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Texas growers unite

well good news everyone finally got ahold of my buddies, there power is still out put the gilrs are chillin by the glass sliding door for now. Now i can chill out and smoke a bowl and not worry about my investment going down the drain .


Anita Bonghitt
oh those plants will be fine for about a week or more with no light, they wont be happy, but they will survive. :violin: :cuss:

good luck dankage>>.


Active member
Well I guess I will invest in a HID light and get it over with. I want to grow a small amount of personal use weed. I went through the Hurricaine in Houston in 83 and was without electric for 10 days then. Nice to see a Texas growers area to read and follow. Once a Texan always a Texan as ya well know.
Sending for my seeds now and gathering supplies and equipment. My lanau is about
10' X 30'....a whole wall of windows floor to ceiling facing south.....but I do feel I will need supplimental lighting though. New laws here on growing and 25 plants maximum or you can have your property seized. They have been bustin' a lot of grow houses here lately..... Damn antiquated laws. I need to relocate to a legal state.


Active member
Carl Spackler said:
First time back online since 2:30 am Saturday and we have been without power until today about 3:30 pm. Man I gotta tell ya never again. I am about 20 miles straight south of Houston. I am 50 years old and I grew up in Florida for 22 years, seen many a cane. Been in Texas for 28 years. This thing shook my house like nothing I've ever seen and I live in a brick home. I lost most of my shingles and gutters and about 300 feet of 8 foot privacy fence. Pretty lucky really. Scared me and I'm fearless, lol. I had my barometer out and just watched it plunge as my ears popped for about 3-4 hours. I got 941 mbar here on my pos Sunbeam, probably not right, I dunno. From talking to some friends I estimate we were 10-15 miles due west of the eyewall. It was intense. My 4 cats were terrified and followed me everywhere I went, lol.

Hey you are the opposite of me....I grew up in Texas and ended up in Florida as a military wife and I have been in the Tampa Bay area since 1985.
But that hurricaine in 83 scared the hell outta me. We usually don't get a direct hit in this area. But I have been dealing with hurricaine season since 1970 basically. Ya just learn what to store and how to survive it. Looks like Galveston was trashed this time. It was destroyed in 1900 and no early warnings like today.


Active member
Dramajic said:
I am currently without electricity here in Houston. I run my generator maybe 6 hours/day and keep floros on my crop.

Cannabis needs full sun to do well. For a small grow (maybe 6 plants) a 400 watt HPS does well for me. The problem is the heat. If Florida is as hot as Texas, it really screws up your AC. I try to get in 2 1000 grows per year during the winter months.

Electric bills such as yours should not be a problem. The utilities are looking for the 4000 plus watt grows. It they busted every grower with a back bedroom full of weed, they would jail thousands of us.

I say grow grow grow. If they want to put my ass in jail, come get me. I am 65 years old and retired. I hear the food in the lockup is not all that bad.

Yeah I have been goin' to grow for a while....but am hesitant as I don't want to go to jail and be somebodies BIOTCH!!!! lol!

but I am retired on disability also and 60 years old. Happy to know I am not the only old stoner here. So they can take granny to jail if they catch me.
Actually the inmates get the best medical care in the nation IMHO! I was a county jail nurse in this county 96-2000.....

So they would have to put me in AD SEG if I ever got arrested as a former employee. NURSE NOT LEO GUYS........Big dfference......
But I worked at Shell Oil Refinery in Deer Park before going to nursing school here. But retired now and speaking out on benefits of MMJ now.....and still am able to keep my license "so far." I don't wanna work no more anyway.
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Afternoon all,
Add 2 more to the vault....Mod's Menage a Trois & (Mazar-I-Sharif) as a freebie with my latest order from Seedbay....... :jump:



That's awesome Movin', means my godberry should be coming in by the end of the week. I had a pleasant surprise a couple a days ago when I found some seeds that I had hidden in a DVD case. They are from a bag of purple that I had bought a while back, so I popped them in a glass of water and put it on top of the DVR and today I had little white tails. Quick, fast, and easy.

How are those Citral plants coming along? :D

Bush Grower


Movin', shiggs, I'm jealous of yalls new genetics.

I'm chuggin right along. My blueberry seedlings are bouncing back from the hurt I put on them by ignoring them in the paper towel. I wasn't sure if they'd live or not. I only lost one, so that's good news for me.

And I'm redesigning my stealth dresser due to unfortunate circumstances (the carbon scrubber didn't fit into my cab (duuuuh), the 4" vortex was way too loud to be stealth, and the 250w hps needed to be aircooled). Ohh...and the duct tape wasn't holding the plastic on the walls so it was a firehazard.

I have 2 tests tommorow. history and math. wooohoo

Peace love and afro grease.


Morning all,

Here are a few pics of what I have running. Wallyduck's C99, Nirvana's Blue Mystic, NLxShiva, Citral, and my house sativa. Around the 28th, makes 30 days, so, just waiting for em to show their sex. I picked up a new Hortilux 600, so the little ones should love the new indoor sun. I'm real excited about the new beans, the more the merrier....shiggs....Citral is doing great so far, That Godberry sounds good also, let us know what your freebie is....Bush Grower.....I've been checking out your cab, to bad about having to redo...lol "jealous of yalls new genetics" cuttings will be passed around.....growDaddy...Did you see that pic also, looked like someone poured a bag of sugar on it..uummmmm hash.... Ok folks have a great day and stay safe....

Group pic

My house Sativa

Northern Lights X Shiva and my house Sativa

Floros glowing


looks funny to me...bare......I'n used to seeing it full of growing/flowering plants.....


Planning a move back to the big D next year. Might just have to keep checking this thread and meet some kind folks before the move.


Active member


growDaddy said:
hey madrecinco, I love Janis myself

Great.....I had the privelege of meeting her while she was attending U of T and developing her voice at Threadgill's in Austin.....which tells you how old I am LOL!!! Though I actually am a few years younger than she was.
But I brought my kids up singin' Mercedes Benz....Bobby McGee and CRY!!!!


I love the "Republic of Texas" under your name. I am a misplaced TEXAN STUCK IN FLORIDA!!!!!!
My family was some of the original settlers in NE Texas in 1845 before Texas was a state.

I live in a "retirement condo" in St Pete now and most of the old geezers in my building are eastern europeans for some damn reason and average age is 90.....Bosnians....Ukranians....Polish....and my neighbors sometime ask me what country I am from.....AND I TELL THEM I AM FROM THE COUNTRY OF TEXAS!!!!!!!!

I have been here in the Tampa Bay area now since 1985......military widow.....
and my new guy....from Baltimore says I am a misplaced Texan......so that is what I call myself now...

These Canucks and ferieners keep makin' fun of my accent which I can't seem to change......LOL!!!!! And now AM PROUD OF!!!!!!!
BUT they think anybody below the Mason-Dixon is "IQ IMPAIRED"
Even though I have an MSN......they judge you by your accent and consider rednecks inferior humans......


But I laugh about it now and show my pride at being a NATIVE TEXAN!


Sorry.....I get a little carried away at pride in my home state!

Yes there was ONLY ONE JANIS J!!!!! Ansd I did love her and hope to see her again in the other world after life is over. :joint:


madrecinco said:
Great.....I had the privelege of meeting her while she was attending U of T and developing her voice at Threadgill's in Austin....

I never got to meet her but the night she died I had a dream that was more real than any dream I've had.
listening to me and Bobby McGee always makes me cry :violin: