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Ok, I just had an idea on pollenating a certain part of the plant, WITHOUT HAVING TO TURN FANS OFF FOR LONG TIME, SUPER CONTAINMENT OF POLLEN!!!

Take a three liter coke bottle. Remove label. Cut the bottom off. Now take a piece of plastic about a foot wide, anough to wrap bottom of bottle. Wrap the plastic around the bottle, and secure with duct tape.

Take the cap to the bottle and sscrew a "I" screw in the cap, dead center. Or just try string around the top of the bottle.

Place a screw in the roof directly of the seed bud of choice.

Take the "chamber" and place over the bud sites you want seed at. Wrap the plastic carefully around the stem to seal the chamber at bottom. Bread tie would work.

Tye the chamber up to the roof. Just enough to suspend the bottle over the bud.

Take your pollen on a art brush, and screw off the cap of bottle. Stick bristles about 2" in top and tap the brush. ASAP replace the cap of bottle.

Wait three days, and unscew cap, mist bud to kill extra unused pollen. Remove bottle and you have just pollen'ed a bud WITH NO CROSS CONTAMINATION TO THE OTHER BUD SITES!!!

Stoner moment......that was a good buzz..


that would make for zero air exchange

good intuition,
crummy idea

use a brown bag
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CaptainJack said:
that would make for zero air exchange

good intuition,
crummy idea

use a brown bag

No Air exchange...For just three days???......whatever

EDIT: No wait....instead of plastic ...use a fliter...cheese cloth(something that pollen can't go through...instead of the plastic!

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No Air exchange...For just three days???......whatever
sure if ya want moldy buds and no seeds, be my guest

Caveat Emptor is all im sayin.

good effort
welcome to icmag



Why don't you just take the plant out of the garden (a non windy location), pollinate what you will using only a tiny bit of pollen on a lower branch and return the plant to the garden? (Fans on)

I do this and I never see scattered seeds in the rest of my grow.

LOL Unless I find a hermie but that's another story.
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CaptainJack said:
a rubberband and a tyvek envelope if ya really wanna get fancy :)

O' fuck ya...A USPS envelope. You could use a tip tie, that has a release...

The bottle will allow light tto the bud, and the filter will allow air flow...dude...that was the key...


shrike said:

Why don't you just take the plant out of the garden (a non windy location), pollinate what you will using only a tiny bit of pollen on a lower branch and return the plant to the garden? (Fans on)

I do this and I never see scattered seeds in the rest of my grow.

LOL Unless I find a hermie but that's another story.

Man if you have a plant in a bigass 5gal job....sitting way behind other plants..

You don't have to move heavy plants using this



check by the door, at the post off.
theyre free


CaptainJack said:
the envelope is white

ditch the bottle

Isn't there a need for the bud to have a little high humidty during the sex? Not wet but a little high.

You can see in the bottle. You can watch the pollen distribute correctly around the bud. Won't this let you observe the hairs turn color at the end of sex...Day or two??
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steel savage said:
End up with moldy-seeded bud . Way to much condensation .

Hold up, So a MJ plant outside exposed to three dark days of rain, would just mold all up?Exposed for the next day or two with 80-90% humidity.. So much for growing in the rain? Come on, They're a little more resillent then that.
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ok i have to run so i cant cotinue to go back and forth with you man

in nature, outdoors, you have a little something called wind

fresh air exchanges is what keeps things like white molds, cobweb mold, and budrot, heck, even PM, at bay.

its no problem outdoors b/c you have wind, and dark days are still days and as long as its not pitch black, the plant will kow its not night time, hence, wont risk reversin sex on you

i think you first need to gain some experience in these things before giving the people trying to help you a nasty attitude

ps- once the calyx has been fertilized, the developin embryo is protected by the calyx, which in turn, is protected by the trichomes, which repel water.

peace and prosperity


Active member
Once the pollen hits the pistil(white hair) it takes about 15 minutes for the actual fertilization to occur.

You can remove the plant,pollenate in a draft free spot and let it sit for an hour or so then take the plant to an open area,preferably outside and take a fan or blow dryer on "no heat" and blow away the excess pollen.Then put the plant back in the grow.I've had good results with this method.

If you plan to use the bottle or envelope here's an idea,do it exactly as you described except instead of 3 days wait about an hour and then take a shop vac or vaccum cleaner with hose and unscrew the cap and suck out all the excess pollen,open up the bottom so the air will flow well,shake it around a little.If you use a shop vac make sure the paper filter is in it or you'll just blow the pollen back into the air.


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