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Take them to hollywood !!



Oh its so sweet and it would be fantastic to see President Trump be able to drop off hundreds if not thousands of illegals on the doorsteps of the liberal center of crazy. Grab a map of the stars tours and take them. And to Pelosi's neighborhood. Heck all of the UBER rich hollywood "actors" have huge homes with sprawling grounds and pools so they can set up tents and shit and bathe in the pools like back home.

I love it when he doesnt back down and lets hope he can give them what the left says it wants. More illegals living at their feet. Dont step in the poop!!


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
First Nation, sind das nicht die Indianer?

Die können langsam mal die Amis auf den Mond schießen, dann haben die Ihren eigenen Planeten, in ihrer eigenen Welt leben sie ja eh schon.


First Nation, sind das nicht die Indianer?

Die können langsam mal die Amis auf den Mond schießen, dann haben die Ihren eigenen Planeten, in ihrer eigenen Welt leben sie ja eh schon.

If the translation is correct it makes no point.
Growing up I can remember my grandmother was still somewhat proficient in German. But she grew up in the era of WWI and WWII and a German heritage wasn’t necessarily a good thing. However her family and the rest of mine came here legally.

St. Phatty

Active member

Let them join the Homeless Encampment in Bel Air !

So instead of "fresh Prince", Hollywood could have a TV show, "Fresh Refugee of Bel Air".

And to give you an idea of the demographics of the area -


They have the idea that the Skirball fire was started at a homeless/ refugee encampment in Bel Air.

Was it Richard Pryor or Michael Jackson that caught on fire ?


Oh Frito.....
And then there are those like you not smart enough to open the brawndo. You think your witty dont you ? Im sure in real life you cant even figure out how to run the dishwasher.

Funny how all the TDS impeach idiots have nothing to say. A small clutch of transfixed loons repeating the same things over and over again. Kind of like the view. Idiots on a couch.


Active member
Nah the only time the left gives a fuck about ‘minorities’ especially illegals is 6 months before elections. The piles of shit in the streets will be rivaling India

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
First Nation, sind das nicht die Indianer?

Die können langsam mal die Amis auf den Mond schießen, dann haben die Ihren eigenen Planeten, in ihrer eigenen Welt leben sie ja eh schon.

Ja genau, wenn er zu denen gehört kann er sowas sagen, sonst nicht. Denn dann er ist auch ein Einwanderer...


Well-known member
Was informed today, that our president is proud to have come up with the concept by himself .
What came to mind was something a former prison warden once said to me.

I would wish what appears to be a hurting individual could be doing better than he is.

I am always impressed by the lack of historical perspective to what is presented and delivered here.
Prior to Regan having emptied the mental care facilities on to the streets of California, when he was
Governor, there was no such problem.
What did more to add to it than anything else, was the fact that no state gave a flying fuck about how
they treated Nam vets.
People who served were dumped like trash, and they stayed hidden and no one gave a fuck, and over a period of years a lot of them made their way to warmth.
I watched the populations grow over the past 10 years, as the old vets die off, the younger
ones are being added.

Not much disgusts me more than to see how damn much money is spent to hide, deny, and conceal this as opposed to dealing with it honestly.


Active member
Was informed today, that our president is proud to have come up with the concept by himself .
What came to mind was something a former prison warden once said to me.

I would wish what appears to be a hurting individual could be doing better than he is.

I am always impressed by the lack of historical perspective to what is presented and delivered here.
Prior to Regan having emptied the mental care facilities on to the streets of California, when he was
Governor, there was no such problem.
What did more to add to it than anything else, was the fact that no state gave a flying fuck about how
they treated Nam vets.
People who served were dumped like trash, and they stayed hidden and no one gave a fuck, and over a period of years a lot of them made their way to warmth.
I watched the populations grow over the past 10 years, as the old vets die off, the younger
ones are being added.

Not much disgusts me more than to see how damn much money is spent to hide, deny, and conceal this as opposed to dealing with it honestly.

I couldn't agree with you more, our vets should be priority number one.

To be fair Gry, Democrats have had 40 years to fix it,
And have utterly failed. They literally hold every office in most California localities, a vast majority in legislature, and the governorship. If they cared they would have done something by now.

I can get over how dirty L.A. is. It's disgusting, I won't go to L.A. beaches.


Well-known member
I couldn't agree with you more, our vets sho wuld be priority number one.

To be fair Gry, Democrats have had 40 years to fix it,
And have utterly failed. They literally hold every office in most California localities, a vast majority in legislature, and the governorship. If they cared they would have done something by now.

I can get over how dirty L.A. is. It's disgusting, I won't go to L.A. beaches.

I appreciate the response.

I suppose the first thing I would like
to say is that when it comes to larger
picture concerns, is the oil industry
has controlled this state from the inception.
They are able to play either party against
the other to great success.
Is it fair, hell no, which is precisely
why they do it.
Great effort and resources were
pumped into Kansas in an effort
to generate a positive example
of Republican economics.
That didn't turn out as many
had hoped and expected that
it should have.
My greater concern is the
condition of the aquifers.
We are blessed with a very
decent natural resource.
Which can be contaminated
by damned near any irresponsible
entity which can then go bankrupt
with no fear of any penalty.
I don't think anyone with an understanding
of how sewage systems work, feel
comfortable swimming near any major
urban area.

I have to add that I was shocked at how many areas have never ever had any sewage system at all.

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