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Technaflora Grower's Thread



I decided to put this thread up for a few reasons. First, to see how many people are using the BC Technaflora line of nutes these days. Second, as a place for people using these nutrients to share ideas, etc. Finally, I figured that more people should know about this line of nutrients because they are hands down one of the best.

My experiences include over four years of growing with Technaflora in mediumless DWC growing a few different strains. The ease of growing and the massive buds it produces along with a fair price make it a great solution for hydro growers.

So, let's hear it, good and bad for technaflora. Post pics, add input, etc.

Here's one of my favorite bud shots from my last grow. This was DP BB I was forced to take at 55 days, but was some awesome smoke.

Technaflora rootball:



New member
awesome bro glad to see someone useing technafloras nutes besides me ,
i was feeling alone :puppydoge !
i just started useing them any suggestions or advice would be mucho appreciated !
so far ive got the recipe for success kit and things have been good so far
running a DWC setup :rasta:


Don't fret man! There's still a few technaflora users lurking around, just not massive numbers I'm sure.

My main suggestion is that the old recipe for success works great without all the new additives. Being a chelated nute solution, if you're using RO water, you won't have any troubles. No need to even bother with ph...It has also been my experience that you should start off slow and ramp up the nutes. Often you'll find that it doesn't take a whole ton of nutes, even in flower with some strains never needing more than 900-1000ppm.

They're very easy to use. Follow the recipe (starting low) and have success. That's my take. :yes:


New member
ive been useing ro and tap about 75/25 with my ppm about 600 but im only about 28 days in on my first hydro grow so im still kinda feeling it all out !

do you use the b1 green as a foliar feed or at all ?


Well, the B1 is the red. The green is totally organic. I do indeed use the B1 red stuff a little here and there during veg, and the plants love it. I don't use it as a foliar, just as a supplement.

The only other thing I use besides boost, grow, and bloom is the thrive alive B1 and the awesome blossoms in flower. Other than that I don't add anything.


Haha...I knew you'd show up...and you knew we weren't all dead, lol! :laughing: You are sure to yield good off of that plant...DAMN it's huge! Trees will be back in my garden soon.....I was keeping my res around 65, but with this chiller, I might just try setting it at 62 and see how it does. I had a friend grow with 55F rooms!!!!! That's a little too cold for me, but he said EVERYTHING turned purple, lol! :smoke:

outame 2

Active member
well,that's why I showed up.My lil closet is a lil hot in the summer,and that's why I use the BC..then when fall comes...mmmm


New member
they have a thrive alive b1 green , the recipe for success calls for it as a foliar spray and it comes with the kit !
i was kinda confussed when you said the b1 was the red i had to go check ,lol
i havent used it yet as a spray but i have added it to the rez cuz its 100% organic and i figured they would like the kelp in it and its 1.1.1 but who knows


Wth? I thought the green was just the kelp, that's what makes it organic. The red was the one with the B1 in it. Hmm...this must be a change since the new recipe for success. I swear the B1 was what made the difference between the red and green,yet on their site now, the only difference between the two is 0.01% soluble iron??? I don't know why they did that......now they're both almost exactly the same thing. :chin:


Happy to see a Technaflora thread, I'm sure this will become a big help for some of us.

I just bought my first set up and the guy at the hydro store suggested I use Technaflora products for my first grow. They seem to be pretty easy to use. After about a month without problems I went on the website and found the new recipe, went back to the store and got the MagiCal and Sugar Daddy. My plants responded really well, outgrowing their 5" pots within a week.

I haven't been very "conservative" when it comes to ppm levels... I think I've been pushing them pretty hard and my plants seem to have handled it pretty well. I started out at about 500, ended week 5 of veg (from seed) at about 1100. Week 6 of flowering I'm at 1500 (thats with the boost, bloom, Thrive Alive Red, A. Blossoms, and Magical) and the Beastie Bloomz bumped it up to about 1600. I've noticed that the plants really love fresh water top off. Every 2 days I try to get 3-5 gallons of plain ph'd RO water into the 20 gal tank. As soon as the ppm starts dropping, I'll add 5 gals of full stregnth nutes. I change the water every week.

I decided I'd try a few more things outside the Technaflora line that I've had success (aka. no problems) with.

Hygrozyme - 5ml per gal

Foxfarm Beastie Bloomz - 1/4 tsp per gal ... I'm only using this for 1 week (this week) as recommended by FoxFarm. The buds more than doubled in size in the last 7 days.

Today is 42 of flowering and I'll be changing the water, adding 1/4 tsp of Foxfarm ChaChing per gallon.

Here are a couple pics from flowering week 4.

Thanks for starting this thread, I'm officialy a regular.



Very nice...I'd say you're running that strain at or very near max now judging by the tips. I'd probably hold it steady for weeks 5-6 and then start flushing in week seven, but that's just me. Or, you can push em for all you're worth and see how well it does, but I'm guessing that's why they like fresh water so much. Either way, you're working with good stuff! :yes:

As far as res changes...I change the res between veg and flower and that's it. The rest of the time I simply top off. I never check ph unless I'm curious because it's always stable. I just fill 'er up and let it run and add back nutes as needed.

Looks like there's at least a few technaflora growers around here. I thought this thread would make an interesting deviation from the typical GH/Flora Nova that we always hear about. Glad to see some people enjoying it! :headbange
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New member
Stoned2Death said:
I thought this thread would make an interesting deviation from the typical GH/Flora Nova that we always hear about. Glad to see some people enjoying it! :headbange

hehe i thought they had stock here or where useing mind control !

outame 2

Active member
Well,I know the lower the temps in the res are the higher the dissolved oxygen levels are,thsus better nute uptake.What do you guy's cool the res or buckets down to?I'm at 62 degrees,that about right or should I go lower?


I would say 62F is low enough. I have always kept mine at 65F. I worry about going too cold, but I don't think you have much to worry about with that water temp.

outame 2

Active member
Thank ya sir,I'm flushing the haze tonight,she had a little staining going on in the roots,then I'll get her on fresh juice tomorrow at about 1000 and see how she likes it there.She has been at 1300 for a week,good and green,but why over do her.Just have to flush it all out in the end.

Technaflora is good stuff,don't need much.But in hydro,you don't need much.It is a direct line to the whole plant..I'd rather be under just a bit than over.And I can control that with adding back,or letting her drink it down.Loading the bong...


Haha!! Shut up and load the bong. :laughing:

I agree...in the beginning I'd throw it all at the plants and hope for the best, but my experience has shown that moderation is the key in hydro. Like you said, you can always ramp up the mix if the need arises... :yes:

outame 2

Active member
And a stoner revelation of BC nutes...the colder the nutes...to a point..the higher the absorbtion level.So if yer growing at 70 degrees water temp,and drop to 62,the total dissolved oxygen kicks in,and the need for higher ppm levels is no longer needed to offset the fact that there is 1300 in there,and the total dissolved oxygen makes the nutes even stronger in theory?

Now did that confuse you? just add water...