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Takes on Spirituality?


3rd-Eye Jedi
what you are experiencing is the synergy we have with our natural environment

something "hippys" sensed (as well as native Americans)

when you nurture a living organism and consume that organisms the effort of nurturing you put into your plants is reflected even after they die when you smoke them (this could be seen as the manifestation of karma to help illustrate that concept)

the converse of garbage in garbage out is nurture in nurture out

the fact that this dynamic exists in nature illustrates the potential underlying harmony in which all natural elements of our world are programmed to respond to

like it or not our DNA creates us and it has a objective of its own that superceeds our will


Because it is a simple illustration of the truth that is illuminated within the pages of all dogmatic and philosophical tomes

That we have free will to use any concept to further the ends of our own personal gain versus using any concept for the benefit of all of mankind

mother theresa as were buddha and christ, are examples of humans who embraced the highest potential of our beings, not the most base and carnal facets.

any one can walk the evil paths but it takes something more to walk the enlightened ones


it starts with desire and will. the desire and will inside of you that is influenced by the desire and will you see expressed in others

you want to be hilter or mother theresa? you can be either, anyone can, its a matter of choice (and being influenced in a way to know that such a choice exists) and desire

my understanding of free will was born from biblical teachings and my understand of life state was taught to me through the writings if Nichiren

were would i be if i had experienced neither?

were would I be if i decided not to manifest these understandings in my being?

what does that illustrate about the validity of the influence of a concept and the potential outcome?

if influence and outcome = result how does this lend credence to the validity of the variables in that equation

leary as well as other esteemed scientists of the highest caliber recreated the religious experience and they questioned the validity based on the fact it was facilitated by psychobilin

the answer criteria for the basis for the experience is not the vehicle but the experience itself

by virtue of our DNA our psychological makeup is such that regardless of our seeming differences we are all same human nature, because it is dictated by the same dna

regardless of whether the DNA were created randomly or not, our analogs are still created from the same base "code" and that observation was made by our ancestors fo all races creeds and colors long ago regardless of their ability to understand the scope of it in their particular time and space places

our understanding unfolds and evolves as understanding of the world according to the past generation is passed down to the next generation.

O.K. ..... sounds reasonable:ying:


Active member
I would like to combine the best ideas from the different ideologies, religions and philosophies from all around the world but it seems to me that the way of life of us, underground growers, is most related to the neo shamanism, as the cannabis plant itself changes and forms this point of view in regard of inner self spirituality. Hard to put the thoughts together in words, but guru Terence McKenna in his Archaic Revival puts that much better than me.


Active member
For me the spiritual path is a background search for flaws and problems within myself, I look for things that restrict my potential. And TRY to eliminate them, but the mind is very good at taking control, so every now and then I take psychedelics and reclaim the driver's seat for my heart.
It involves ALOT of honesty, sometimes tears.
But the fruit is so overwhelmingly tasty, when I find answers to my own problems I can relate and identify similar problems in other people too.
That changes my perspective on people totally, I see us as a family, as One.


I am a Buddhist (Tibetan tradition), but I had had experiences with cannabis long before I've begun practicing Buddhism.

Some say cannabis (and other psychedelics) show you the Truth, God, Reality, or whatever you want to call it. Others will tell you that cannabis is bad. From my standpoint, cannabis is just a tool, not the actual "thing". It's not good, or bad — it just is. You can use it as a tool in your spiritual practice, or you can abuse it and it may lead you astray. That said, cannabis has helped me to see some problematic areas of my life. It's funny that these were mostly "bad trips". Perhaps it sounds masochistic, but I think bad trips are more conductive to your spiritual evolution than blissful / happy experiences. Ultimately, you should experience the bad trip of samsara (cyclic existence of "suffering") and break free into nirvana.

Orthodox opinion of Buddhism is that one should abandon all intoxicants, but many don't know how this precept was born. It was only after a Buddhist monk was found drunk at a local town and was causing some trouble, that Buddha said something like, "Henceforth, no monk is allowed to drink alcohol." As a Buddhist I do strive to keep my mind sober and clear, but I think the worst intoxicants are anger and distraction. And if I manage to keep my mind calm and focused throughout the cannabis session, and gain some insight, than there is no problem. On the other hand, if I use cannabis to feel better about myself and to numb myself to reality, then my cannabis use is not particularly conductive to my spiritual growth.

Anyway, I'm just ranting. This is only my opinion and experience.

P. S. I see that some here are discussing Alan Watts and his talks. He was a great guy, and I believe he was genuine. Most of his ideas were inspired by Zen Buddhism, and other Eastern philosophies.


Well-known member
I can tell from these posts that none of you listened to any of the allan watts links I posted. For fucks sakes just atleast give the drug laws one a go its short. If you like it proceed to others.


Wich is nothing more than how your brains are throwing the metaforic 'dice in your head'.

I was n't that far off though, lol :D

I had n't heard of him before, but he's indeed rather entertaining and I did proceed it to some others too.

Thanks for sharing Huge. Good stuff ! Much of it must have crossed my mind before too.


In doing good, avoid notoriety.

In doing evil, avoid self awareness.


Active member
There are pro's and cons to taking psychedelics but from my vast experience I have to agree with you it's somewhat of a re-set button. I find myself being much more acceptable of others and can relate much like you said to a wider range of perspectives this helps me find more truth in the world. I do think that each one of my "trips" has given me a wider perspective on life be it reflecting or just having fun each time I have come to a place where I examine my thoughts and current situations. I think if any thing it has distanced me from organized religion and focused my spirtuality on my being the inner self. It's a very personal matter this whole spirtual thing, if we start there without the ego we loose the feeling of needing others to reinforce our thoughts.. I rememer early on being scared for my athiest friends like there not gonna make it to heaven? .. and now I don't think any of that matters as long as those friends are happy and secure with themselves, that is all the matters being Happy!

For me the spiritual path is a background search for flaws and problems within myself, I look for things that restrict my potential. And TRY to eliminate them, but the mind is very good at taking control, so every now and then I take psychedelics and reclaim the driver's seat for my heart.
It involves ALOT of honesty, sometimes tears.
But the fruit is so overwhelmingly tasty, when I find answers to my own problems I can relate and identify similar problems in other people too.
That changes my perspective on people totally, I see us as a family, as One.


Active member
From my standpoint, cannabis is just a tool, not the actual "thing". It's not good, or bad — it just is. You can use it as a tool in your spiritual practice, or you can abuse it and it may lead you astray. That said, cannabis has helped me to see some problematic areas of my life. It's funny that these were mostly "bad trips". Perhaps it sounds masochistic, but I think bad trips are more conductive to your spiritual evolution than blissful / happy experiences. Ultimately, you should experience the bad trip of samsara (cyclic existence of "suffering") and break free into nirvana.

On the other hand, if I use cannabis to feel better about myself and to numb myself to reality, then my cannabis use is not particularly conductive to my spiritual growth.

YesYesYes. Agree that the bad vibes give a lot of introspective thoughts, there's so much more to learn from them if your mind is set to analyze and learn from yourself. But you only get anxiety and paranoia if you don't know what to do with your thoughts.

I use mushrooms in small doses and more often than most people, it works very well for me. Got to stay honest and pursue these blissful feelings without the help of plants tho.

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