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Take clones from overfed lockedout Mom ?


I have a new theory- Could it be chlorine ? I soaked the hydroton from the previous batch (which was a flood and drain with hydroton only- major failure) in strong pool chlorine then gave them a rinse with a garden hose, and used them as a two inch base in the bottom of the coco/perlite in this current batch. The hydroton is porous so maybe it continued to leach chlorine and poison the plants ?

Some quick answers to suggestions:
I am going to try to clone them-nothing to lose -two orders of seeds have been intercepted so I've got no choice right now.

pH was not monitored closely-was using GH drops- got meter now.

No aphids- had white flies on last batch. Used Azamax twice as a preventative spray on this batch when they were young

Watering- I used to use a moisture meter and water when 'dry' but saw so many people saying to water coco every day, that I did. Gone back to every other day, border of Moist and Dry.

The other sisters of this sick plant have straightened up a bit
and are a week away from harvest.

I need to make a fresh start- will have to take a shopping vacation.

Thanks to all !


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