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Tester: Sherb IX x Pink Runtz


Well-known member
Greetings everyone. Welcome to my tester grow thread. Thanks @Karma G for the opportunity. Seeds hit water a few minutes ago. My method is paper towel in a glass. Image below. I find this quite foolproof and as long as seeds are viable, I get a tail. I’ve never had need to do any other method or use any type of cleaner for seeds. If your paper towel is long enough, water wicks up as needed mostly. Once a day or so I’ll tip the glass and wet the seeds a bit if needed.

I use straight tap water for seeds, right out of the facet. No overnight to let anything evaporate off. At this point, No worrying about PH or anything for that matter. KISS is my mantra.

This grow I’m going to compare two very different grow styles for this particular strain. See which produces the best end result. Comments are welcomed and encouraged but keep it civil.


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Well-known member
And so it begins...

Late yesterday I saw one seed had a tail and was clearly ready to go into a peat pellet, my next step. I waited until today though and woke up this afternoon and saw all four seeds had varying degrees of tails. All were ready and I got to work.

As an FYI - the glass was on the kitchen counter top, not in darkness and at room temp. The glass was slightly chilly and I was thinking of moving them on top of the water heater, but didn’t. These seeds are good and strong and didn’t need babying to show tail.

I found my needle nose pliers and hydrated the peat pellets. My style is to use the needle nose and grab the seed, gently of course. I like to do this with the smallest amount of tail showing, point the tail down and drop/place gently the seed into the peat pellet hole.

These seeds actually grew fast and got slightly larger than I like for transport. But... gentle, make sure the hole is large enough, try not to let anything touch the tail, in it goes. Now is a waiting game and keeping the peat pellet moist enough but not overly so.


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Well-known member
Update time. All four Seeds i popped came up and are doing fine. I transplanted them from peat pellets into happy frog soil yesterday . Next transplant will be into two different soil mixes. As an FYI I always remove at least the outer netting on the pellets. I also remove the pellet from around the roots. This is likely overkill but I do anyways. Plants are doing well among the purple yams. Soon they should start taking off.
Image below. Also my veggies growing in the veg tent..


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Well-known member
These fine little ladies are starting to take off under the Martian sun. Nestled nicely into the middle of my purple yam grow still. They need some time in this container then more fun begins. An organic and a non organic soil mix is planned.

About time to start making winter salad.


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Well-known member
Hi Fletch! Thanks . Things are growing along nicely. Yes I’m growing the yams for eating. I put them in an old styrofoam cooler and poked holes in the bottom for drainage. The old phrase ..”hill your potatoes.” I buried store bought purple yams in the bottom of the cooler and what you see is the plant that grew. Hopefully I got bunch of yams growing in the soil below the surface. Never grew these inside before. We’ll see. It’s taking up some valuable real estate so it needs to produce.


Well-known member
I Had a bunch of re-arranging to do in the tent today and noticed roots poking out of the bottom of the containers. So decided it was time for uppotting. Now it’s getting interesting...

Two plants went into premixed soil I have that is growing several strains quite well. Soil is recycled amended happy frog ocean forest mix. It’s quite a basic organic mix and can be recreate as follows. This mix grew 2 very nice ka5h under hps with only water.

3 quarts amended soil
1 quart EWC

Per gallon of soil:
2 tablespoons espoma lime
2 tablespoons espoma bone meal 4-12-0
2 tablespoons espoma gypsum
2 tablespoons coast of Maine 5-2-4

The other two are potted into new happy frog soil and just shy of a tablespoon of osmocote plus 15-9-12 with micro nutes per quart.

One organic and one osmocote will be placed under hps for flower. The other two will be placed under led for flower. At the end yield, taste, effect will be assessed and posted.

The uppot showed nice white roots, not root bound yet. Just about the right time. Let the fun continue....


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Well-known member
Plants are doing well. They definitely liked the uppot and show it. These are on a 24 hour light schedule for now under LEDS. Temp hovers about 75 and humidity about 55 . For now, just watering and watching them grow. Coming along nicely.


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Well-known member
Some setbacks in the tent sadly. I had insects of some sort which caused odd leaf damage and growth took a hit. But.. good news is I think I whacked them all and plants are on the mend. So far Osmo is outperforming the organic mix. Still healing needs to be done but karma plants are bouncing back quickly.


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Well-known member
Plants have been growing well and recovering. Today was uppot day and everyone is settling into new containers.

Osmo is clearly leading the charge here. If you are a new grower deciding how best to grow this strain, so far at least straight out of the bag happy frog with a tablespoon of Osmo per gallon mixed in is doing best.

Images below closest two plants are Osmo. I did notice happy frog dries quite a bit faster than the amended soil mix so I need to stay on top of watering.

One note I added a tablespoon and change of blood meal per gallon to the mix listed above.


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Well-known member
The plants are growing nicely. The organic mix has caught up to the osmocote which I was not expecting. I’m going to flower soon.


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Well-known member
Over due for an update here. Plants are doing well for the most part. I ran out of rain water and had to use tap for a while. There was a reason I stopped using tap which is apparent in the images. But.. rain was replenished and plants are growing out of it. This is a nice grow so far from my point of view. My health sucks and these plants have required next to nothing. If you are a grower that doesn’t want to have to fuck around this strain so far checks that box. Stuffed them in soil, uppotted, I topped once and here we are. I do need to flip soon though. Leaves need a bit more time so I may top again, if I feel like it.


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Well-known member
Well my lovely ladies are fast asleep now slumbering the dream of growing up with giant and strong buds. First night of 12/12 slumber happening now. One osmo and one normal organic under my 600 hps. One osmo and one normal organic under the Martian sun.

You might see by default a few other plants in the pictures that will be following. Naan boclou and 84NL x silk are flowering alongside the karma ladies. These are regs and I’ll be looking for balls.,

Time for a bong hit of Corinto while drool over these fine ladies.