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Texas Medical Marijuana???



So is there anyone in Texas that people can get behind? Why did MPP pull out all funding? Do you think that if California passes prop 19 it would change anything?


So is there anyone in Texas that people can get behind? Why did MPP pull out all funding? Do you think that if California passes prop 19 it would change anything?

No, Because, and No.

U need 2 forget bout Texas bro. I guess maybe you need
to spend some time down there or something, because u
seem to think ppl down there will legalize medicinal can-
nabis when the truth is that Texas would be one of the
very last states to adopt such a proposal. No 1 will back
it in Texas, so there is no 1 to back. MPP pulled out b/c
they see the situation for what it is: Pointless. In Tex we
say "you got to pick and choose ur battles", and spending
money on legalization in Texas is a complete waste o time.
I hope 1 day this changes, but I also know that that day
is far far away. Fight the good fight elsewhere. Texas is 2
old school to jump on the medicinal bandwagon. Trust me.
When it does begin in Texas, it will begin in Austin for sure.

But that's a waze off.
Check this article out then this one.
I don't think it is quite so bleek.

Juarez is one of the world's deadliest cities. El Paso the safest. Thats called military precision. They know the game and they are playing long ball. This is a one time only chance for them to take their dirty money clean and stop running coke for the Colombians. Remember they grow their own too, not the coca tho.

i can explain further.


Two things stuck out at me. First, both articles were written
nearly 2 years ago, so I don't kno how they're relevant today.
Second, notice how 'Anonymous' is doing all the big talking. El
Paso ain't going to influence the rest of Texas, but I can see
where they would benefit from cannabis bein legalized. Bottom
line is that Texas is too conservative and will be 1 of the very
last states to accept cannabis as medicine. Again, I hope I'm
wrong and I hope things change, but I kno better. I was born
and raised there, and I know they have no plans to legalize it.

Texas is 2 old school.


line is that Texas is too conservative and will be 1 of the very
last states to accept cannabis as medicine. Again, I hope I'm
wrong and I hope things change, but I kno better. I was born
and raised there, and I know they have no plans to legalize it.

Texas is 2 old school.

No way to argue with you... because there really is no current reason to think that Texas will ever approve it.

But idiot Perry will get elected again and continue putting us in financial problems. And IF other states start getting nice revenue from the taxation MAYBE Texas would consider.

Crap, I guess I am dreaming again. Best chance is for the US to legalize Med Marijuana to ever buy legally here in Texas.
If Prop 19 passes then it will be possible for MMJ here on the ballot in 2013 with the backing of the Cubans. As Cali goes so does the rest of the country. :pimp3:

Space Case

Well-known member
This is the only way to combat the drug violence on the border...grow your own...don't support the cartels...


Active member
its funny during the world series so many rangers fans were talking shit about SF,even the announcers,bunch of pot smoking hippies.. now look who wants mmj haha.. texas yall


Active member
my doctor already knows i cant digest all the brisket and pit bbq without a dub of sour d !!


That will be the day! I would have to agree on the Austin thing, I stay here and this city rox, lots of music and fresh herbs. the slogen is keep it weird and it seems like everyone smokes.


I believe El Paso has a lot of potential, and not just at state level but national. It can be a good reason to legalize, and actually PROTECT our borders.

And anyone who thinks no one will back legal CANNABIS, look no further than Ron Paul, who's a State Representative of Texas.:tiphat:


As a life long resident of Texas until a few years ago I can tell you that Texas will absolutely be one of the last if not the last state to adopt any sort of mmj program. But not for the reasons that most people think.
Texas is dominated by a republican government, but only because of some very crafty and not exactly honest realignment of congressional districts in the state a little over ten years ago. In almost any poll of the state the voters fall around 51% republican 49% democrat. If even half of the eligible black voters actually voted those numbers would be very different. Blacks became even more disenfranchised than they already were with the realignment of districts which split the democratic vote making it all but impossible for dems in any numbers to be successful.
But that is not the real problem in Texas. The real problem in Texas is money. There is lots of pot in Texas. Probably more than any other state. They are absolutely flooded with Mexican pot. I can go to any town in any part of Texas and score pot in no time...cheap. A very high percentage of all the Mex weed that comes to this country passes through the lone star state. And there is our biggest obstacle.Every little podunk town along the trade routes are in the business of drug busts and money confiscation. Some local governments have almost no other source of income and they are in no way ready to do anything that might jeopardize that.
Personally I don't see how a sensible mmj program would interfere with that, but when the loudest voices in the state are all from the religious right and all the rhetoric that brings, it becomes much easier to understand why it will be such an uphill battle.


Active member
They need to get Pat Robertson down there to talk to people.
If pat tells them jesus wants medical marijuana, they will listen.
They're big into their jesus in TX.

rick shaw

I lived in North Texas many years ago. The political landscape that I remember is that they will approve mmj the day after they register guns and the day before gay marriage.
You can always tell a Texan,but you can't tell them much.

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