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Technaflora Grower's Thread



outame 2 said:
And a stoner revelation of BC nutes...the colder the nutes...to a point..the higher the absorbtion level.So if yer growing at 70 degrees water temp,and drop to 62,the total dissolved oxygen kicks in,and the need for higher ppm levels is no longer needed to offset the fact that there is 1300 in there,and the total dissolved oxygen makes the nutes even stronger in theory?

Now did that confuse you? just add water...

That does not sound so silly to me. There is even science that shows how our own food is not as good as it could be, and if it were we would require much less to function normally.

ItsGrowTime - I know they're both quite similar, but I don't know about being exactly the same. I would love to hear more if you have info though.


noob here, 1st time hydro grower.

like was said up above , the guys at the shop recommended the 20$ BC starter kit and i have been really impressed with the results. im growing some bagseed out of some dank in 2 DWC 5 gal buckets. 600w hps in a homemade hydro hut.

i vegged these two strains for a long time so i could take clones. since now have the clones going strong and the mamas outgrew the veg closet, i put them up for my first flower.

im on week 2 right now (pics/journal to come soon). so far for me, and ive gone a little under the "recipe" as far as strength, ive had explosive growth. DWC is mind blowing. im subscribed to this one


Hey gotvape...glad to have you along. Don't be afraid to bump it up till you see a little tip burn...I'm all for pushing them to the edge to get the best yield, just not beyond it, heh! :yes:

The growth is one of the best things. It's very explosive, and very stable when all basic growing conditions are met. That's why I started using Technaflora because NEVER did any of them talk about needing cal/mag, this that, the other. Just the three part mix and cannabis grows like a dream without deficiency. I find usually deficiency with these nutes are caused by water temp, oxygen saturation, air temps, or other stresses rather than a lack of balance in the nutrient or the need for extra supplements.

That said, this is why I continue using the OLD formula...I guess one day I'll have to run the old and new formula side by side and see if it's really worth purchasing extra stuff.

Anyone else know anything about the thrive alive green now having B1??? It did NOT used to be that way...I swear it, lol! :chin:


hey s2d :wave: been a while homie

nice thread man, i use sugardaddy in veg/flower....i hit em hard during the last week and i've been getting ultra dense buds

sugardaddy is great stuff


stoned2: since this was my first grow, i experimented with my seeds i sprouted. 2 of them did extremely well on a very low dose of the bc formula. i didnt want to burn them at first (was being overprotective lol) and there were doing crazy with 1/2 to 3/4 strenth.

once i got them pumped up a bit i went all out. but i would only give fresh nutes every 2 or 3 weeks, i just topped off. i use strictly RO water, the tap here is awful, and the bc stays perfect with it. i dont see how people battle the ph war when the answer is 30 cents/gal (and thats out of the bottlers. you could save tons with one of those mini RO systems).

im now on day 8 of flower, and they are drinking about 4 gallons per week. i have them vegged pretty big, and so far im running the nute system exactly as it states. buds are already forming on one strain, the little twin white hairs are showing on the other. im abt to build my grow post, so be sure to check it!


Hola! :wave: Yeah, us technaflora users needed a place to hang that is all our own, heh! I might give it a try, if it increases weight significantly then I might be forced to use it. I want to dial this new system in right and after a run or two I might do a comparison myself.


Hey gotvape420...you won't hear of technaflora users battling many nute related issues unless it involves another kink in the works somewhere like warm water, hot air temps, etc. With R/O water it stays stable just like it should.

When I run sometimes I get single plants drinking 1-1.5 gallons a day but I always grow em BIG, heh! :headbange


thats badass. i had rootrot issues at first, warm temps w/ the water. luckily i was still dialing in my hut and had clones to spare. i used sm90 and got them back, but ending up having stronger clones so i ditched them. the mommies got too big, so im goin all out w/them on my first flower.


noob question:
whats the best way to post pics. i want to keep my security a premium. how do u regulars do it? i just snapped a few with the crappiest camera ever (im sure the operator didnt help). i want to get them up and start a thread!


I just hit the "go advanced" button, then click "upload pics" button and send em up. As long as your identity isn't revealed by the pics I see no need to worry. There's a security forum here that might discuss it more. There is no hiding if they want to figure out who you are on the internet anyway. There are also thousands of growers posting pics daily, and the avg. personal grower doesn't have as much to worry about.


i appreciate the help and the fast response stoned. the real time reply is badass. ive got nothing going on right now but watching the grass grow, so im gonna get to posting.


I am switching from Advanced Nutrients 3part with a bunch of additives to GH 3part with hygrozyme only for ease of operation but after reading this thread, you guys got me interested. I am using ebb and flow buckets with RO water (no RES chiller). How would the these nutes react when not being kept at a temp of 62-67? I am having constant battles with pH using AN nutes and wanted to change to GH but now I have more decisions to make. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


im using hydroguard with mine and its great to keep the root rot away. from what i understand, it is a preventative, so you have to use it before you get any problems. i know warm water causes rot (from experience) and sm90 is amazing to kill it. after i got rid of it i started with the guard and havnt looked back.

i got that advice in a combination from threads on here and the hydro store guy. light and heat are the enemy of your solution, but my room never gets above 80 and its working for me. plenty of o2 in the roots is good too. i used two stones per bucket, over kill maybe but i dont want issues.


Well, you do have somewhat less to worry about with temperature in an ebb and flow setup because the roots aren't living in the solution 24/7. They are only flooded and drained. The temp is to keep pythium from building up on the roots, but in ebb and flow roots don't stay wet. The lower temperature also increases dissolved oxygen which is essential to DWC because the roots MUST have it to breath in the water. With ebb and flow the roots get oxygen the all during the day when it's not during the flood cycle.

I know there are some ebb and flo users with technaflora. Maybe one will chime in??? :confused:


New member
im kinda curious of what ppm's you all start and finish with ?
so far ive been at
early veg= 300


I start about 1/4 (200ppm) the first veg formula and just bump it up as the plants allow. I just ramp them up slowly 200-400-600-800-1000ppm over a week or two to max them out. Kinda hard to say exactly what to use when, it just depends on how the plant responds.