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Tastiest Animals to go Extinct


They say that 99.99% of all species that ever were are now extinct. I believe this is called survival of the fittest, and is responsible for evolution..

With that being said species are becoming endangered at an alarming rate, of course due to human kind fucking up the works..

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I saw a show on Nat geo about Chinese killing bears in USA for gall bladders, the wildlife agents didn't seem to take it at all seriously when they raided the Chinese so called medicine shops. The show said wildlife agents are under paid and the job does not attract a high calibre of person. Can't believe a nation like the US won't do more to protect it's animals from Chinese scum!


They say that 99.99% of all species that ever were are now extinct. I believe this is called survival of the fittest, and is responsible for evolution..

With that being said species are becoming endangered at an alarming rate, of course due to human kind fucking up the works..
This post is a very prophetic message that most will not see in their hearts and understanding.
If this is 99.99% true, than the Chinese will own the world within the next 1000 years. All other ethnicities will be extinct. LOL.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
The Chinese already own the world and the west gave it to them... Hell on earth. Thank god I don't have kids!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Once it gets down to there being only human protein around and no other animal/vegetable protein.....I guess we can start to expect to be eating 'Soylent Green'.....

.....and that should put the brakes on the human population explosion for starters...

During The battles for Leningrad and Stalingrad during WW11....that was all the meat they could get......showing that humans will dine on humans when there is nothing else to dine on...

Food Conversion Ratio: 8 kilos of feed will make 1 kilo of beef.

......oh dear I am going off-topic here.....Mmmm....I wonder what a roasted Dodo bird (now extinct) would taste like with sage and onion stuffing, roast potatoes, Bisto gravy and Brussel sprouts?

....I guess that the only way to save these endangered species is to farm them.....sad but possibly true.

Hazy Eye

As I read through the thread, I thought the question was what type of extinct animal would you want to try...and I get to Gypsy's post last and he was totally on the same train of thought.
I was thinking about a Dodo bird with a really big beer can in it's guts, right on a smoker. :dance013:
Probably go for a couple baby wooly mammoth back straps too. :thinking:
Im hoping they get viable DNA from the blood of that Frozen Mammoth they just discovered and get that big hairy meat machine on the clone production line!

Pretty cool that they discovered it frozen in the ice, yet its blood had not frozen solid as it contains some sort of natural anti freeze.... Could save us from having to wait to thaw out the mammoth steaks!


Maybe they can isolate the DNA from the Wooly Mammoth that gives the blood the ability to not freeze and use it for humans to travel to frozen planets that get below -200 degrees c*.... Im stoned.
I would love to wear the fur of an Albino SaberTooth Tiger with a hat to match.
After slow cooking the ribs in a crock-pot with sweet baby rays bbq sauce.

captain planet

Active member
I'd be willing to bet that rhino belly would make some great bacon. If so, I'd assume that they would increase in numbers from captive breeding efforts to supply the demand.


While I think as a sentient species we should work to preserve all types of life around us, at the same time I think its unfair to say that we are evil for not being 100% successful in that. Like said before its just about survival of the fittest. No species will last forever. The real shame is when we kill off a species that is beneficial to us in some way, as then we are sort of shooting ourselves in the foot.

I think the fact that we kill our fellow humans is much more disturbing. We aren't the only species to kill each other, but we should be smart enough to know better.

To stay on topic (sort of), Silver Trout probably would've been pretty tasty. They weren't really fished to death they were just wiped out by humans introducing other fish into their habitat. But who cares really? How much potential does a certain variety of fish have anyway? Especially when its confined to a few small lakes. They were doomed from the start.


Food Conversion Ratio: 8 kilos of feed will make 1 kilo of beef.

yeah ........ the world is going to be a very interesting place when things get critical enough to change our eating habits because the "food math" can't be ignored any more

WTF are they gonna do when they figure out feeding people with barley and other grains is better than making alcohol out of it?


Well-known member
don't worry, there are/will be plenty of workarounds of "engineering meat", but obviously that stuff will be outside of the financial ability of most of the populace...

also, it makes sense to consider the trophical levels (8 kg of feed vs 1kg beef), BUT if the beef is fed with a high ammount of grass and other nondigestible plant matter (soy/maize-cakes, the efficiency changes as well, you can turn undigestable plants tissue into digestable via cattle).

ps.: roast mamooth would be a treat!