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Talk About A Slap In The Face



#1 - Ads are placed by 3rd parties, at random

#2 - Do you really think Obama is going to go for backing off on the drug war when he's doing his damnedest to get re-elected?

#3 - What's your alternative, because Ron Paul isn't gonna win, no matter how bad you want him to.

I think most of you are knee-jerking, the right set of circumstances has to fall into place before a move can be made. Coming up on election year, with Republicans in charge of the House? And you want Obama to cry out for legalizing herb...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
So enlighten me, what did I miss in my carelessness?

Ok... I'll quote the message you are responding to... which if you were reading carefully, you would've already read....

A careful reading of the article in the OP will free you of this perception.

It says that the ad is on Norml's official YouTube page. Which means the revenue is being made by Google, not Norml. Norml has no say in who google sells adspace to.

The sections in bold and in red you might find relevant.

Thanks for the rep!


Active member
What's your alternative, because Ron Paul isn't gonna win, no matter how bad you want him to.

thats a main stream assumption based on nothing. even though main stream media wants to ignore him,or name him the generic cannidate,he beats obama not romney or bachman,and what you do is vote for him to be in the primaries.
there arnt alternitives your screwed or your not, its simple.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
then norml may be owned by google,because google dosnt own the interweb as far as i know

Google DOES own YouTube, though. And if things are being advertised on youtube, who do you think is getting the money?

If I put up a video of me punching myself in the face and google puts an ad on the page do you think they start sending me checks?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
My issues with Obama are not cannabis related alone. All this budget bullshit that we just went through. There all Morons thay cant even balance there own check book. Then threaten all the SSI,Veterans,SSDI recipients that he could not guarantee they would receive there checks on the 3rd. I could really go off but Political thread are not allowed


Active member
right a rock and a hard place.
but we all know nothing is going to improve under barry, so i say they should stick up for their supporters ,and if they dont they are sell outs.

and well all know where barry stands by actions of his subbordinates,dictated by chain of command.


Active member
My issues with Obama are not cannabis related alone. All this budget bullshit that we just went through. There all Morons thay cant even balance there own check book. Then threaten all the SSI,Veterans,SSDI recipients that he could not guarantee they would receive there checks on the 3rd. I could really go off but Political thread are not allowed

hes not anything but a political gangsta(in terms of organized crime) but without a plan, hes just hoping not to be held responsable for his f'ups.
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Active member
To be honest, I cant say that I agree with everything that he has done but the thought of voting for someone like Newt or Michelle makes me physically ill.


Active member
yes,its time people stop complaining about parties,and look at records and facts and what the cannidate is going to do,not what sound bite is best to blast into the subconcious of america.

that means a plan of action
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Game Bred
To be honest, I cant say that I agree with everything that he has done but the thought of voting for someone like Newt or Michelle makes me physically ill.

and the overlords(talking heads on the majic reeducation box)convinced you these were your only choices.

sad really.

besides bullshit wedge nonissues what are the differences twixt bachman and obusha?

war? they both love it
prohibition? they both revel in it.
human rights? they both want them gone.
economics? both owned by GS and JPM.

so in real world terms? same shill for their corporate masters.


Don't let your hatred of Obama blind you to the realities of the Internet ad biz.
Anti and others already laid it out pretty plainly.

Nothing to see here but a little irony...


lol yeah I read this yesterday & was shocked myself. Nice post VTA. :)


Active member
Not sure how that is supposed to be an OBAMA ad though. I do agree, he has been a puss!


May your race always be in your favor
If anyone believes that Obama, or even either of the Pauls, father or the son, will legalize weed is dreaming the big fat, pie in the sky, rose colored glasses, everything is beautiful, type of big fat fuckin chance dream.
Look at the political climate in Washington today. Even if all three of them got together, both Pauls and Obama and tried to pass a bill it ain't gonna go. Why? well look at the hard right, the hard right doesn't like weed, doesn't believe it can and is medicine. Even if any on the right were smokers Gary Johnson is the only one who will admit to smoking, but even he says he quit.. The hard right wants no government except their kind of government and their type of governing doesn't include Medical Marijuana or recreational weed either more like taking away birth control or restricting womens health issues.
So no matter what we on the mag may think, neither side is going to bring up legalization any time in the future.
Plus as for either of the Pauls' it takes an act of congress to make or change existing law, they can't just magically say it's legal,They just made making Hashish in Oklahoma a life offense do you think Coburn (R OK ) will vote to make it legal on the national level.
You have been smoking way to much weed. MY TWO CENTS, BIN IT IF YOU WANT>
LOL @ people thinking that Obama personally placed the ads.
Ever hear of an advertising agency??? I highly doubt that the president made a conscious decision to put an internet ad on the NORML page.


Our tax dollars at work buying and bribing their way to November 2012. So NORMAL has been bought and paid for. So they no longer need my donations.


Active member
Ok... I'll quote the message you are responding to... which if you were reading carefully, you would've already read....

The sections in bold and in red you might find relevant.

Thanks for the rep!

I don't buy it dude, to me your attitude smacks of progressive liberalism that absolves Norml of any responsibility for the ads run on its behalf and I say BULLSHIT, regardless of who gets paid, or who placed the ad, Norml could have it pulled.

And as much as I respect you as a grower and as a fabricator, I gave you the rep for your condescending tone and your assumption that I hadn't read the OP well enough to understand it.



Enormous Member
Note the UPDATE:

UPDATE: Apparently, based on comments below, I should’ve explained how BlogAds work. NORML didn’t “accept” advertising from the Obama campaign. We offer up a piece of screen real estate to the BlogAds company. They sell advertising packages to third parties, like the Obama campaign, which promise to place their ads on websites matching certain demographics and content keywords. So we don’t even know who or what is going to appear up there as an ad (within limits; obviously there isn’t going to be a phone sex ad or Klan rally promotion going up there… we can limit certain types of ad content.)

It’s possible that the ad algorithm just saw “within 50,000 on Alexa”, “large youth demo of readers”, and “Congress / House / Senate / Obama” on our website and automatically placed Obama’s ad there because he wants to reach young politically active people on popular websites. In fact, I seem to recall some “Marijuana: The Anti-Drug” ads showing up on our BlogTalkRadio page in the early days of NORML SHOW LIVE. I’ve seen ONDCP ads show up on other pro-marijuana sites.

We’re not a 20th century newspaper; it’s not as if Obama’s campaign team called and said, “Hey, NORML, how about we support you by advertising and you support us by accepting the ad. The day the ad appeared on NORMLtv was the first time we saw it there and probably just as shocking to the president.

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