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Takin' Care of my Baby


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
My lady is stuck at home with a terrible fever. Burning hot, then freezing cold even though the thermometer says over a hundred. She spiked last night @ 104 F and has been coming down slowly since then. Her back and neck hurt and her tonsils are slightly swollen. She's also barely been able to eat or breath because of the swelling in her throat.
I've been pushing fluids on her. Water, tea, soup and a cool washcloth for her forehead when she's feeling too hot. I just feel trapped because I want to help her more and I don't know how. Whenever I'm this sick she takes care of me and it seems like she can do no wrong. I feel totally inept. She tries to smile, even now to make me feel better, but it always ends up turning into a grimace.
What would you do?
What should I do?
Right now she's asleep on the couch, but she wakes up every 20 minutes or so gasping for air......
Please Help!


Active member
Wow, there sure is some crap going around, huh?

Sounds to me like you are doing all you can, and between the fluids and the cool washcloth and the obvious love, I wish we all had someone like you to take care of us in such a situation.

Garlic is an antibacterial, if you are into natural cures.

Sending positive thoughts your way! Hang in there!


ICMag Donor
yea humble, sounds like you have done just about all you can. Keep with the fluids and let her rest as much as possible. If she still has a fever aspirin[not Tylenol,Advil] should take it down.
Like sunshine said, we should all be so lucky to have someone take care of us when we feel like crapola!![I know I am]
Good luck! let us know how shes doing


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Thanks Mrs.Babba!
She's been taking aspirin and drinking Throat Coat Tea, and now she's up on her feet.
Doing dishes?
Hold on, I've got to talk some sense into this woman.
Ok, I'm back. No telling her what to do, anyhow ;)
Part of me just needed to vent my frustration.


Garden Nymph
Try adding cayenne pepper to her food. I know that sounds bad, but it's got awesome Vitamin C content and the heat actually stimulates the "happy receptors" in the brain. I guess that's why I love eating spicy food so much.

Hope your lady gets better! :)


ICMag Donor
heheh doing dishes, sounds about right, I have a hard time just laying around even if I feel sick.
Keep lovin her up and she will be just fine in no time :D


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Now she thinks she's got strep throat, but she went to work today anyway!
I like'em TOUGH, and vigorous, just like my green ladies.