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tasteOrganic's Trash can with dessicant drying method


Awesome idea, not to mention simplistic and low cost!

Just to clarify, this is for drying, you still go through the curing process after they have dried, yes?


Active member
What you can use are containers from strawberries or any berry. Those containers are made with the holes in the bottom. All you need to do is cut the top part off, fill them up and elevate them off the bottom of the container by a little bit (put them on some rocks or something, or you can even put some rocks in the bottom of the berry container, put the CaCl on top of the rocks (like putting hydroton on the bottom of your soil pots) and leave the berry container on the floor of the trashcan/rubbermaid/whatever.

You can also use netpots with the smaller holes.
Please do not let that salt water seep into the soil. Other than that I think it might work for me next year. I used a dehumidifier for 3 days in my small room. I had to. I was almost done, then the rain came and I was set back for quite a bit. Not best cure, but we work with what we have.


Active member
the CaCl is not re-usable. as the water is absorbed from the air it dissolves the CaCl, this is why you need holes in the bottom of the container to drain the highly concentrated CaCl solution.

When I did this I had no air circulation. I am sure a small fan might help, but you really dont need ventilation to pull this off. the action of the CaCl removing moisture from the air should be enough to cove the entire volume of the can. water in the air dissipates easily, in a container the size of a trash can the RH of the air in the top should be very close to the RH of the air at the bottom.
This method worked in a humble garage, during a week that had daily rained (ambient RH was above 90 the whole time)

if any air is to be moved, it should be within the container, to better disperse the "dry" air. a very large container could have a desiccant floor, with a carbon filter/fan combo to recirculate the air.... but if you have that kind of space you can afford a more elaborate drying mechanism if needed.

if anyone has used this, please post some pictures of the set up, results, etc. this method saved my ass once and I hope that it helps atleast one other person out. any questions, PM me.



I bought all the necessary parts today, to make one of these. I'll (hopefully) construct the thing tomorrow and in another 10-20 days I should be testing her out. In all it cost just under $30 USD for a plastic trash can ($15), fiberglass mesh screen (normally used to make window screens) ($7), and a 40 pound bag of CaCl ($4). I also bought a staple gun ($20) but did not include that in the cost as I can use that for a lot of other things. :)

I'll report back in a few weeks and let you know how it worked for me. I would include pictures but I will not have a camera until after New Years, in all likelihood.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
No, I haven't gotten a chance to try this out yet. Plants had to be pulled before I thought they would, so I didn't get the stuff together. Then, once they were hanging, I didn't think about it again :biglaugh:

I'll do it on the next round though


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I too wanted to try this, but I had to bring all my stuff directly in due to extreme humidity and lots of scattered mold in the buds, theres always next year, hopefully the harvest season will cooperate with me......


Active member

Out of interest, did anyone actually try this method in the end? If so, please post your findings. Thanks.


I have a couple outdoor plants coming down in around mid September and a few in late October or early November. Probably gonna give this a go.


why dont you just use a ground sheet from a tent or make some sort of cover over the drying area? This is how I'm thinking of doing it. I have plenty of tree cover near by my intended grow area. I can tie the flysheet to trees on a slope so rain runs away down hill. when it come to humidity the air/wind will dry the bud much faster. Think of this.... what drys clothes on a clothes line faster??? the sun or wind? I know wind blowing over the clothes dry faster than the sun and no wind. same goes for bud! I grow in the loft and get humidity as high as 99% its cold also! I put a fan blowing over the buds and have never had a problem with drying bud this way*wink* the problem with mold for me is when they are still growing last few weeks are more likely to get mold than when I'm drying them.

If you have a cover/ roof over the drying area so buds do not get wet by rain the air moving through the area will dry them with out getting mold. Iv seen this with other trees that have been cut down and they have dried to a crisp even when its been p**ing down out side. :dueling:


Active member
Looks like we have an internet grammar coach among us. No one cares about spelling and grammar in chemistry, shit we go out of our way to use the least amount of words possible.

nut: The smaller the volume of the drying container the better. It is all about relative humidity. You could need an insane amount of CaCl to take care of an area you can walk into. I was never able to test the RH inside the trashcan, but I bet it was well below 50%.

If I did this again I would raise the trashcan off the ground so that water could fall directly out of the can. I would also raise the desiccant inside the can so that it does not dissolve. You could probably will a stocking or two up with CaCl and hang it inside the can.

Anyone try this yet?


worked great on a few Satori tester buds. Large plastic container (10" square) with a smaller one inside(5" with buds inside) and desiccant around the edges.
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victorvaughn are you psychonut from the shroomery.org if you guys want great mushroom growing info the shroomery has the most info on the net sorry for thread the jack

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