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TEST DEMO of 8 Sour Bubble 3rd bx from seed.


Bubblegum Specialist
35 days flowering now

35 days flowering now

The first 2 pics are of the runt that is going so fast and then the other pics are the same plants showed last week. BOG

Looking frosty on some now at 5 weeks! :yoinks:

This one is just too fast...

Im gonna have a bonanza of green for Christmas! :wave: BOG

SB bx3

SB bx3

very nice thread BOG......i still cant get over how big they are to the pots, mine get pot bound quite quick, anyway heres a bud :joint:


hay BOG my friend i thought i was dreaming about the cubbed bx.............its all the great pics or the 3bx now people the god...is...bog the helping hand that helps us all.BOG has helped me more than eny doctor has thanks for all the thinks you have dun for me and are doing for me .you are a true friend and a star

james lee

More info for SB bx3

More info for SB bx3

Could you tell me what is the THC on the SB and LS? Also, what is the smoke like and the high? Does either of these strains relieve headaches?


Bubblegum Specialist
My best seller

My best seller

6 weeks in flower and many people would take them now. Give them another week though and see what happens.

I will be gone on the road and mrs bog will be harvesting these while I am gone so when back about Christmas I will give you the final report.

They are coming along very fast and the fastest 2 are really ripening at 42 days flowering.

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Wish me luck promoting my book until then please because its a long lonely road I must travel. Just like you all...

:wave: BOG


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Bog - have a new theme song for you "I'm forever sowing bubbles, sowing bubbles everywhere..." :chin:

I'm sniifing the screen and swear I smell the sour...

Happy Holidays to you and yours, travel safe.