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TALES from the CRYPT! Scary Stories!!! Really Scary!

TALES from the CRYPT! Scary Stories!!! Really Scary!

  • Seen A Ghost?

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • Seen Aliens/UFOs?

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Seen BigFoot/WolfMan/BoogeyMan/GoatMan?

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters


I was wondering if anyone has been abducted by aliens, seen bigfoot, been chased by the BoogeyMan?

Any Haunted Houses? Ghost sightings? Tell Us Your Tale From The Crypt!


Once I lived in a rental house on the corner of 7th & Vine Streets. It was a 2 bedroom, one bath. I removed the stinky carpets and refinished the hardwood floors. Of course I had to paint! I used KILZ stain covering paint! But the strange reddish brown high velocity spatter stains on the ceiling kept coming back!

In the living room was a ceiling fan with one of those schoolhouse globe glass light fixtures on it. Every Day, I would come home to find the glass light fixture on the hardwood floor....unbroken! I would put it back up on the ceiling light fixture, and over and over it would fall to the floor, unbroken! This thing was made in China, so you know it was not very good glass globe. Definitely not super glass or anything!

The odd thing was the fixture never fell when I was at home! Only when I was out and would come back to find it on the floor.

Then one night, I was asleep and I heard my boyfriend come into the bedroom. George had been at a Halloween party and I had left the back door unlocked for him. When I heard him come into the bedroom, I woke up. There was no light on in the room, but with the outdoor HPS lights on, the room was dimly lit, and I could plainly see a male figure walking down the side of the bed towards the foot of the bed.

"George", I said, "Did you have fun at the party?" no reply.
"Hey, George", I said, "Why aren't you answering me?" still no reply.

"OK" I said, and reached over to the light and turned it on. There was no one in the room. Or in the house.

I later found out some man had comitted suicide in the living room....... scary scary....

I moved.

the end.


Garden Nymph
wow Lola, that's some chilling story. fortunately, never had that experience, and never hope to. Thanks for the momentary chills, though!


True Story! "Coach" From Survivor's Harrowing Tale of Pygmy Kidnapping!

True Story! "Coach" From Survivor's Harrowing Tale of Pygmy Kidnapping!

Anybody watching Survivor?

The dude Coach, this arrogant, freaky dude...tells the harrowing tale of the crypt, a true story of his life experiences tonite on Survivor.

OK, Coach sez:

I was flown in by a helicopter and dropped into the the jungle of the Amazon. I had a 17 foot kayak and was going down the Amazon River.

I felt somebody watching me! It was 6-7 pygmies! 4 - 4.5 foot tall!

They grabbed me out of the kayak, took me to their hut, tied me to a stake, beat me unconcious, and abused me! They were gonna kill me soon.

I escaped, got my hands untied, ran to the river, got in my kayak and paddled until my hands were bloody and raw to escape!

Later, at tribal council, when doubters of his story questioned Coach, he added:

Oh, that was the PG version of the story. Those Amazon Indians were messing with my ass hole and saying they were gonna EAT IT!

Yes, that did happen on Survivor Tonite! Hilarious TRUE TALE OF THE CRYPT! (I don't think anybody believes Coach on Survivor though...)


Tell us the story of how you used to eat paint chips as a toddler

Wow! Paint Chips! Lucky You!

When I was a kid, we were so poor we lived in a log cabin made of wood. We never could afford to paint anything. Paint was for them fancy city people. We swept the dirt floors every day though, and they were tramped down so good, you wouldn't know they were dirt.

We were so poor, we had to take turns walking in the same pair of shoes.

We were so poor, we ate beans on special occasions, like Christmas dinner.

We were so poor, when we killed a hog, we had to save the squeal to eat later.



Your ghost story was seriously retarded.

Sorry, I could have made up a more exciting one, but that is all the scary stuff I ever saw, give or take a story or two.

I mean, if you just want a totally made up, scarier story, I'm sure I could write ya one up? Any suggestions? Zombies, dracula,? what's your poison?

Big D

When I was a kid, we were so poor

we slept in the same room, in the same bed, in the same underwear.
Fred Sanford

Hey feyd another quote from Fred Sanford, "shut up dummie!"

Sorry not on topic but you started it.


sunshine in a bag
Sorry, I could have made up a more exciting one, but that is all the scary stuff I ever saw, give or take a story or two.

I mean, if you just want a totally made up, scarier story, I'm sure I could write ya one up? Any suggestions? Zombies, dracula,? what's your poison?

Your story, albeit perhaps slightly, is obviously embellished.


me and bigfoot got abducted one night by the little green guys.. i knew we shoulda stayed outta that fuckin haunted house


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I escaped the boogeyman one night while I was in The Bronx buying something in the projects @ Holland Ave & Gun Hill Rd. I was in the middle of getting 'served' when suddenly the two guys facing me went WIDE eyed, I remember one of them ducking down as well when I heard a distinct metallic CLICK! and then another as the hammer fell on another empty chamber, I threw the money I had in my hand into the air and started running as fast as I could, I never looked back but as there was about $100 of my money decorating the sidewalk I figured that the brothers were too busy harvesting greenbacks to bother chasing me down. A friend was just down the street, his car idling about 50-60 feet away from me so we were gone fast n' hard as I told him how I'd cheated death.......

btw, the boogeyman was dressed in jeans and a dirty down jacket that night.


Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I had a sheriff's deputy knock on my door at 5am. I was nearly at the end of a 13 plant female grow.

I was so scared...my knees buckled....I haven't been that scared...since back in the 'nam.


Oh, come on Pinball! I know you got a scarier story than that! (Although that would give me a heart attack!) Tell us about some scary stuff ya'll!

Stoner4Life: That was a pretty scary story. Wonder why people gotta shoot people, why not just rob them and let them go?

Did anybody believe that wild story Coach from Survivor told? Don't sound right, does it?


The Hopeful Protagonist
Similar to S4L's scenario.....with the exception of actual fistacuffs and police involvement.

Was at an undisclosed location (Lola :D) when a couple of thugs outside decided they wanted what I had (car,money, recreationals) and when they were refused entry were threatening to light the house on fire (they were obviously of sound mental judgement at the time).

The "home-owner", scared shitless by now, decided if it was me they wanted, it was me they could have (some "friends" huh?) and asked me to leave.

After just a slight bit of hesitation, I made a mad dash for my german car :D only to be met by these two fine gentlemen on the street where we immediately came to blows(more like wild swings). I somehow managed to break loose and in a split instant decided going for the car was a bad idea.

SO at 4 o'clock in the a.m. I went for the new human land speed record down a main thorofare in one of my cities not-so-prominent areas......

To my relief, and later dismay, lo and behold....some of the boy's in blue must have just come off of break and were headed my way.The thugs saw this and dissapeared into the shadows, but were caught.....and there I was with my kock in my hand telling my story(a version of it anyway) to some not so pleased peace officers.

White boy in a non-white boy area at 4:00 a.m.......hmmmmm, what could he have been doing ?

They took me in and detective questioned me. I realized at that point one of the thugs had a knife and sliced my very thick ski jacket, right about the rib area.Lucky me. I just wanted out of there because I was suppose to be at work, which I had snuck out of a couple hours earlier (I know...don't say it)

I relented and told the cops my story to which they said I would be summoned and if I didn't comply they would then charge me with some bullshit or other....yeah right....The detective I told my story to accidentally misspelled my last name, as I later realized by the summons they sent to my address, but had no idea to whom they referred.:D

They drove me to my car....I went back to work......all's well that ends well.



Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
^^ yo that story had me on the edge of my seat!

One day ill tell my story of the failed 3 some where the night ended up with the 3rd ' some shitting in this girls closet all over her shell toes ( the guy called me beef cake all night i think thats why the 3 sum failed LOL)