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Taming the wild grow


, The Ghost of


So Im trying a 14 on/ 4.5 off/ 1 on/ 4.5 off light cycle. It would seem to preload the plants w/ budding hormones or whatever and keep stretch down. I have limited space so Im willing to try it. Saves a lil on the power bill too.
The big girls pots are still quite heavy so I probably wont feed them until the end of the weekend. I havent let em dry out real good for awhile. I like to let em get good and dry every so often.
The lil glands on my leaflets are really starting to add up, the older being amber already.
I guess Im going to have to start budding under the flouros as my car needs a brake overhaul and thats gonna tap me out for awhile. However, I do have a friend who is upgrading his grow to 2 1kws, so I may be able to get a 400w off him. I dont know yet, but Im damn sure gonna find out. If he lets me pay him w/ installments Ill be golden.
This car crap is also going to keep me from ordering any seeds. Instead, Ill be keeping 1 each of the skunk phenos I have, both widow/diesels and hopefully get an m.o.b. too, all of which will become moms for clones to use outdoors. Got a friend w/ confidential cheese and rocklock but I dont think I can get a clone of that soon enough to make a mom w/. Also another person claims to have access to some other genetics that I have to look into more closely. Cant quite remember, but 1 was MKUltra x ? called canna-whatever. I could look it up, but its not entirely important. cheers


, The Ghost of
Haha! Got the m.o.b. is was hoping for last night. 2 clones! My friend was outta pods so I gave him 4 and got 2 clones outta the deal, SWEET!
Since Ill be keeping my shorties for cloning, I decided to shave up my big girls a lil more. Theyre a bit knobby-kneed and bow-legged but thats ok if they put out. Looks like Ill be watering w/ open sesame before sunday. Pots got lighter faster than I expected and the plants are looking a lil tired at the end of the day.
Right now I have 8-10 shorties to get the 50+/- clones I want for outdoors this year. If my friend still has a jack herer around, I might see about putting 1 out. I dont think this pheno can finish here though, so itll be an experimental plant. cheers


, The Ghost of
Hey vamp, thanks. Its hard to get anyone to look in if there arent any pics. The encouragement is appreciated! Ya, Id rather read a book made of paper than watch a flick. Ill get some up though...eventually. Cant wait for the clon-a-thon.


, The Ghost of
So another friend has talked the friend w/ the 400 into keeping it. Thanks buddy. Sheesh! This is ok though. Its an older mag ballast that only supports hps, and he wanted $100 for it. Ive found a dim-digi ballast w/ all the fixins for $140. And it supports MH as well. 3 yr warranty too. Just the efficiency is worth the $40 to me.

1 of the mob clones isnt looking too good, very little leaf and a thick stem. Hopefully itll pull through.

My 14/1 light cycle has refreshed the preflowering which had just dried out from sexing. My only concern is that the skunk mini moms are preflowering also. These I will watch closely, I dont want to have to reveg them.

Still no sign of the borg and the widow/diesels are really doing much better. Maybe someone can help w/ identifying them. Still no pics, so a description is needed. They are very finicky when it comes to cloning, they attract the borg like no other, The put out 3 leaflet sets until they finally get a good rootball. They stay pretty thin-stemmed, nice big nearly white (very light green) buds that flop the stems. Once they do get a running start, the leaves easily achieve 9 leaflets. Just thought Id take a shot.

I did finally hit my ladies up w/ open sesame and the nodal branching seems to have thickened up and have very short internodal spacing themselves.

Man do I ever need that light now. cheers


, The Ghost of
Calm down. I'll answer me all in due time.

Calm down. I'll answer me all in due time.


Hey me. Do I remember that bagseed I posted about at the beginning of my thread?
Yes. Whats up?
It looks like shit. The leaves show massive def/lockout.
What am I gonna do about it?
Since I dont really have the space for it, dont know its sex and was just something to play with, Im gonna trash it.
What? Im gonna trash it?!
Yep. Watch.
Shit dude, if I were me, Id try to grow it out longer. Maybe try to put it outside.
No, trash.
Dude, I should have givien it to me. I would have taken it.
And put it where? Im certainly not letting me put it my closet, if thats what I have in mind.

Ahhh - yeah.
Its all good. cheers
A lone, silent tear falls to the ground for your loss :comfort: now that is taken care of, good job wildgrow! I see from reading your post that you carefully weighed out both sides of a debate that you had with yourself, lol! Mr.Spock beamed down and took an approving note of your logical decision! Good job! Keep on growing! Peace.


, The Ghost of
Thanks DirtyC. I was really just amusing myself. Im sure youve seen how it goes; 100s of views and only what?...3 peeps sayin 'hi'. No big deal though. Its a running notebook that I can look back on. I really need to get a couple pics up. At 1st I thought the tear was for me hahaha! Keep checkin back man.

Went to my vet friends house today to look at his ladies. They are doing really good but I still dont think theyre getting enough water. And it seems as though he may have taken his lollipopping a lil too far. Hopefully not. Those girls legs are shaved right up to their eyebrows!

Anyway, thats about it. cheers


, The Ghost of


Plants are all doing well except for the mob clone-spider mites! What again?! Ive started giving it the wet-n-wipe treatment.

Under the 14/1 light cycle, the minis have stopped putting out flowers. The big girls have grown 2"+/- and still put out flowers too. I cant wait to see if this schedule will keep stretch to a minimum.
Theyve received some supplemental h2o but have not been deep watered again. I want to hit them w/ open sesame once more before flowering , as well as let em dry out good and flush.
I need to get some bloom nutes soon. Also, root plugs and beer cups-lotsa cloning soon. Gotta build a cab too. Busy, busy.


, The Ghost of
Still battling the borg on my clones. Same person who gave me the clones has given me some azamax to spray on them. That should take care of the problem. He is also gonna get me hooked up w/ fresh clones when Im ready to bring it all outdoors.
I let the ladies dry up real good and watered them again last night. I didnt give them any open sesame as I have to put off getting a light for another week- damn car.
They are so ready to go into bud. The number of leaflets on the fans have started to lessen and the flowers that are coming out are thick. I pulled a few leaves off last night too. They left a sticky black tar under my fingernails. The smell was so thick, a resiny skunkness that was almost sickening. Yay! Even if these girls end up not tasting good, they should make some potent hash.
It seems that Ill have to make a filter of some sort. When I walk in the front door I can smell them from across the house. Ill take that as a sign of good things to come. cheers


, The Ghost of
Didnt do the azamax. Picked up espoma earthtone 3-in-1 instead. It should cover all the bases in this grow. Have gotten a little more stretch on the girls but not much. The 14/1 might be working the way I had hoped based on what I have read is supposed to happen w/ 12/1 lighting. If the espoma works Ill be happy. I dont like how neem treats plants. I dont know when the hell Ill be getting that light. Too many more important things to take care of 1st. cheers


, The Ghost of
Everythings looking good. The espoma did the trick. I will spray them again regardless of whether or not I see ant mites just to be sure.
Im starting to think I might never get the light I need. I may have to just change out 2 of the flouro tubes for lower K value tubes and add 2 100w cfls to the closet. That would be a cheaper alternative, although it will diminish my harvest. I really dont see any other choice.
Ive got another closet that Ill have to make my clone/veg space. Ive got to get to cutting clones to be ready for some guerilla growing. Ill be able to make 50-60 clones off the skunks, 12-16 from the widow/diesel, and hopefully 5 from the mob (its had a hard go at it). Ill probably have to buy another 10 clones for some variety.
I hate to do it, but ill have to go w/ bargain topsoil, potting soil, and composted manure. Add guanos, castings, lime, perlite, mycos, crystals and rock dusts if I can find some fine enough.
The big gals (18-20") are drinking quite rapidly now, using about 2 gal of water each/week.
It really sucks to have a closet that stinks up the whole house w/ no bud growing on the plants. So sick of the commercial shit. cheers


, The Ghost of
Heehee! I order my light thursday, finally! By the following monday night Ill be set up and ready to flower. Ill use the light to veg for 1 more week. Itll give the mini-moms a few days to recuperate from cloning. Then, BAM! Im off to the races. Speaking of clones, I think I found a source for root plugs cheap. They go for about $10-12 for 50 and I should be able to get 100 for $10! Next week I also start buying nutes for the closet and soil/amendments for the guerilla grow.

My mob clone has unfortunately passed. However, Ive got an order in for 10-20 clones of mob and white widow. Hoping to get a rocklock and confidential cheese too. Ill be cutting 50+/- myself, mostly unknown skunk, and maybe be able to get some trading done.

My vet buddies plants are looking pretty good after his massive defoliation just before going into flower. He could easily pull a 1/2 lb outta there. But, hes getting a little paranoid about it and has mentioned starting to take the ladies down. Eek! Its only been 4 weeks. Hes got a couple of my skunks and theyre bulking up nicely.

On the 14/1 cycle: The plants have basically stopped pushing pistels. They seem to have stopped upward growth. Im going to discontinue this schedule when my light comes in. I want to save on bulb life by just giving my girls a straight 15 hr day for that last week of veg.

I cant wait to switch and niether can the plants - 4 months of vegging?! cheers


, The Ghost of
Tick, tock, tick...

Tick, tock, tick...

:wallbash: And the wait continues. I should be able to order my light tomorrow. Thats sooner than thursday but you know how the day before something anticipated is. ...tock, tick, tock.


, The Ghost of
Got my light on wed, set it up thurs and took clones last night. I decided to cut my outdoor to about half of the original plan. But I still cut about 50. The nutes I ordered were all wrong, so I sent them back and am using more espoma products. Locally available and cheap. So the mini moms are looking pathetic but theyre going under the mh for a little reveg then Ill switch bulbs.

My vet buddy is doing realy good. Hes about a week away from harvesting the skunks with the widow to follow about a week after that. The jacks are going to take a little longer. Id say hes got about a half lb to harvest. Kudos to him on his first grow! cheers


, The Ghost of
Ok the clones are rooting nicely and Ill start putting them in cups tomorrow night.
Im not sure yet if the 14/1 light cycle that i had given the big girls has made any difference yet. There has been some stretch but not much w/ the exception of 1 plant. I had earlier posted that i had 3 unknown skunk phenos, Im thinking 4 now. 2 were very similar until I flipped the light. Now 1 of them has definitely stretched more than its counterpart. The original 3rd pheno has all but died. There doesnt seem to be anything I can do for it so Im probably going to cull it from the herd. I have a few clones of it and will put them outdoors to see what becomes of it. I dont have high hopes.
This is the hardest part of all the waiting.. I say that about every part... waiting for bud formation. Mmmmm, can hardly wait. Im picking up a 4" exhaust fan for the closet and dumping the air into the attic space. This should lower my average 80* temps. The girls big and small are using a lot more water now- double of what they had used previously. I ended up getting ferts made by jobe's, Its organic (or so they claim) and contains 20ish colonizing beneficials. Its also got the cal/mag I so desperately needed. they se3em to like it so far. Im trying to brew up some tea with it.
Ive bought most of the 'dirt' I need for my guerilla grow. Im not sure how many gs so far (about 60 if I were to guess) but the combined weight of it all is 165 lbs. Im looking at buying about another 120 lbs to be sure that Ive got enough to go around. Im thinking of obtaining some azamite for the mixture as well. I guess I should start that outdoor thread.

My buddy cut his widow 2 weeks early, dried for 2 days (not in the dark, no moving air) and put it in ziplocks. !!! It tastes like shit, but hes pleased w/ it. He took the skunk a little early too, treated the same way, tastes like shit. By shit, I mean that it tastes like commercial shwag. So yah, shit. Oh well.


, The Ghost of
Haha! Ya, So I bought another 160 lbs of 'dirt'.

So, I get up this morning and my light is still on. wtf! I think my microwave is the culprit. Jealous not being the biggest power sucker in the house. No, rather, it trips the gfi when its used. My roommate keeps using it anyway and I think its either off-set my timer or shorted it somehow. Im pulling out the microwave today and resetting the timer and will monitor its function. Ive got another timer, if this one turns out to be faulty (it worked fine in the beginning). Besides that, there are now tiny little budlets forming. Yippee!


, The Ghost of
My timer would come on but not shut off. And, somehow, the 'time now' dial was switched to a different hour. Curious. The biggest girl is showing some stress, probably becoming rootbound. Almost 1/2 a year old in a 3 g pot. Ive started slamming them all with nutes to bulk them up. The buds are only getting to be the size of the tip of my thumb. When I move the whites and m.o.b. around, I can smell them. Yummy! The skunks are starting to lose the lemon smell that was so pungent a month ago. They are getting that almost sour dankness that Ive come to identify with anything w/ skunk in its make up. Trimmed off a couple of the smaller branches because they just didnt seem to be producing. Me thinks a 600 w would have been much better, deeper canopy penetration. All in all, Im happy w/ the way things are going; taking into account my shoestring budget when I started this whole thing.
Next winters closet grow, Atlantic Diesel. According to write up, its made from 2 east coast strains - Atlantic Storm (anybody know anything about it?) and East Coast Diesel. Id also like to pick up some Midnight Madness - that shit looks so nice. Yes, I have officially made my 1st order from the Bay! I enclosed extra $ in case shipping cost more. And have asked them to route any left over $ to the server fund.
Over the course of the summer, Ill purchase everything I need to really do it right.


, The Ghost of
Another week in and things are moving along. The biggest lil colas are about the size of my entire thumb. I didnt feel as though they were doing as well as they should, so Ive now got them on Fox Farm. Didnt really want to go that route but I know the stuff works. Im thinking the 2nd skunk phenos are becoming rootbound cause they just seem tired. The 1st pheno skunk mini-mom is almost all bud. By the time its done, it should be a 1' tall candlebra of bud. Heehee!

The Atlantic Diesel is on the way. Only 6 days from postmark to shipping date. Im really hoping to have them by the end of the week. Thanks to the Bay and Devilweedseeds. cheers

Almost forgot my clones are all in cups and doing well, except for skunk pheno 1. Grrr


, The Ghost of
Skunk 1 pheno clones have bounced back in force. Good deal because this seems to be the only keeper. Cant wait to see what this does next round. A clone i gave to a friend is really packing in the pistels. There are so mant that I cant see the calyxes. Nice, tight, round-topped colas. Ive cut down my 2nd phenos. The poor girls were just to tired to carry on. The 2nd also seems to have hermaphroditic genetics. The calyxes look like balls w/ pistels sprouting out, not too pretty. However, dried w/ no cure time, they give a heady lil buzz. The flavor isnt there yet, but is detectable. Scoping the rest of my plants today to see how much time theyve got left. The whites and m.o.b. should be just about done. Those will be good, theyre nose-crinkling stinky. cheers

Oh, and screw outdoors. Id love to do it, but its been a terrible hassle. Ive got a few out and will be putting out a few more but thats it. The 1st 2 I put out had to be done in minutes after dark in a place where a headlamp would have doomed me. So, I go back 2 weeks later and theyre gone. Not people, animals. I was so rushed that I couldnt put out any deterrents. Wawawaaaaanhh. cheers