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Texas growers unite


Howdy Y'all, this is my only survivor, I might have posted my buddy over done the ferts. Out of 7, she's the only one left. Meet Molly Brown...... (unsinkable...... get it?.....oh well.....I'm high again.......wait!........am I thinking this out loud??...........shit!)





Howdy Y'all, this is my only survivor, I might have posted my buddy over done the ferts. Out of 7, she's the only one left. Meet Molly Brown...... (unsinkable...... get it?.....oh well.....I'm high again.......wait!........am I thinking this out loud??...........shit!)


Bud mold last pic, 6 o'clock...just a heads up.....:2cents:


That's what I thought, Thank you!. How do I kill, kill, kill.....?

Don't smoke bud with mold on it for sure. If you can, try to remove the affected areas. Make sure you dont touch anything until youve washed your hands. It can and will spread. Trim back the dead and hope for the best. If it were me I would harvest right away and trim out the bad.


Active member
Whats up homeys?

Still alive and well here in my little piece of Texas heaven. Me and BigTex fighting out for biggest bud in Texas! Grow on!

July 30th.


Aug 15th/

Aug 26th

Sep 9th





Active member
Thanks river rat!

Nope, it's 6 mill heavy duty roll plastic. Next year, I will upgrade to better panels. Either solexx or poly panles. I like solexx because of the increased insulation. We'll see.


nyce greenhouse it looks fairly simple to throw up...i might wanna try it


Active member
nyce greenhouse it looks fairly simple to throw up...i might wanna try it

It's super simple and cheap, I built mine for under $300 and that includes the greenhouse door (it was on sale for $50). Can be done in a day with a friend.

Dimensions: 20 foot long, 10 foot wide, 10 foot tall and steeps up at the ridge at 14 foot. Thats all the space I need (I grow for myself only).
Be careful though if you live in a humid environment, you might have problems with mold.


New member
Late reply sorry! I had to start over on my c-99 turned out to be males. I have a few more going right now. I got them from The Rev his c-99 line I have heard good things about him and like his TLO growing style.

Bush Grower

I had to go to the 5th page to bump this thread

Very very nice plants relief, they look tasty! You will be having a good harvest for sure!! :joint:

Let me introduce you to my baby.

She is dutch passion masterkush sitting under a 1k MH for now.

I've been topping her like crazy the past week. I counted about 50 topped shoots which were all cut in less than 5 days.
I also fimmed a handful of them. Some shoots have been topped, then the two new nodes topped again.. just in the past 5 days!! Gotta love how fast Mary Jane grows!!
By my math that should give me about 50+ new shoots popping out of this baby within the week. That will bring me to about about 115+ nodes.... :yoinks:

I think it's time to flip the switch in about a week. :woohoo:




good vibes,
BG :joint:

Bush Grower

Nice plants!

You outdoors guys are nearing harvest, eh? lucky bastards! :wallbash:

I decided to install my friend's Fresca Sol in my closet today. It is a watercooled "cool tube" (air doesn't pass through it). I'm pretty excited to get it running this afternoon. It doesn't seem like many people have tried them out.

I have been having some heat problems, so hopefully this will clear that up.

Stay safe,
BG :joint:

Bush Grower

Actually, I didn't have the water cooled cool tube hooked up very long. My chiller wasn't big enough (1/10HP) to keep up with the heat and water temps rose to 115+... the air to around 90. I had to figure something out quick so I ended up getting a portable A/C at wally world.

If you want to know more about my grow you can go here. My grow thread could use some company anyways lol.

How's everyone doing, how are your grows coming along, etc. lets see some pictures. The Texas grower's thread at rollitup.com is so active... multiple posts everyday. It makes me sad to come back over here and talk to myself rofl. so, I'll get us started:
