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Talk About A Slap In The Face


Okay, so Obama evidently took a certain position regarding cannabis before being elected, and subsequently changed his mind once he was in office. It's truly a shame, but it's not like every other president hasn't done the same thing in some way or another at some point in the past. I was hopeful that under obama there would be legislation introduced to at least remove marijuana from schedule I classification, but i can't say i'm surprised that things turned out the way they did. His reluctance to tackle the marijuana issue should really come as a surprise to no one... Thanks to 80 years of propaganda, any candidate or elected official who openly takes our side in these issues isn't going to last long. Hopefully someday this will change.


Enormous Member
Sounds like excuses to me, if they have the authority to say no to Klan ads, they have the authority to say no to campaign ads too.


I completely agree with you. My problem is that I think the title of the article, "President Obama advertises on NORML's Youtube chanel" is misleading. I think it implies that President Obama is advertising on NORML, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

My problem with Obama is that he admittedly smoked pot in the past, "that was the whole point [to inhale]", and if he were to have been caught, he wouldn't have EVER been elected president in the first place. It's a great message; if you want to be president you can break the law, but just don't get caught. He will NEVER get my vote again. Fool me once, right?

I could care less if Ron Paul is unelectable, he's still getting my vote.


Green is Gold
For those of you planning on voting for RP are you just gonna write him in on the ticket? You know he has a snowball's chance of making it out of the primaries let alone becoming the sole candidate. I'm just wondering how you're planning on voting for RP if he's not even on the ballot?


Enormous Member
For those of you planning on voting for RP are you just gonna write him in on the ticket? You know he has a snowball's chance of making it out of the primaries let alone becoming the sole candidate. I'm just wondering how you're planning on voting for RP if he's not even on the ballot?

Yeah, that could be a problem. F the 2 party system. If it comes to writing him in, I'll do just that.


Active member
As much as I would love to see Ron Paul as our next president, a vote for RP is a vote for Obama.

We need ANYONE who believes in lower taxes and smaller government, even Michelle Bachman or any Tea Party candidate would be a HUGE improvement.

Fuck the 2 party system, it isn't about Democrat versus Republican, it's about the progressive liberals who want us to believe it's the governments job to take care of us and the conservatives who want us to take care of ourselves, a much more empowering position as far as i'm concerned.



Green is Gold
Obama is a "progressive liberal" now lol? True liberals are few and far between friend. I know Anne Coulter and Sean Hannity scream to the contrary, but in the real world there are not a lot of real "liberals" left in the political landscape anymore. Obama is a democrat but as the other posters have noted, he has more in common with George Bush or Ronald Reagan than he does to someone like say Ralph Nader, a true liberal/progressive.


As much as I would love to see Ron Paul as our next president, a vote for RP is a vote for Obama.

We need ANYONE who believes in lower taxes and smaller government, even Michelle Bachman or any Tea Party candidate would be a HUGE improvement.

Fuck the 2 party system, it isn't about Democrat versus Republican, it's about the progressive liberals who want us to believe it's the governments job to take care of us and the conservatives who want us to take care of ourselves, a much more empowering position as far as i'm concerned.


As a gay guy I personal will "take care of" (think Dexter) Michelle Bachman if she were to ever be elected to presidency. Seriously, I could care less what her other political viewpoints are, she's a freakin demon if I've ever seen one.


Game Bred
We need ANYONE who believes in lower taxes and smaller government, even Michelle Bachman or any Tea Party candidate would be a HUGE improvement.


no tea partiers are not for smaller government.

there are no "small government" conservatives left.

nothing will change if bachman beats obusha.

RP is NOT unelectable!
he just needs primary votes.
register as republicans people!!!

he is the only candidate that can beat obusha in the general.


Active member
i think some people need to read up on RP,he has legislation for ending prohibition tight now, and hes not even in office yet,and obama is the exact opposite of RP,alot of people are just flat out mistaken. visit his site itll let ya know everything hes done and doing i think alot of people would be pleasantly surprised.


Active member
Obama is a "progressive liberal" now lol? True liberals are few and far between friend. I know Anne Coulter and Sean Hannity scream to the contrary, but in the real world there are not a lot of real "liberals" left in the political landscape anymore. Obama is a democrat but as the other posters have noted, he has more in common with George Bush or Ronald Reagan than he does to someone like say Ralph Nader, a true liberal/progressive.

The problem with Obama is that all he is is a gifted and charismatic speaker but in his heart of hearts he is an empty suit, a used car salesman willing to say ANYTHING to make the sale.

And progressive liberalism is a cancer slowly choking our country to death.


stickey fingers

FUCK obama

FUCK obama

abc 123 it's elementry, obama is the WORST PREZ EVER !!!!! a BIG FUCKING LIER!!!!
anybody who supports him either works for big pharma or is a FUCKING CRACK HEAD!!!!
liveing off wellfair, wanting to send my hard working $$$ to libya for a new iraq
"obama the great white hope" has about as much soul as JIMMY CARTER !!!!!
As much as I would love to see
We need ANYONE who believes in lower taxes and smaller government, even Michelle Bachman or any Tea Party candidate would be a HUGE improvement.
Yeah.... Bachmann and the teatards are totally against big government...
Unless it comes to women's reproductive rights, gays rights, differing religious beliefs, immigration, etc.

The tea "party" is out for lower corporate taxes and less regulation on industry that desperately needs regulation (big oil ring a bell?)
If you look at who's backing this disgraceful group, you'll see that their intent is not to benefit the average citizen.


Game Bred
abc 123 it's elementry, obama is the WORST PREZ EVER !!!!! a BIG FUCKING LIER!!!!
anybody who supports him either works for big pharma or is a FUCKING CRACK HEAD!!!!
liveing off wellfair, wanting to send my hard working $$$ to libya for a new iraq
"obama the great white hope" has about as much soul as JIMMY CARTER !!!!!

obusha is bad but worst?

try reagan or nixon...
Last edited:


Active member
and the overlords(talking heads on the majic reeducation box)convinced you these were your only choices.

sad really.

besides bullshit wedge nonissues what are the differences twixt bachman and obusha?

war? they both love it
prohibition? they both revel in it.
human rights? they both want them gone.
economics? both owned by GS and JPM.

so in real world terms? same shill for their corporate masters.

You are right, there is Hutsman, Romney, and Perry none of which I feel particularly comfortable with. You are again right that there is really very little difference between the candidates other than Paul who will never win and if he did it would be supremely bad for the US in the short term if he could push his ideological and legislative agenda. In the long run his approach may be the best but I won't be alive in 150 years. To be honest though I don't really dislike Obama, I just wish the government would stop serving the corporate interests and instead serve the American people. Its sickening that I can only produce 200 gallons of refined alcohol, that 18 yr olds can fight and die in service but can't drink a beer, that we can't grow weed or explore mind altering substances. I mean really, personal responsibility is a joke in this country. That being said, I do believe in social safety nets, in investing in infrastructure and in people via health care to try to increase the quality of life in our country. I am most certainly a progressive in that regard but I am also strongly libertarian in that I don't believe government should be regulating our personal lives by prohibiting us from producing alcohol or smoking weed or allowing same sex unions. Its just not their business. I guess I am a political anomaly. I would like to see immigration law reformed, tax law reformed, etc so that we can grow our tax base and lighten the burden on the middle class because they are and always have been the backbone of the American economy. I don't know, I don't really want to get into a political discussion and get this thread closed, if you want to speak further lets take it to PMs and admins, let me know if you want me to edit this.

progressive liberalism is a cancer slowly choking our country to death.
Explain... I'm not taking sides with either "wing" here, just would like to hear why you think this. If memory serves, it was a (regressive?) conservative who gave huge tax breaks to those who outsource jobs and put their money in offshore accounts... You don't hear a progressive calling for the wealthy to pay less than they already do. Wouldn't tax revenue release the chokehold on the economy?
Just a thought...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I don't buy it dude, to me your attitude smacks of progressive liberalism that absolves Norml of any responsibility for the ads run on its behalf and I say BULLSHIT, regardless of who gets paid, or who placed the ad, Norml could have it pulled.

Progressive Liberalism? What does that have to do with me pointing out the very obvious fact that ANYONE with a Youtube channel is NOT controlling the advertising on that channel?

If they were talking about Norml's own personal website, your original post (which I responded to) would be valid criticism. Since it was about Norml's YOUTUBE page, it was clear that you were getting angry at a group that supports our cause because you misunderstood the article.

If you post videos on youtube, youtube makes their MONEY (which allows you to use it for free) by advertising. (Kinda like this site does. If there's an ad for Reservoir Seeds on one of my threads, does Rez ask me for permission? Do I get a cut of the revenue?

There's an ad for BOG playing as I type this... do I get a cut of Gypsy's pie because I'm participating in this thread?


Because the advertising is run by the website that is hosting the content. In the case of this website, the revenue goes to International Cannagraphic. In the case of YouTube, the money goes to YouTube.

Simple facts. Stated simply.

There is no underlying "progressive liberal" agenda in that statement or any of my posts on this thread, and for the record, I do not identify myself with politically loaded catch-phrases, prefering to make each choice based upon my own understanding and interpretation of the choice being offered.

I gave you the rep for your condescending tone and your assumption that I hadn't read the OP well enough to understand it.

Well, after you read it well enough to understand it, you made an attack on NORML which pretty well shows you didn't understand it. And then after I showed you that you hadn't understood it, you QUOTED ME and asked me to show you AGAIN how you hadn't understood it.

After I explained it again, you accuse me of being a Progressive Liberal... which has really nothing to do with the placement of ads on YouTube. What does that say about YOUR tone?

Homie, I'm not trying to fight you over this. You clearly misread the OP and I was (gently) trying to nudge you toward the truth.

My initial comment was a lot more subtle than your responses have been. I even repped you (+) and tried to bury the hatchet.

Have a nice day.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
My issues with Obama are not cannabis related alone. All this budget bullshit that we just went through. There all Morons thay cant even balance there own check book. Then threaten all the SSI,Veterans,SSDI recipients that he could not guarantee they would receive there checks on the 3rd. I could really go off but Political thread are not allowed
It's not that they can't balance the books or fix entitlement programs, they choose not to. Indentured servants (aka American citizens) have been in the making for a long time, and canna legalization is honestly the least of my worries at this point. Obama was simply passed the torch and apparently doesn't have the desire to put it out.

And progressive liberalism is a cancer slowly choking our country to death.

Can't wait to hear the explanation for that one... Let's see, privatize everything so that the country collapses that much quicker and the Koch bros et al can ride off into the sunset?

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