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Teaming with Nutrients by: Jeff Lowenfels - discussion



If you do a lab test with Logan Labs and send the result to these guys (www.kisorganics.com), they will send you back recommended rates of application and can help source anything that you may have trouble finding locally in small quantities (eg. zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, etc...). It's based on the latest book by Steve Solomon, "The Intelligent Gardener"

Shameless self promotion much? :)

CT Guy

Shameless self promotion much? :)

Just trying to help people find resources online if they are unable to find stuff locally. I'm pretty sure I always recommend checking with your local feed store first. If you have a problem with my posts, feel free to ignore them or send me a PM and I'm happy to discuss with you further.

If you know of anywhere else you can buy a few ounces of copper sulfate or zinc sulfate, please do share with the group.



Active member
You can get all the amendments you need through these guys to.

Trace minerals and all.

They are a family run company that also supply s Tanio products and John Kempf's Plant health therapy stuff.

Plus the guy who runs it is the man is the man, very smart and full of useful knowledge that he loves to share.

IF anyone wants to know more about not using N, he is a strong believer that is his plants need N and he has to supply it, he is doing something wrong.



Senior Member
Who are you talking about VP? And have you tried no commercial N for mj?

Most veggies need around 100 lbs/acre N. Doing that with good compost/vermicompost is no big deal so I don't give Kempf major credit for that. Corn needs around 200 lbs/acre...doing it is a bigger challenge with no added N. I have seen Hugh Lovel accomplish that but not a lot of other people.

My guess is mj needs 200+. I am not willing to take that leap of faith just yet...but would love to watch someone else give it a shot :biggrin:


Active member
In that case I don't have any commercial n in my outdoor garden. I added compost that had high N manure in it, needed to be turned everyday at first. That's the only additional source of N I added but honestly I don't think the ending result in the compost is all that different than lower N just everything happens at a slower pace.


Senior Member
Do you happen to know the carbon to nitrogen ratio in that compost? I have this feeling that if you get it around 10:1 and there is enough of it you are golden.

Every single time we add N to soil it uses up some of the carbon. That is the N fires up some of the microbes and they use up carbon along with the N. I think learning to control that ratio is key to learning how the whole thing works.

I been fookin about this summer with a couple of experiments:

1) I took two identical formulas except for the humus part. One had local green waste compost in it, the other had really nice vermicompost in it. My thinking was that the vermi would tie up my amendments and produce a lower ergs soil (or EC in non Reams talk). My thinking was completely wrong... the vermi soil has a higher energy level, by like double. I am struggling to figure that out (I thought EC was driven by uncomplexed ions)...I suspect C:N ratio but have not had the proper tests done yet to confirm or further deny that theory.

2) The other experiment was with soils with 0.3-0.4 EC on the S scale of the Hanna meter and adding Ferti Nitro to that mix in an attempt to jack up the soils energy level. Again what happened is not what I expected at all (bad fucking summer for my theories). EC did not go up at all. Apparently the plant took in those amino acids with no microbe processing. Plants got really, really green. Buds are stacking great. Best grow I have ever personally done to this point. I don't have a clue what to think just yet...other than if you need some N Ferti Nitro is fuckin awesome. But why? I got no real clue. If I had more carbon in there would the microbes have eaten the aminos before the plant.

Workin on mysteries without any clues...ain't it funny how the night moves. And yes...I am quite high right now, tyvm.


Active member
I second the awesomeness of the plant based aminos from ferti nitro. Ive used it a few times and everytime the plants thank me for it with prayer and robust growth. Side by side it kicks PPD in the nuts. As a bonus it doesnt smell like fish ass, actually a pleasant sort of sweet smell to it... Interesting data Joe, Im interested to hear what you conclude..Im about to send in some soil for testing, Ill be sure and post the data so we can compare notes.

Yea ND supply is ran by Dan Kitteredge and they have all the micro nutrients you could want. They have a new catalog for 2013 btw. . I have a copy of it if you are inerested... I grabbed some Cobalt and Soluble Boron, was considering some molybdenum. I havent had to use any but wanted it for some experiments and as a just in case...



Active member
Dan is the shit, I love talking/learning from him. Very grounded and insightful.

Luckily I live about hour from him and just go get it all myself from the man. I plan on heading down there soon to re up on Gypsum, Cal Phos, Zeolite and Carbonatite. I don't know if he has had the pleasure of smoking herb grown with biology in mind. I look forward to puffing with him and running over soil mix Ideas.

New catalog is about the same just some cheaper prices.



Senior Member
Hey Vortex. Could you explain Carbonatite to me and why I would want it over the individual stuff. Also how much zeolite are you using and what does it do for you? Does it do anything good humus does not?

I get it in a soil with a tcec of 10 or something. But even the worst bagged shit some of us use is over 20, mostly over 30.

While you are there ask him about C:N ratios and what he does over time to maintain them. Every single time we add N we are subtracting C...does he try to load C every time he adds N.

I don't know for a fact but I swear humic acid complexed N is awesome.


Active member
Im pretty sure he advocates adding C every year... I was listening to a talk on the bionutrient website and he was talking about the different inputs and how to get them. He was saying its obviously better to use something already on the farm but that most of them would have to bring C to the farm. Tilling in last years leftovers and leaving a select amount behind as well as crop rotating and growing crops in off years to till in....He practices no till when applicable but when recycling silage etc you only till to a depth of like 3 inches or so.... Ill see if I can find the talk.


Active member
ND supply spring 2013 catalog

ND supply spring 2013 catalog

Nutrient Density Supply Co Spring 2013 Catalog

Call*978-257-2627*with questions, or order at*[email protected]
- "Dan's $1,000/acre complete program for farmers."
A package deal for growers that includes all of the basic ingredients from this catalog integrated into one easy to apply program. 1,000 lbs of Spring Blend, 20 gallons of complete liquid feed, 4 ounces of Biocoat Gold, and an acre's worth each of Pepzyme and Micro 5000. Apply Spring Blend before planting, use Liquid Feed, Biocoat, and Pepzyme in the row or hole before planting, and the Liquid Feed as a regular drench and foliar throughout the year. Micro 5000 once in the foliar when leafs begin to canopy.

* Only 5 acres worth left

Nutrient Density (ND) Garden Blend
– A comprehensive crop feed which includes a broad spectrum of balanced levels of bacteria and fungi in a biodynamic compost base with alfalfa meal, uncial, dynamin, humates, zeolite, Tennessee brown rock phosphate and kelp. Apply in transplant hole or in row for seeding. 50lb bag for a 1000 sq/ft garden. 2 gallons for a 400sq/ft garden, and 1 gallon for a 200sq/ft garden.
Price: $42 per 50 lb Bag, $21 per 2 Gallon bucket, $13 per 1 Gallon bucket

ND Complete Liquid Feed – A blend of Rejuvenate, PHT Phosphorus, Photomag, PHT Pottassium, Micropak. For use watered into soil as a nutrient drench and/or as a foliar spray. 9 ounces per 1000 square feet per week each in soil and on leaf. Mix with water to a 2% solution for use.
Price: $13 per Quart, $34 per Gallon

ND Garden blend and Liquid feed
1 gallon dry and a Qt of Liquid $25
2 gallons dry and a Gallon of Liquid $55

Nutrient Density Spring Blend:
Unical, Humates, Alfalfa meal, gypsum, k-mag, Tennessee brown Rock Phosphate, Kelp, Redmond salt. This is designed to be used in a tested and balanced soil as a complete crop feed applied before planting. 50 lb’s per 2000 square feet, 1000 lb’s per acre.
Price: $34 per 50 lb Bag, $950 Per Ton in 50lb bags.

Foliar Sprays and Nutrient Drenches

Nutrient Density Complete Liquid Feed
.*Alternately called the “Magic Juice”, “Goop”, “The Universal” and many other terms of endearment, this material is a mix of the following materials that we use for planting/transplanting, drenching and foliars. Very popular, it is the primary material we use on our farm for planting/transplanting, drenching and foliaring. Ingredients: Photomag, Rejuvenate, PHT Phosphorus, Sea-Stim, Micropak, and PHT Potassium.
Prices: $13 per Quart, $34 per Gallon, and $144 per 5 gallon.
Calcium PHT:
**26% Calcium liquid blend designed for foliar or soil application. 1 quart per acre as a regular nutrient drench or foliar spray throughout the season or as needed based on soil and crop monitoring and requirements. Baystate Organic Approved with a documented boron deficiency.
Prices: $10 per Quart, $30 per Gallon, $125 per 5 Gallon
Huma Carb (PHT)*This is a unadulterated humic material found in nature. As an
ultramicronized carbon complex, it fits into programs designed to maximize fertilizer efficiency and allows plants to express their full genetic potential. Contains structured, energized micelle. Foundational component of many of our component of many of our liquid products. Very effective as a balancer of hard or chlorine / fluorine heavy water at 8 ounces per 100 gallons of irrigation water. Use in hay fields at 1 gallon per acre per cutting at 6-8 inch stage. Baystate Organic approved.
Prices: $10 per Quart, $25 per Gallon, $100 per 5 Gallon
Phosphorous PHT:*32% Phosophorus liquid blend designed for foliar and soil application. Up to 2 quarts per acre at planting/transplanting, 1-2 quarts per acre as a drench throughout the season or as needed based on soil and crop monitoring and requirements. Baystate Organic Approved.
Prices: $10 per Quart, $30 per Gallon, $125 per 5 Gallon
Potassium PHT:*30% Potassium blend designed for foliar and soil application. 1 quart per acre as a regular nutrient drench throughout the season or as needed based on soil and crop monitoring and requirements. Baystate Organic Approved.
Prices: $15 per Quart, $50 per Gallon, $150 per 5 Gallon
A virgin liquid seaweed concentrate Sea-Stim™, is a complete and unaltered liquid seaweed concentrate, designed to enhance plant immunity through the provision of plant growth promoting compounds and trace minerals.
Features & benefits
Ensures a dominant root system, Promotes plant hormone balance, Increases resistance to insect pests, Boosts immunity to fungal pathogens, Promotes plant energetic efficiency.Use up to 2 quarts per acre at plant/transplant,*up to 8 ounces per acre as part of a regular drench or foliar. NOP compliant
Prices: $10 per Quart, $30 per Gallon, $125 per 5 Gallon
*Sea Crop:*35:1 sea mineral concentrate still containing all organics and fulvic acids with a very high component of enzymes and enzyme co-factors which produces a growth and yield response second to none. Sodium is reduced to 0.7% while levels of complexed magnesium, sulfer, calcium, silicon, and numerous trace elements including selenium, iodine, and boron are increased. Use up to 2 gallons per acre at planting/transplanting, 1 pint to 2 quarts per acre as part of a regular drench. WSDA and Baystate organic approved.
Prices: $16 per Quart, $40 per Gallon, $150 per 5 Gallon
Photomag:*designed to be used on forage crops such as grasslands and hayfields, it
increases rate of photosynethesis and the formation of complete protein compounds.
Includes Humates, Mg sulfate, dextrose, boron, cobalt, and molybdenum. Use in hay fields at 1-1.5 gallons per acre per cutting at the 6-8 inch stage. Baystate Organic use restricted to growers who have documented boron, cobalt, molybdenum and magnesium deficiencies.
Prices: $10 per Quart, $25 per Gallon, $100 per 5 Gallon
Initiate™*is a blended liquid mineral seed drench concentrate containing primary ingredients of magnesium, potassium and calcium. This combination of nutrients can provide an immediate response to enhance the rate of germination and accelerate plant growth. National Organic Program (NOP) compliant.
Prices: $34 per qt, $108 Gal
*is a complex blend of chelated micronutrients including boron, zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, and sulfur in a form which can be readily absorbed by plants. Boron is critical for transplanting carbohydrates through the plant system to help form and fill fruit. Zinc and manganese are both critical trace minerals needed for proper reproduction and seed formation. Many trace minerals have proven to be critical in enabling plants to produce complete plant compounds, which promotes natural resistance to pests and disease. National Organic Program (NOP) compliant.
Application rates and timing Use the row, added to a row starter, at a rate of 1-2 quarts per acre. Use as a foliar on broad acre commodity crops at a rate of 1 quart per acre, every 3-4 weeks. Use as a foliar on fruit and vegetable crops at a rate of 1 pint per week. Irrigation: Apply 1-2 quarts per acre ever 10-14 days.
Prices: $15 per Quart, $50 per Gallon, $150 per 5 Gallon
Rejuvenate™*is a blend of carbohydrates, enzyme cofactors, and hum substances. It is used to stimulate microbiology, thereby enhancing decay of crop residue and improving soil tilth. Rejuvenate™*is derived from stable complete humic substances, carbohydrates, and sea minerals combined into a benefical blend which provides many components that are needed to build, strengthen and maintain your soil’s microbial life, vigor, and health. Many of these components are missing in convential agriculture. National Organic Program (NOP) compliant.
Prices: $10 per Quart, $25 per Gallon, $100 per 5 Gallon
Enzymatic Stimulant

Pepzyme:*Liquid enzyme microbial stimulant. A powerful synergist with biogenesis.
These enzymes increase the rate of growth and reproduction of soil microbes and also
enhance the rate of nitrogen fixation, mineral release, and digestion of residues. 12 ounces per acre at planting, up to 2 ounces per acre as a part of a regular drench program.
OMRI listed.
Price: $21 per 12 oz, $144 per Gallon

Bio-Coat Gold
Dry blended endomychorrizal seed treatment Bio-Coat Gold™ is a blend of natural seaweed, concentrated humic substances and other nutrients , designed to speed germination and provide nutrients to support strong initial growth.
Features & benefits, Speeds germination, Promotes more even germination, Inoculates soil with beneficial microbes, Contributes nutrition for initial growth, Reduces planting window risks
Price: 1 lb $55, 4 ounces $21.00, 1 ounce $8.00

Biogenesis:*Powerhouse biological inoculant used in the field to repopulate and
invigorate a soil’s beneficial microbe populations. Tremendously effective at making
available soil minerals that may not be normally available for a plant uptake. Apply in the soil row at transplant or seeding, or use in conjunction with another fertilizer. If spraying on to soil, or applying in liquid premix, use within 4 hours of having mixed with water. 1 pound per acre. OMRI listed. Strongly recommended for fields where the biological system needs support.
Price: 1 Acre $108
Spectrum™*contains a broad range of beneficial soil microbes held in a dry suspension form. A very good bacterial inoculant to use at planting in fields where life is present, but would like a boost. Combine with Pepzyme C™*for best results.
Price: 1 Acre $21
Biogenesis III:*Highly sophisticated seed treatment. Bacterial inoculant to be used in
Conjunction with Mycotonic. Coat all seeds to ensure ideal biological symbiosis throughout the plants
life cycle. 1 oz. Treats 100# of seed. NOP compliant.
Price: $13 per ounce

Trace Elements

Boron:**In the form of Boric Acid. 20% Boron. Apply with soil test showing deficiency.**Directly linked with calcium and silicon in calcium transport and nutrient transport in to the plant. Sugar translocator. Gate at the bottom of the plant that lets carbohydrates move into the root system. Calcium metabolism increased cell wall increased disease resistance. Increased seed viability and energy by facilitating calcium and energy transport into the seed. Boron generally leaches out of soil. If you have not addressed Boron deficiencies in the last three years it is likely that a full application of 3 pounds of actual boron per year is in order. This translates to 15 pounds of Boric acid per acre. Ideally applied in at least three separate applications.
Prices:**1lb $5.00, 50lb Bag $100.00

Cobalt Sulfate:*27% Cobalt. Apply with soil test showing cobalt deficiency. Central component of B12 required by 80% of all soil microbes, they will not exist without it. Enzyme cofactor. Also required by rumen microflora in livestock. Strongly enhances root production of the plant hormione cytokinin which*eliminates sinecence of plant tissue. With a soil test showing deficiency, up to 4 pounds of Cobalt sulfate per acre per year should be applied to address deficiency.
Prices:**1/4th*lb $8.00, ½ lb $13.00, 1lb $21.00

Copper Sulfate:**37% Copper. Apply with soil test showing copper deficiency. Generally no more than 5 pounds of copper sulfate per acre per year. As much as ten pounds in cases of severe deficiency. Increases cell wall elasticity and stem elasticity in plants. Increases stem strength. Increased cell wall strength increased disease resistance. Essential enzyme cofactor.
Prices:**1lb $5.00, 50lb Bag $125.00
Manganese Sulfate:*32% Manganese. Apply with soil test showing Manganese deficiency. Generally no more than 20 pounds of manganese sulfate per acre per year. Important for reproduction and as an enzyme cofactor. Directly involved in reproducing DNA for cell division. Energy transport, increased seed vitality. Critical for seed to germinate.
Prices:**1lb $5, 50lb Bag $75.00

Sodium Molybdate:*39% Molybdenum. Apply no more than .75 pounds per acre per year. Essential enzyme cofactor for the nitrate reductase enzyme. Needed for proper nitrogen metabolism in the plant. Needed by soil microbes to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Prices: 1oz $5.00, ½ lb $34.00, 1 lb $55.00

Sodium Selenate:
6% Selenium. Associated with reproductive processes as a critical enzyme cofactor. Apply no more than 5 pounds per acre per year.
Prices: .25lb $5, .5lb $8, 1 lb $15

Zinc Sulfate:*35% Zinc. Apply not more than 10 pounds per acre**per year based on deficiency documentation from a soil test. Enzyme cofactor strongly related reproductive deficiency. Increased energy. Connected to phosphorus transport and energy transport inside the cell. Involved with Photosynthesis.
Prices:**1lb $5.00, 50lb Bag $100.00

Bulk Minerals

Carbonatite: 65% Magmatic Calcite (calcium carbonate) the only magmatic calcite sold in North America, replaces limestone and dolomite. 15% Biotite (potassium containing minerals), 12% Apatite (phosphorus containing minerals), and 8% trace elements. The most extensive suite of trace elements found in any bulk mineral. Strong paramagnetic charge, readily available Calcium, and very good levels of readily available minerals including cobalt, molybdenum, Selenium, boron, nickel, chromium and manganese.
This product we have been out of and we formerly sold for $25/50lb bag, and $800/ton
New Price $13/50lb bag, and $450 a ton.

Desert Dynamin:
High energy clay similar to Azomite with a broad spectrum of available trace elements and silicon. Stimulates Biological Activity.
$21/50lb bag, $700/ton in 50lb bags

Dolomitic Lime:*30% Calcium, 10% Magnesium.
Prices: $15.00 per 50lb Bag, $450.00 per Ton in 50lb Bags

*Elemental Sulfur: 90% sulfur. Used in areas with a pH above 7 with a sulfur deficiency. 50-100lb's/acre.
Prices: $30.00 per 50lb bag

Green Sand:*7% potassium. Numerous traces , especially manganese. Powerful precursor to high energy clay. Glauconite converts to high energy clay and helps soil build paramagnetic high energy clay.
Prices: $20.00 per 50lb Bag, $600.00 per Ton in 50lb Bags

Gypsum:*23% Calcium, 7% Sulfur. High energy.
Prices: $15.00 per 50lb Bag, $500.00 per Ton in 50lb Bags

High Cal Lime (Powdered):*38-40% Calcium. High Energy.
Prices: $15.00 per 50lb Bag, $450.00 per Ton in 50lb Bags
Humates:*78% humic acid. Strong bio-activator. CEC between 380 and 400. Fungal Stimulant. Strong Chelator.
Prices: $25 per 50lb Bag
K-Mag, or Sul-po-mag:*22% Potassium, 22% Sulfur, 11% Magnesium.
Prices: $28.00 per 50lb Bag, $800.00 per Ton in 50lb Bags
Magnesium Sulfate:*Available magnesium. Supports Photosynthesis.
Prices: $21.00 per 50lb Bag, $750.00 per Ton in 50lb Bags
Rock Phosphate (Tennessee Brown):**22% Phosphorus, 18-20% Calcium. High levels of traces.
Prices: $15.00 per 50lb Bag

Potassium Sulfate: 50% potassium, 17% sulfur.
$34/50lb bag, $1000/ton
Zeolite (Bear River):**5% Potassium. Strong holder of potassium and ammonia. CEC of 85-90. pH 7.8-8.2
Prices: $20.00 per 50lb Bag

For Insects and Diseases
Myco-Stat:*Numerous essential oils with other plant derived compounds designed to build plant resistance to fungal disease. Use as prophylactic or after disease has hit to build plant health to the level that it becomes resistant.
Price: $30 per Quart, $110 per Gallon

E-Scent-Shield:*Emulsified Neem and Essential Oil Formula with Colloidal Surfactants designed to build plant immune system to the level that they are insect resistant. A proactive solution to pest problems.
Price: $30 per Quart, $110 per Gallon

order up !



Senior Member
What I find meself wondering is if our typical 50% peat, 25% compost mixes don't actually have too much carbon. which would limit N efficiency.

I find meself wondering if I could hit 10:1 C:N would I be able to use far less N.

That is what I find meself wondering these days. And how good would my shit taste if I did that???

And honestly, I have no clue. Just one of those thoughts that come and go in me brain.


Active member
Milkyjoe-You should look up the research done on carbonatite. It is cool stuff. Loaded with almost every mineral with not as much P as Cal-phos but it is more available. I use it for its mineral profile as well as adding clays and other assorted goodies. Also I like the texture it adds to my soil after it breaks down with my mulch. Ultarmafic rocks are the rarest on earth but the most reactive and diverse.

Diversity is key.

Zeolite I am using mainly in my worm bin and as a aeration amendment. It is a anion accumulator and has a affinity for ammonia N and holds K nicely. My thoughts are this. If I have a ammonia escaping from my worm bin it will be trapped by the zeolite instead of being wasted to the enviroment, my plants can access it later. I also like the 3 dimensional structure to add tilth and porosity to my soil.

Yes good humus can and does all of the same things but...

The way I look at it different inputs have different characteristics even if they contain the same mineral. Diversity is key.

They was a great article in Acres a couple of months back by Lawrence Mayhew about how different sources of Ca are not the same. The article was named Biology trumps solubility, in it he described how two sources of Ca can have vastly different affects by how the mineral crystal is shaped and how that interacts with microbes and the soil system.

So Dan always says A full hay barn is like a full bank account. He mulches heavily with straw. But like I said he doesn't use N sources for plants. He will let a crop fail and try and understand why the N cycle is not working properly. Its funny I have heard him say that is a room full of farmers, they all just sigh, but Dan makes up for it in copious harvest of crops what the N cycle is working and saves money on N. Plus insecticides even in the most natural form are never needed.

So there is about 35 grams of N in every square foot of air why not use it. That is what most of the soil greats know, plants for mellina have acquired N from the air, it all about getting everything else in check so the proper microbes will flourish, and getting them to flourish is all about having a plant with excess energy/sugars to feed microbes to fix N from the air.

And milky you were mentioning possible N holding ability of humus, according to E. Pfeiffer it is a 1000 lbs per acre per % organic matter and potentially more as microbes will also store alot of N in their bodies.

And remember when I comes to N (and alot of minerals for that matter) the leaf surface is also a home for N fixing bacteria and other microbes that fix nutrients.

I have yet to try it as I just found it in my notes, Dan suggested to go out and grab some leaves off of a healthy tree and put them in water and shake. Then apply as a foliar to the plants in the hope of spreading natural N fixing bacteria.

I don't know if we should continue this topic else where. I just realized we are still in the Teaming with Nutrients book discussion, and were are way beyond the scope of this book. I don't want to veer from the topic to much.



Senior Member
I kinda view the topic as an outline...tangents happen. Boobs can slap me down if need be.

Where might I find the best research on Carbonatite. And I thought the reason soft rock is popular is because of scanner info...increased general vitality...not just the mineral makeup. I find meself debating...clay or not in my mix. The Luebke's make a strong case.

I get that N thing...totally respect it. Scared to death of it myself. Then again there is alfalfa in his starter mix.

And I use Yarrow teas as a foliar just for the microbes on leaves. I am learning, slowly, to only use inputs that do no harm to leaf microbes. I am torn between Kempf's approach and this.

Not so long ago I really liked the Nutri Tech approach.


Active member
I know he uses alfalfa in his mix because not many people have the proper balance to not supply N. He is selling this to gardeners who aren't dialed in.

http://www.borealagrominerals.com/ These guys are the distributors of carbonatite, some real nice Canadian guys and very intelligent.

The thing that sells me on the Kempf stuff is where he learned everything. He has learned under and spent time with the greatest minds of soil science. He is a nice Amish guy with a hell of a brain and wants to help people grow healthy plants with the least impact on the enviroment. I like his Ideas on carbon induction and the top of his plant health pyramid is terpenes terpenes terpenes, and we all love terpenes.......



Senior Member
That was the thing that attracted me to Kempf. High fat plants...more oil equals mo high in my world :biggrin:

VP...that really does look like good stuff. Thanks for pointing it out to me.


Active member
The more I read about Carbonatite the more I like it. High activity clays, enzyme co factors, all of the important minerals, and what eles could you ask for in one materal.

My plants seem to like it to the tilth it adds to my mulch layer is awesome.


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