally enclosed, insulated and has HVAC coming in through a 6 inch insulated duct. So far thru the hot summer it stays right at whatever I have the AC in the house set to. I have never even seen the cab temps get more than a few degrees over ambient. The ventilation is working awesome. You can see the Veg/Mom cab on the right, the flower cab on the left and the drying/carbon filter cab above.

Here's the Veg/Mom cab. Lights are 4 CFL & 2 screw in LEDs. Right now I have 5 Moms in there. There are two Northern Lights strains (one sucks and I am going to get rid of it, the other produces great product, but doesn't clone as easy and for some reason it likes to make some seeds here and there) and there is one Blue Mystic strain. I like the Blue Mystic ok. It clones pretty easy and produces an ok product. Not as good as the good NL mom.

You can also see some clones. The ones in the blue cups I just put in 2 days ago. The ones in the red cups were just topped.

I cut the clones & keep 'em in the cloning chamber for 2 weeks (the cloning chamber is the water cooler on top of the veg/mom cab, I've posted about it before). Then put 'em in solo cups in the veg cab and let 'em veg for two weeks. Then I top 'em and let them veg two more weeks. They go into flower at about 4-6 inches tall. They finish flower between 12-16 inches tall with 3-4 nice main colas. It's like having 4 Dr Bud style colas in one pot.

Here's the flower cab. The new girls go in on the right. So from right to left that is 2 weeks progress. The ones on the left will come out in about 10 days from now at 10 weeks. My whole setup seems to be based on several 2 week intervals, from cloning to curing.

Here's the LED light. I've posted about it before. I'm really happy with it. It puts off so little heat and seems to penetrate way better than the CFLs did. Sure, I still get LARF down low, but I'm happy as hell with it.

More to come in next post, it only let's me post 5 pics...

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Continued from above...

Here's another shot of the girls in flower.

And here is one that will get the chop in about 10 days. I run 5 rows of 3. So every 2 weeks it's 3 out and 3 in.

And here is the drying cab. The ventilation from the 2 cabs flow into there (I've posted about that before with the DIY darkroom vents) and then thru a filter with the fan outside the cab.

The drying rack and the Phresh carbon filter is in there. Odor used to a battle for me when I didn't room for a filter. Holy crap I love this thing. No odor at all. It's awesome.

I can take the drying rack out for easy access to load or unload. I'm getting about an ounce dry every 2 weeks. More than enough to keep me and the wife medicated.

So, that's what's going down on the farm.

Happy farming, stay safe.


Active member
Tex I am loving the new digs!!!!! the removable drying rack is an awesome idea. you still running the same Northern Lights?

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Hey Chloemobile. I am running Northern Lights and Blue Mystic. The Blue Mystic is ok. I have few more seeds for it so I may look for a new mom, see if I can find a better one. The NL is great except this one likes to make seeds. I never see any signs of hermie, but each plant will have like 10-20 seeds in it. It sucks, cause, well, seeds. But it's also good, cause, well, seeds. So I'm gonna try some of those seeds and see what they do. I love the NL, makes good smoke, it's super durable and stays nice and short.

shawkmon and Mr. Sparkle thanks for the good words. The new setup is working out great. Primary concern was heat, but I got thru the summer with no issues at all.



I would love to have a cut that drops a few random seeds here and there!. killer thread man. just coming back my self. fired up the micro cabs. my outdoor is going to be finishing in a month or so.


Active member
Def nothing wrong with some extra seeds of funk laying around. But I hear you it's a double edged sword. When you have a perpetual dialed in and humming along seeds is the last thing you want. Let's see some nice bud porn!!


Hey Tex, you've got my ideal set-up going on! I'm Texas grower as well and while I'm not a newbie per se, I do have many areas in which I believe I could use some input and advice on. If you'd like, I could post some pics of my little operation (also a cfl grow on the down low <obviously) and any opinions/pointers would be much appreciated.

Love the cure box; very sweet. I have some spare tongue and groove cedar planks that I'd like to have made into a drying/curing station as well.
What a great thread, and links to other great threads!!!! Definitely has given me alot of answers to questions I had, and helped me plan out my 2 small boxes.