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tethering cell to laptop help needed


Active member
ok ive spent the better part of the past 6 hrs trying to get my cell to work as a modem/driver for my laptop (to use the net on my comp. w/ it)...following what seemed to be fairly simple instructions.

my phone is samsung eternity (sgh-a867)
my comp is hp pavilion dv6000 w. windows vista

i followed instructions on this link to samsungs website, and downloaded the "pc studio"..and the 'driver'


the "pc studio" shows up fine on my comp, but it keeps saying that it doesn't recognize the 'driver'.

ive looked in other forums, and not much help...ive rebooted everything a bunch.

any ideas?


ICMag Donor
I use to do this. Sounds like you are doing everything right. Try uninstalling and then reinstall. Or try thr repair installation option. Let us know how you go ...


ICMag Donor
Also after initial installation, did you restart/reboot ya computer and check for samsung updates? I had a samsung sgh handset a few years ago-not the same one tho. And I use to always use it as a modem. I don't remember having any problems with it. If it's the usb drivers your having problems with, I really think it has something to do with the installation. Close ALL apps when reinstalling too.


Active member
ill give that a shot...i'm not feeling very optomistic right now after so many hrs of struggle...but ill un-install and try it again


ICMag Donor
I know all to well how exhausting sftware can be to install... Goodluck. I will ask my husband Shaun. He is pretty computer literate...

He said to make sure you connect phone after opening samsung application, not before. Try that too...

h^2 O

i thought for sure BB was going to be the author! :) oh BB. Yuke man if you're POSITIVE you can use that phone as a modem with that OS, just keep trying - uninstall and reinstall until you get it going. Try tinkering with the phone's settings for modem use and then your networking options to make sure you're able to use a phone as a modem


Active member
well im even less where i was as 'pc studio' doesn't even come up now, and i was prompted to D/L MS explorer 8...then get compatability prompts vs. samsung....

i guess ill restore this and keep trying....im not the only one that has had these issues...from reading other forums.

some peeps can actually get it to work better thru bluetooth and not thru the usb...strange???
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h^2 O

hmm yeah tech. stuff is a pain in the but-tocks when it's not working right. If you have bluetooth on your phone and your computer that would work easy. When you say the DSL you mean a cable connecting your computer with the cellphone? Is it all weird? Or a regular phone line? Yeah I think bluetooth is what you wanna do. Im sure you have it on there somewehre

You might want to look into a Linux distro like Ubuntu - it's like an OS for stoners. It does everything for you and fixes itself and makes things like the modem problem work by taking it into its own hands and doing the code n stuff.
In 2 years? not once has it crashed or had any problems. And ALL the software is free and legal - I have SO much on this laptop its not even funny - like tons of video editing stuff, music recording.
download the Ubuntu Live CD!


Active member
...well so who would i pay and how much would it cost...or who can i call...this sucks.

i know it works cuz ppl do it.

i dont know what att thinks about it...prolly get a 500 dollar charge in the mail after the 1st month.

...if i even figure it out to begin with.


Active member
hmm yeah tech. stuff is a pain in the but-tocks when it's not working right. If you have bluetooth on your phone and your computer that would work easy. When you say the DSL you mean a cable connecting your computer with the cellphone? Is it all weird? Or a regular phone line? Yeah I think bluetooth is what you wanna do. Im sure you have it on there somewehre

You might want to look into a Linux distro like Ubuntu - it's like an OS for stoners. It does everything for you and fixes itself and makes things like the modem problem work by taking it into its own hands and doing the code n stuff.
In 2 years? not once has it crashed or had any problems. And ALL the software is free and legal - I have SO much on this laptop its not even funny - like tons of video editing stuff, music recording.
download the Ubuntu Live CD!

thanks, but i dont know about ubunto...i did read about ppl using whatever it is...im not a pro at comp stuff obviously.

h^2 O

oh there's the "Geeksquad" from Best Buy - 24hours I think. But $$$. They will actually come to your house.
Ubuntu is just an OS like Windows, except there's no BS like what you're dealing with (problems, no help, dead ends, no driver help) and it's free. You can download the Live CD and make a bootable disk and then there's an option to try it without messing up your computer/changing things. Do that to try it out, and if you like it, you can set up a dual-boot of your Windows as well as the Ubuntu or just delete the Windows entirely. I'm not a computer person at ALL. I just check my email and look at porn. But after I got Ubuntu I started getting into the technical stuff (nothing like code or anything, just pushing buttons and remembering what they do)
you want to select 8.04 lts, as it's being maintained through 2011

this is actually a desktop. here's an application/utlility called Compiz Fusion in action - it basically gives you 4 desktops at once. Right there it's being panned out to search around the other desktops.


here's your basic desktop (decorate to taste)

im putting that one in bikini hobby thread

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
hey yukon, are you sure you have the tethering service activated thru your carrier?

ya cant just hook your data enabled phone up to a computer and expect to hit the net... the provider needs to switch a certain flip...

just a heads up, im sure you already have this down, or atleast i hope so!


Active member
so if i take my gear in somewhere tho they are gonna see all my shit on there if they want....not like they care im sure, bu't i cant delete it all....pics and history.

buy a new comp is prolly cheaper than a comp tech. w/ a sheriff daddy.


Active member
hey yukon, are you sure you have the tethering service activated thru your carrier?

ya cant just hook your data enabled phone up to a computer and expect to hit the net... the provider needs to switch a certain flip...

just a heads up, im sure you already have this down, or atleast i hope so!

im not sure of that at all

h^2 O

or instead of a comp., buy a wireless airtime card? They're like $50 a month and maybe 100k/second?

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
im not sure of that at all

for example:

If you're paying $29.99 for your Blackberry Email & Web plan then the tethering would be an additional $30. Since they're each a seperate price the usage and allowance are also seperate. Your $29.99 data plan for the device is truly unlimited, there is no cap for data usage directly on the device. Tethering is where you're limited to 5GB/month but the usage is only for tethering. Any data usage you do directly on your device will not count against your 5GB for tethering.


Active member
or instead of a comp., buy a wireless airtime card? They're like $50 a month and maybe 100k/second?

thats what im trying to avoid...i already pay a grip for internet at home...and grip for my fukin phone, and grip for my stupid satass TV...i dont need a fukin aircard to boot.


Active member
oh there's the "Geeksquad" from Best Buy - 24hours I think. But $$$. They will actually come to your house.
Ubuntu is just an OS like Windows, except there's no BS like what you're dealing with (problems, no help, dead ends, no driver help) and it's free. You can download the Live CD and make a bootable disk and then there's an option to try it without messing up your computer/changing things. Do that to try it out, and if you like it, you can set up a dual-boot of your Windows as well as the Ubuntu or just delete the Windows entirely. I'm not a computer person at ALL. I just check my email and look at porn. But after I got Ubuntu I started getting into the technical stuff (nothing like code or anything, just pushing buttons and remembering what they do)
you want to select 8.04 lts, as it's being maintained through 2011

best way to recommend ubuntu to windows users is through wubi. it's an installer you run on windows, it downloads ubuntu, sets it up for you with a boot option, and that's it. let it run for an hour on windows and when you get back, you have ubuntu and your microsoft os on duel boot. :woohoo: wubi is the shit!.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

can you walk into your cell providers store and ask them to
assist you in the mating of the two? if not then ask the local
competition to help you if they can, they might get a kick out
of putting the screws to another providers cell network.......



Active member
well i did stay up most the night fucking w/ it, (havent fucked w/ ubuntu yet)...maybe will today...but still not working.

all i know is, that i'm just soooooooooooo happy paying out my fucking ass for wifi, sat.tv, cell, electric, water........................these fuckers take half my fucking check every month.

...plus now i pay for cable 1 out of 4 mnths at work and soon to have to pay for some type of internet 1 out of 4 there also...unless i get this shit on my own program. (my work limits almost all web sites...outside of our own).

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