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Telekinesis - do you believe in it?????


Active member
it absolutely works and i posess this ability. i opened your cab door a while back to prove it. you are the lesser of the superheroes.


it absolutely works and i posess this ability. i opened your cab door a while back to prove it. you are the lesser of the superheroes.

I'd hate to see what a red neck super hero dresses like :moon:
Choices for a sidekick are limited at best, it's either the coon hound or the dumb boy who plays the banjo real well :)


sunshine in a bag
lot of armchair philosophy ITT

and no, lol, telepathy/telekinesis is a stupid idea, none of you have ever had telekinetic or telepathic powers, encountered anyone who has demonstrated any, and never will, because it's not something that exists in nature, at least not in the case of humans.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
yeah i'm a believer . its a known fact that we as people only use about 10% of our brains capacity ... i also believe that if we ever reach the point where we can use 100% ... we will not need our physical bodies we will evolve into energy .

now i know my wife has something going on .... she can & has been able to tell when something is going to happen to someone she knows . not an exact thing but more of a feeling that stays with her till she finds out what has happened or if its happened without her knowing what ... the feeling goes away & most times she finds out later that something did in fact happen . shes done it to me so many times that i now listen to her gut feelings . if she says stay home i don't think you should go out tonight ... i do . cuz shes been right to many times .

Its a known fact that it is a myth.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Stoner4Life again.

The idea that 90% of the brain is essentially unused is silly-- we wouldn't be able to function. I think the idea is more about how we use our brains.

I once read somewhere that we have about 60,000 thoughts every day-- most of them useless judgments, self-limiting or otherwise needless. Worse still, we tend to repeat those same thoughts daily. If so, I believe that's what the 10% of brain belief is referring to.

Whether it's telekinesis (aka psychokinesis) or telepathy (aka thought-transference), google Dean Radin for some interesting research he's done on psychokinesis involving random number generators and his analysis of the ganzfeld experiments with respect to telepathy.

What makes that silly? I find it silly that people with little to no knowledge of neurology come to the conclusion that we can "harness the full potential of our brain....man". The truth is we know very little about the brain, much too little to make assumptions of telekinetic powers based on the percentage of brain matter used. While it is true that most of the brain is gray matter which is not used to process information, it is flat out science fiction that we can "somehow train our minds....man" (see the pattern here) to use it all in processing information.

If your interested in real science and how neurology could perhaps lead to higher cognitive ability I would look into some research pertaining to the corpus callosum, a part of the brain which rest between your cerebral hemispheres and controls their communication. It is believed the lack of a functioning corpus callosum (split-brain) is responsible for what is known as Savantism. A famous example is Kim Peek, more commonly known as Rain Man. Generally people with this condition are autistic though there are some whom function completely normally despite their autism. Daniel Tammet is a perfect example, while he is technically autistic you would never know it, while at the same time his outstanding mathematic and linguistic abilities could be interpreted as super-human.

rick shaw

So...mind over matter,and you still have a pile 'o dirty dishes. LOL


Andinismo Hierbatero
I always move people without touching them, I tell them: excuse me please, passing through.

and they move!



Once i met a woman who clamed to be able to feel how her pet wolf were doing, and what he felt, and so on and so forth. she was and washed out bush hippie.
and she showed me how she rubbed nose to snout. and that gave her all sort of info on what the wolf was thinking.
it was the most pittifull display of self fooling i have ever seen.

I will beleve in it when i see it, or when i win the euro millions lottery. eater way i dont beleve it will happen.

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