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Temps High in 4x4 -600w


its all the fucking kinks and 90 degree bends you have in your ducting.....your airflow is probably less than 50% of which it should be.....your really fucking yourself having such drastic kinks in your ducting! ive never even used a blower with ducting filters or what not....just a 250, nice hood, and a duct booster fan ducttaped to the hood. yes i know a 250 doesnt put out as much heat as a 600....however! i am aware of the dynamics of airflow in a curved, or in your case x10 curved tubing!....ive worked with a 400 before and had a fan blowing directly on the bulb and still kept temps down.....

i would suggest eliminating the ducting coming from the tent to the window.....this is fucking your airflow buddy. INSTEAD, you should attach a blower directly onto the window vent blowing room air outside.....eliminating that portion of ducting.

also its my understanding you should blow the hot air.....not suck it through the fan.....i think your whole ducting fan filter set up is ass backwards to tell you the truth.

im really sorry about the whole purchasing a 6inch set up....that sucks it didnt make a difference....but at least put it to good use since you have it. seriously i think your situation will be helped if you just attach a fan to the window duct and blow the hot room air outside. longer / curvy ducting = greatly reduced airflow = build up of hot temps

well from a person who's only used a 250 and has NEVER used a blower in his life, i'll take what you're saying with a grain of salt.

if i had a way to set this up with less 90s i would. look what i have and my setup and suggest something better then please.

my whole vent setup is ass backwards? tell that to the 90% of the other tent growers with teh same setup..

you suggest i remove my ducting from my tent to the window? oh really? and do what with all this hot ass air? leave it just chillin? its exhausting the hot air out the house.

no offense, but the last thing you suggested was i hook up a fan to suck teh hot air out of the window.. thats exactly how its setup now.

pushing vs pulling is like coke vs pepsi

anyway, im not sure if you're faded or not understanding the setup.. but uh, thanks anwyay :wave:



yeah , i sold it to buy the 6. get it? $ = $
i didnt have 200 for a new fan, but had about 100.

lower my filter? why? hot air rises. stale air rises and sits. you want the filter AS HIGH AS YOU CAN GET IT to suck that HOT ass air out.

I've read a lot bro, i know the kinks are hurting me, but its the only way this is going to work with the tent/room/window layout.
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If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
i couldn't get my temps down in my 4' x 4' tent either so i had to drop a g on a CO2 set up but now i have a win win... high temps are good, and yields are up.

just a thought in case u are considering dropping a few hundo on an portable AC and then have to pay for electric.

note, the relay on controllers (for CO2) can be loud if thats a bedroom.


i couldn't get my temps down in my 4' x 4' tent either so i had to drop a g on a CO2 set up but now i have a win win... high temps are good, and yields are up.

just a thought in case u are considering dropping a few hundo on an portable AC and then have to pay for electric.

note, the relay on controllers (for CO2) can be loud if thats a bedroom.

is that how much they roughly cost? damn, i was thinking the 500-700 range. at least its good to know that that option is a sure-go solution though. and thanks for the heads up on the noise on the relay, some have said its not that loud but i was thinking it would be too loud for a room as well. thanks again bro :wave:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Temporarily closed for cleanup...

OK, we're back. Let's play nice.

Look, puppies... furrrrrrryy
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thanks freezer <3

as far as my situation.. i was thinking about putting ducting on my ac vent in the room via flange/duct kit (only covering half so the room stays cool too) and running ducting across the room into the intake of my tent and then adding a duct fan to push that cold ac air in.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
is that how much they roughly cost? damn, i was thinking the 500-700 range. at least its good to know that that option is a sure-go solution though. and thanks for the heads up on the noise on the relay, some have said its not that loud but i was thinking it would be too loud for a room as well. thanks again bro :wave:

sorry. if this isnt for you its no thang... just saying.

I took me a while to get into growing with gas but now i'm hooked.

Mine was $600 for the controller, $150 for the 20# tank and $150 for the regulator. Thanks 9 right there. Plus a back up tank...

Now that i think of it that might not be a good option for you b/c u still will have high rez temps... Ya, to do this you need a chiller and those two purchases together make it not worth it.

get the A/C.

sorry bro. peace.


no worries at all man, thanks for all the input.

im looking to do c02 + chilelrs in teh future for sure. after a harvest or two the $ wont be the issue. you know how it is ;)

i'll scope out some of your grows too and see how your setups are w c02


Active member
You'r fans seem to be the clip-on ones, just clip them to the metal pipes in your growbox so that they blow over your plants, that should help
Is you carbon filter big enough? Is should be rated(CFM) higher than your fan


Active member
It looks like you need bigger or more passive intakes. Does your tent stay cooler if you leave the door open?

Upgrading from the 4 inch to the 6 inch isnt going to do much unless the intakes are doubled in size to replace all the air you are exhausting.