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Taking Good Pics Under LED Without Additional Lighting!!


Alright, this wasn’t my find but I needed to share this. LED Girl, I am pretty sure your camera is good enough to do this by viewing some of your pics. Anyhow wow, this is sweet!

Basically every camera has a knob for picture, video taking settings. There should be one called "P" or programmable maybe custom..

Find it and hunt down the white balance. All I had to do is go to program custom white balance and take a picture under the led lighting, BAM AUTO SWITCHED IT TO CLEAR AS DAY.

You may have to manually adjust the white balance, I'd imagine crank it up..

Check out these 2 photos, can't wait to give my next update of the cab under my new camera settings.

Let me know if someone else get's this to work and if it was any different to change the white setting...




Active member
Not every camera has a programmable white balance. Most have specific white balance settings. I'm not sure which one would be best for LEDs since each camera has a diff selection of settings. So far I've never seen an LED setting. The can't really be one anyway since LEDs themselves vary.

But if someone does have a programmable white balance feature that would be great since you can tune it to the LED system you have.

Thanks for showing it can be done! Big difference, eh?

If anyone finds a common setting on their camera that works for LED lights, let us know!


Well for my camera you put it in programmable mode.

then hit custom white setting, then take the pic. the camera will adjust to the available white automatically and make the picture look that clear! I will play around later once my shop is open!

I did see the pre made setting for under cfls and snow though! They do nothing for these light.

Like you said, even if they made and led setting it would most likely be for natural colored led lighting.

If you got a manual adjust I would turn the white way up or the other primary’s down or the yellolw and greens up, I'm no camera expert but I do work with graphics alot...

A strange not to that is, when I look through my camera under that custom setting now in a regular lit room, it has a very green, yellow tint on the LCD. SO if I was a smoker I'd say that since LED Girls light is missing yellows and greens, the camera is auto compensating for this by adding more of these missing shades.... thats why in a reguialr lit room it looks greenish. class?


Active member
That's excellent news MeanBean! Thanks for figuring out how the masses of us out here using LED's, can take better photos! I am sure my camera has a white balance, and I've played with that feature in the past on other cameras when I did a bit of wedding photography. I'll make sure to give it a shot the next time around, when I've got some plants to take pictures of lol (waiting on seeds).


Camera Setting Change:

Camera Setting Change:

OK Here is what every Pic taken with any of the pre-programmed light settings on my camera turn out like:


And here is after the White Balance is set.


This is what a picture taken in normal light would look light now that its set to adjust to the led lighting. This is a picture of the LCD Screen, bet your wondering how i did that!


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Nice one now to figure how to do it on my Nikon D90..!!!


Yeah, I use to do that when I had my HPS set up so that everything wouldn't look red or yellow.

My camera has a custom white balance setting where you shoot a pic of something white and it automatically calibrates it, worked like a charm. I just received my LED unit yesterday so I haven't taken any pics under it yet but I imagine it will work fine again.

BTW, I remember some forum where somebody (possibly LEDGirl) said that although everything looks pink in pics, your plants will still look green to your eyes. I kind of agree. I don't think they look green at all... until your eyes adjust, like your brain is doing its own white balance calibration! If I spend more than about 20 seconds around the LED unit, when I leave the room everything looks yellowish-green for at least a few minutes, far out man!


Nice one now to figure how to do it on my Nikon D90..!!!

Spin the big knob to P - programmable mode

then turn the back spinner thing to basic settings, then WB white balance.

If you see a custom setting item select it; while in the "adjust WB" area spin the back knob to make major adjustments and the front knob fine tunes them in.

Also while in this area, try and take a pic in front of the led, the camera may auto adjust.

If there's no custom option use the auto or pre prodgramed ones and test tell you find the best ones.

Give it a try that just what I read and figured from my own Camera.


Active member
Thanks MeanBean, I was able to do this on my crappy Nikon Coolpix. Still doesn't focus for much but at least the custom white balance settings make things look better without photoshop.


Here's some more pics to look at! check out how green this cfl is under the custom setting! Looks like they would look pretty cool with some 3d glasses ya know! Anyone got a pair??


Regular Setting below:


Custom Again:


Well I am going to try a few more times with this camera white balance thing see if I can get em any better, otherwise I will have to go back to supplemental lighting. For some people these may be good enough though!!


I still feel there's something to learn with this white balance adjustment, maybe we can see where the light isn't reaching better with this. the pics seem to be dark in the lower branches with this setting but there purple as ever on a regular camera setting..
