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Tangerine Kush SCROG in a 150w HPS Mini Fridge

i havent got to tare into the"hump" just yet but i can tell that its going to be way worse than the rest of the fridge. we'll see next weekend when i get another chance to cut into it.

is the mold problem common in minifridges?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
nice canopy of buds mate - thats what scrog is all about. try a computer fan blowing over the canopy . do you keep the ventilation on all the time??.

a bigger pot may help too.



Active member
the ventilation runs 24/7. Another fan in there would be ideal, i guess thats the answer.

as for this drop, I'm gonna let it go a few more days then chop it. Most is going to the bubble bags but I'll see if I can salvage some of the top colas


Tough break on the mold bro. Ive been paranoid about mold in my grow so I have plenty of ventilation in my little dresser. I have 2 fans blowing on the canopy and a modified stanley blower fan exhausting the cab. I hope you have better luck on your next run. Awesome grow though my friend. Peace


These folks are all right. Get some fans blowing over your canopy and you won't see that mildew crap ever again. I've been down this path before, my friend. It's an ugly place to be. I've found that the crummy 5 dollar fans from wal fart work awesome for circulation under a 150. I use 2.