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Take clones from overfed lockedout Mom ?


This mother is about 3 months old, in coco, drain to waste.
It has been flushed many times over the past 6 weeks since
it was bonzai trimmed to correct overfeeding/bad pH, and has been on about 350ppm since, on 18/6 under 100W MH .
It is not growing at all, and still has sick looking wrinkled leaves.
Will clones taken now develop OK? or should I wait and try to
revive it by doing something radical like washing off the roots
and re potting in fresh coco, or what ?




Dr. Doolittle
Have you taken clones from this plant before recently?
Is this plant always outside?

If you take a clone from a plant that has a disease that is not going to work out good, you only want to take cuttings from a healthy plant, because if it's locked out from nutes the clones may take time to root if at all.

That plant looks like it's got a viral problem.....
that is not a good plant to take cuttings from....


Thanks Stich- It was outside just for the photo. I don't have any
other mothers. Yes, I took a lot of cuttings to reduce the size and get it to fit in a small closet,
and I discarded the cuttings.
You think this is viral ? This was one of many plants of different
strains that all had the wrinkled leaves and someone said previously that virus
can only be spread by damage like cuts or insect bites and I had no insects
and so it wasn't a virus.
I guess if I am going to discard the plant I might as well try to see how its clones do,
before I go back to seed.


Please ! some thoughts, ideas, should I wait and try to bring this only, last, poor mother back to life ? or take some cuttings now and see if they grow out of the problem ? Or dump it and go back to seeds ?


Living with the soil
I have taken cuttings from locked out mama's,but this plant just screams,"pull the plug". Try looking deeper in the plant for healthier cuts.....good luck.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Disease is unlikely, that plant just looks drowned and overfed. If your cloning method is good, you probably could take clones from that plant and, once they were rooted in the new medium, they'd improve.


I'm in the same boat unfortunately. In a stoner moment I grabbed the nute jug instead of the cal mag water jug and burnt my ladies. I was set to take clones this Friday from 5 plants that I have no clones of yet.

So back another week out to let them recover then I figure I'll have some thriving clones.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
If you absolutely have to take them. But if mommies milk is sour I'd hit em with clearing solution and then take em in a week.
Try to take some so you know for next time if it is do able???


Thanks to all ! Just built a tuppaware cloner using misters from
the depot ( more of a dribble spray than a mist - really needs the ez cloner ones) so I'll give mother another week on straight water and then take some clones.
I am watering her every day -is that too often in coco 10%perlite MrG ?
Please ban me from this site if I come back again with any overnuted plant!

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"I am watering her every day -is that too often in coco 10%perlite MrG" Probably yes. Coco holds a lot of water. But, there's different schools of thought on watering coco. Some people water every day, but they're usually using straigt coco with nothing added. One friend of mine started on straight coco, but has since amended with all sorts of stuff and dropped the every day watering. I think your plant looks overwatered, but it's hard to say through pictures. The general rule of watering all plants in container or ground is; As thoroughly as possible, as infrequently as possible. That means water until some runs out, then wait. The right amount of time to wait? Long enough that the roots have to do some growing in search of more water and nutrients. Various methods from watching the dryness of the top to weighing by hand are needed. Accurate watering is a lifelong study, no one 'has it down'.


Dr. Doolittle
IT looks viral to me, because the leaves are bubbled and since it's a clone he could have used contaminated tools, what ever it is; it's not normal looking. It's a bad clone to use for more clones, because I bet the problem will end up being to the clones.....


Active member
Not a virus. Just lots of deficiencies. My experience with this, is that the clones may root, but the effects of the deficiencies are still in the clone and it too will take a while to grow out of it.
If you have the head room, take some cuts and let her grow out of it some more. Maybe they'll root. Then you can flip momma.
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Dr. Doolittle
Never seen leaves get bubbly before when it involves a deficiency. I am not saying it's a virus I Just said it looks like it, because never before seen a plant have bubble like in the leaves and it be a deficiency.... I will agree there is more than 1 problem with it though.


Well-known member
you use any pesticides on it during its life or anything?

as far as taking clones goes sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do to save a strain; also i've noticed that pruning down stunted plants can give them a jump start and get new growth going; sometimes the hormones in plants can get outa wack and they don't know what to do


Active member
oh, on watering a plant in coco.

Looking at the size of that plant in that pot, I'd say water every day with nutes. However, when they are sick, their roots aren't working right and they just don't suck up water fast enough. So you might want to go every other day till it straightens up. I've had plants that looked a lot like that and it could take a loong time to grow out of this.
Which is why I'd suggest trying to get a clone if it's worth saving, and the njust flower out the mom. Even then the clone will take forever to grow out of the problems and if it is viral, well...

Hey you said that you have flushed it multiple times to correct a pH problem. Could you give the details? What was the pH that you had to correct?

Did you get the pH under control and is it ok now? When you flushed did you finish the flush with nutes?