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Swollen Stems???


Active member
My friend's clones are growing very slowly and seem deformed. He calls it elephantitis of the stem because the stem is swollen right at the base. Any ideas what caused this?



New member
Wow! Thats a first for me. Never seen anything like that.
Since your using clear containers, what do the roots look like?


Well-known member
I'd like to know age too. If they're that small, and the stems that thick, then something must be going on with the roots.

I've had swollen stems as a result of catching stem root early and treating it. The plants were fine in the end, but ones that I didn't catch fell over due to the rot. So ya know, careful.


Active member
Thanks to those who replied. Probably some sort of root problem, we are guessing. The clones are a couple of weeks old and just put into 12/12. I'm surmising that the roots were drowned and re-grew.
I think these will always be runts and advised my friend to ditch them and start some new clones.

mr. b

New member
been there myself, i agree with the rooting gel or powder being to high on the stem when cloning, they will befine once they get some more roots and transplanted, when transplanting they need a few more weeks if it was me i would clip the bottom leaves and bury up to the next node, just my 2 cents

I get that every once in a while. I think it might be that I got rooting gel on the stem too high when cloning.

edit: those clones are to young for flowering not enough root mass to support hormonal changes in flower, jmho


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
I get that every once in a while. I think it might be that I got rooting gel on the stem too high when cloning.
i had the same thing sometimes in the past, while i was using clonex..imo too much rhizo hormones on
the stem can cause such a prob..ditch them and start some new clones is a wise decision ;)

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I have had this happen before. usually they don't root or take forever.

the explanation I have heard is that air that gets into the stem. and I think is the reason some people like to make the cut under water.
To me they look like the clones were taken from a thicker stem. The clones taken must have been very small. If you look closer at the pictures you can see the network of roots on top of the soil. It looks over a month old. I would bet there is a good amount of root mass, they might need a bigger home because those are 12-16oz bottles? Maybe too much water though? Maybe the plastic bottles were not cleaned? I would have transplanted and let them veg out a bit longer.
Its from the cloning gel....Ive seen that a few times from using clonex gel.....They will make for a great bush......I like it. But, mine never grew slow from it, no difference at all in my situation, i flowered them out like the rest, and made for some great smoke.....I couldn't tell the difference in growth rate, yield or anything....The plants like above just had a bigger base, thats it....Pretty weird you say yours are growing slowly.....