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television is not your vision



i love TV...

true blood...entourage...



doesnt get any better than that.

Cookie monster

ah tv is good for docu's and sport..the rest will rot your brain tho


What are we allowed to watch?
Live theater?
No input there either.
I love TV.
And theater.
And concerts.
I guess I better get my shit together quick or my mind will be fucked, huh?


cant stop wont stop
really tho its aight in small doses, i watch it about once a week just to see breaking bad..and maybe a couple other things..

sitcoms and reality tv is what makes me sick. humans aren't meant to sit and rott their brains on this mind numbing garbage. its a tool to control the masses

Free yourself


Fvck the idiot box. My Tv is on for about an hour a day tops, nothing but mindless garbage on cable these days. My girlfriend spend most of our time online, reading, and learning. I think one of the best educations can be had for free, if you know where to look on the internet.


Paint Your DreamStrain
No sense in getting spiteful with people that watch TV, you've probably did it before right?

If you insult them they're gonna think you're as dumb as you think they are.

Every night when I go to bed I watch dumb shows like Jerry Springer and Still Standing knowing how dumb they are, sometimes I like viewing minddust and laughing at it, it can actually be food for the mind if viewed the right way (like when I'm dreary about to fall asleep tripping at stuffs placement in the space-time continuum). And then there's always shows like Nature or Nova on PBS that intentionally present you with mind-expanding information.

I think people however should realize it is entertainment and don't let TV affect the way you live your life, some people do this without even realizing it. I was one of 'em!

Peace n' good ones!


really tho its aight in small doses, i watch it about once a week just to see breaking bad..and maybe a couple other things..

sitcoms and reality tv is what makes me sick. humans aren't meant to sit and rott their brains on this mind numbing garbage. its a tool to control the masses

Free yourself

I agree. TV is fine in small doses. I watch Judge Judy and the occasional documentary. I prefer books and the internet though, because the majority of my spare time I spend learning about different subjects.

TV does no harm though, IMO. As long as people don't just waste all of their spare time watching anything that is on.
I watch very little TV. When I do, it's only if there's something of educational interest (though how deeply can you probe any subject in just one or two hours?), or Family Guy. I don't have cable or satellite. I used to but couldn't justify paying all that money every month when I was getting nothing in return.

The main reason I own a TV is to watch movies. I've developed into sort of a film fanatic and I've been growing a rather large DVD library. I've been focusing somewhat on the French thrillers as of late. So I've got a big TV and buy or rent a few movies every week.


Active member
word, didn't mean to come off as over bearing back there.

good points from the tv watchers...

My beef with tv stems from people who watch it 6+ hours a day...when I talk with them it's like nothing is there, except TV values and personalities. Strange I know. I like to watch documentary's sometimes, still feels like mind junk 90% of the time.

Guess I'm trying to get myself and others to go outside more. <better start taking my own advice!>

To each his own - to the highest respect.



8 PM Eastern standard time Fox cable be there...Don't be a wombat.


saying TV "rots the mind" is like saying driving a car "rots the body"...

no...its just something you do. thats it.

now, if you're an idiot and fall for the commercials, or change your life to be like someone on TV, then yes that's retarded, but a well written script/series can be VERY entertaining..



Domesticator of Cannabis
My TV's are on 24hrs a day. That's a perk as I work at home, it doesn't actually feel like work when I'm watching Midway for the 200th time or anything else I enjoy. I rarely sit in front of the TV & watch I'm always multitasking. My work or reading an ebook or shooting the shit online etc. It's all good.


The Hopeful Protagonist

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