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Switching to Vertical lamps

Backyard Farmer

Active member
More krusty pics :tiphat:


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Backyard Farmer

Active member
Quoted to keep people honest...

Krusty never burned a 600 watt bulb in his life Veg.....ALL cheap ass 1KW Mh and HPS...period...and....

If that krazy fukin klown were right here RIGHT now , you`d be getting DAWG-CUSSED for questioning his PERFECT setup trying ta use less than 50 watts per sq ft....lol....and....If yas shorten the "length" footprint and still use the 11 lights and 10 plant setup ......

Even if yas`re mono-croppin (that I applaud and respect btw) you`ll be aight since it`s the first run and there`s no way in HELL you`ll learn the first run when ta flip so they`ll end up in the perfect 5x5 footprint , so again......

Set the 11 lights and 10 plants in the X and O pattern and dial them bitches...Don`t skimp on wattage , or deal with larf guaranteed....anyways...

50 watts per sq ft for big plants guys.......PLEASE......


Krustys hella funny...!


Ok, well I'll make 4x5 squares. Thanks. I found krustys pics and diagrams, he does use 6s, DHF, please don't be such a know it all. I'll post it all to keep it going.
Those pics are not Krusty`s pics Veg...Those pics are AFTER he retired from growin and was consulting different growers in Canada back when they went medville with Health Canada....OK ?....

Veg.....I`m no know-it-all but your constant questioning of my posts makes me appear to be so , but by the same token aren`t you the pot callin the kettle black ?.....and once again....

Everything in the "Serapis" thread was staged to create drama and fuck with Admin , so take everything with a grain of salt when goin over and through said thread......regardless....

Hereta help ....but... I`ll bow out gracefully and let your thread take on it`s own life....


Backyard Farmer

Active member
LOL are you serious DHF...Not Krustys pics LOL...Only he would make MSPaint diagrams and write all over his pics with MS Paint text boxes...Come on man...Just admit when you're jaw jacking.

Thanks for taking your fluff elsewhere.


Krusty`s the 1 that BEAT 50 watts per sq ft into my brain back in the day Veg , and I assure you that he NEVER ran anything but 5000 watts in his 10x10`s and strictly 1K`s in ALL his warehouse setups....now....

Those pics that Krusty took and showed were NOT of HIS setups dewd....I`m the one that bucked the system and used 600`s in the corners for 3400 watts , and caught nothing but HELL from him for yrs and yrs by doin so , with as he called it SUBPAR lumens , and....for the record....

I`m GLAD that the REAL Veg N Out has finally surfaced with all your bullshit condescending know -it-fucking-all attitude, cuz it`s only a matter of time before you fuck up and get gone.....

I`ve bent over backwards to try and help your nuthin ass , and you`ve argued and questioned SOLID knowledge and experience from the get in SPITE of me extending the olive branch SINCE you chose ta come down here where you know I stay and help folks......or.....

Did you just come down hereta fuck with me cuz you KNOW there`s nobody with more krusty bucket knowledge on this site or elsewhere on ANY public site than me that I know of.....

How bout this.....Keep YOUR fluff and jaw-jackin to your FUKIN self and it`s all good....Fuck with me and see where it leads yas.....

I fukin KNEW better , but I help folks......even YOUR nuthin ass , but you`re on your own fucktard......

I`m outie and wish the fuck you were too....What a fuckin know-it-all moron.....What goes around comes around dewd....May you live in interesting times per "The Art of War" by Sun Tsu.....


Backyard Farmer

Active member
LOL DHF...Right on bro. Have a nice life. Seriously, google has as much Krusty bucket info as you give out. I was just too lazy to use it first!


If my life was any better I`d haveta be twins dewd.....at the beach house as we speak watchin my bulldawg chase sandpipers and bite waves rollin in for free entertainment......and....

How`s YOUR life livin at home on yer daddy`s land....huh?....and hey....PLEASE go get you ALL the Krusty bullshit you need from Google Veg , but WHY would you want to since all your original question was JUST about the light and plant layout from the get in your thread in the 1 sub-forum you KNEW I`d be the only 1 to respond......

Oh , I forgot...you THRIVE on drama and talkin down ta folks , so you and Krusty would be like peas and carrots if he was around today , but guaranteed he`d eat your ass for lunch sooner than later , especially talkin bout mimicing and copyin his shit with a dirt grow. ...

Please close the thread or stop posting if the only reason you came down here was to start shit that you`re so well adept at since Google`s the ONLY source of info you need for your entertainment now....



Active member
10-10-2007, 12:39 AM
"these pix were originaly posted by krusty" ok here is some of the ideas that krusty had
on lighting, the bulbs are hung vertical with no shades! spaceing is the key to maximum
light per plant as you can see in the room layout how each plant is sorounded with
bulbs! each of the 1000 watters in the middle actualy shine on 4 plants! so off 1 1000
watter you get 4 times the amount useable light vs 1 light over the top of 1 plant! also by being vertical and inbetween the plants the whole side of the plant is saturated by light not just the tips!

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/1134krusty_bucket-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/1134lidiagrama-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/1134lidiagramb-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url]


Freedom Buckets Information here

I think everyone should show more respect to each other. Veg isn't a troll, he's actually a pretty nice guy when you sit down and smoke a joint together... He mentioned this vert idea to me a while ago. And well Freds is Freds. He's like The Encyclopedia Britannica of grow systems.

Oh yeah and how about a fresh thread without the bullshit.
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Backyard Farmer

Active member
Damn I'm pretty sure it says 10 600 watt bulbs ... LOL

Its yellow to match the diagram. Yellow writing matches yellow circle/squares..


With age comes wisdom , and as stated above I bent over backwards to help Veg VERY cordially and invitingly REGARDLESS of how I actually feel about him....and his intentions and trues colors finally showed through the façade , so I had ta call em like I see em , and react accordingly when backed into a corner like the bulldawg I am....

Veg and Jrosek are the only 2 people I`ve EVER loathed on these forums since the "Krusty Wars" and that`s a lotta yrs for only 2 know-it-all asshats......

Look guys....The neg rep rating`s finally gone after me bitchin non stop for the last few yrs bout chicken shit lil bitch boys hidin behind a keyboard , so I`m all for throwin in the towel and extending the olive branch in the spirit of respect and help for EVERYONE , even Veg......and guaranteed....

Now that the trolls have nowhere to hide , ALL should realize that if they START shit and CONTINUE to do so , they WILL be held accountable for their actions with the Ban Hammer RIGHT behind.....and again....

I know it don`t mean shit to asshats that can`t help themselves , cuz all yas need is a new proxy serve with a diff ip addy and you`re RIGHT back with a new nick and trollin ALL over again , but hopefully they`ll run outta proxies sooner than later and be gone for the good of the community....now....

To GET respect , you`ve gotta GIVE respect , and guys....trust me.....the ONLY thing about a Krusty bucket setup that`s worth ANYTHING is the plant/light placement , cuz the system`s a NIGHTMARE to maintain and dial , and .....

Since there`s LOT`S better ways ta grow big plants without fear of imminent crop failure such as the PPK , or even those "recirculating death without cause" undercurrents IF yas use those Cap`s bennies and tea thingies FTW or so I`ve heard......and lastly....

Veg....I`ll not dawgcuss you anymore as long as you show the same restraint with your smartass mouth , and I agree with Bobbles...This thread needs shitcanned and a new 1 started to keep shit in perspective without all the bullshit....


Backyard Farmer

Active member
With age comes wisdom , and as stated above I bent over backwards to help Veg VERY cordially and invitingly REGARDLESS of how I actually feel about him....and his intentions and trues colors finally showed through the façade , so I had ta call em like I see em , and react accordingly when backed into a corner like the bulldawg I am....

My intention of starting this thread was to get some math on how to hang the lights or a thread on it. Period. You came in trying to teach me how to grow

Veg and Jrosek are the only 2 people I`ve EVER loathed on these forums since the "Krusty Wars" and that`s a lotta yrs for only 2 know-it-all asshats......

Look guys....The neg rep rating`s finally gone after me bitchin non stop for the last few yrs bout chicken shit lil bitch boys hidin behind a keyboard , so I`m all for throwin in the towel and extending the olive branch in the spirit of respect and help for EVERYONE , even Veg......and guaranteed....

DHF, My problem with you is you are an out and out liar. You talk so much shit about how you are/were the greatest source of info and knowledge yet you never post a single picture of any grow not on this site not on overgrow not on either of SYK420's sites..You just repeat over and over again what other people do and you don't even do it correctly. I happened to find Krustys pics showing the ORIGINAL 14 light 10,000w 10 plant lay out he showed on overgrow using 10 600s and 4 1000s, 2 MH 2 HPS and just decided to post it, YOU got pissed about it because it shows that you're talking out of your ass, your man bobble even pulls up posts from MYNAMESSTITCH from 07 that you yourself have posted in as DEDHEADFRED, just deleted the account probably to bury the drivel you posted under that moniker..Which is a completely different tune from what you sing now about how you achieved greatness and retired from growing.

Now that the trolls have nowhere to hide , ALL should realize that if they START shit and CONTINUE to do so , they WILL be held accountable for their actions with the Ban Hammer RIGHT behind.....and again....

No bro, there's not going to be any banning because I don't call you names I don't personally attack you or violate the TOU in any way but on the other hand you can go ahead and back read the posts you've made to me and look at my Rep board which I will save you the embarrassment of taking a screenshot of that shows you following my posts giving them red dots like I give a shit

I know it don`t mean shit to asshats that can`t help themselves , cuz all yas need is a new proxy serve with a diff ip addy and you`re RIGHT back with a new nick and trollin ALL over again , but hopefully they`ll run outta proxies sooner than later and be gone for the good of the community....now....

To GET respect , you`ve gotta GIVE respect , and guys....trust me.....the ONLY thing about a Krusty bucket setup that`s worth ANYTHING is the plant/light placement , cuz the system`s a NIGHTMARE to maintain and dial , and .....

Since there`s LOT`S better ways ta grow big plants without fear of imminent crop failure such as the PPK , or even those "recirculating death without cause" undercurrents IF yas use those Cap`s bennies and tea thingies FTW or so I`ve heard......and lastly....

I wish you'd put that SO IVE HEARD in every post you make because again here you go referencing other peoples experience instead of your own. Please, get your DEDHEAD checked.

Veg....I`ll not dawgcuss you anymore as long as you show the same restraint with your smartass mouth , and I agree with Bobbles...This thread needs shitcanned and a new 1 started to keep shit in perspective without all the bullshit....

Again DHF I've done nothing but keep shit straight, you on the other hand can't seem to figure out how to be legit. I'd be more than happy to put you on my ignore list, it wouldn't be the first time. Just hope you do the same.


Sorry DHF, I'll never respect a liar


Because I`ve never posted a pic ?....Veg....I pray for your deliverance....

You`ve got shit all figured out in your own twisted lil mind , yet you have no clue....

I truly feel sorry for you , cuz NOBODY down here likes you , yet you still keep tryin to sling dick like folks here care......

Think what you will , but rest assured I was there when freedom buckets began BEFORE I was Dedhedfred , and re-nicked as Dedhedfred when Krusty started getting banned as we ALL were.....and for the record....

I`ve never lied about my knowledge or experience as long as I`ve been on weedsite forums since they began in `95 when the internet started pickin up WITH weed info , so Veg.....

You`re really not old enough to actually have the knowledge you say you have concerning that nuthin ass SYK`s KBSgrowers.com website created after krusty got banned here the last time , and ....

I was prolly the 5th member registered when it CAME online till SYK banned Krusty and then me right behind it a few days later , so again you have no clue.....

I`ve never posted a pic online in my life due to where I live and grew Veg , NOR started a thread since they`re SUPPOSED to be done with pics and illustrations so folks can learn easier than just reading and interpreting said written word.....

That`s why I`ve always been wordy in my explanations when asked for help , strictly BECAUSE I can`t and WON`T post pics , and THAT`S you`re ONLY comeback as to why I`m a liar and fraud ?....

Guess you`re 1 of those kiddies that scream pics or it never happened.....Veg.....I`ve helped more over the yrs than you`ll ever grow plants , so please just bow out gracefully before you embarrass yourself any further ok......

Nobody likes you cept Bobbles and very few more that tolerate you due to your SMALL following of your organic skills , so again....Don`t get banned Veg , just don`t fuck with me and you won`t haveta worry about me fukin back , cuz I help folks up their game in oh so many ways at many different sites , and who the fuck have YOU helped lately besides yourself Veg......and ...

I`m gonna say this for the last time even though I KNOW it`ll go in 1 ear and out the other........Krusty NEVER used 600`s in HIS personal setups BEFORE those pics you`ve found that were in fact posted BY Krusty in other folks gardens , so again....

Why the fuck do you care , other than bringin up shit you ABSOLUTELY have no fucking clue about from yrs gone by other than to bash and belittle me , my knowledge and experience down here in Vert forums .....and for the record lastly.....

I call em like I see em Veg , so best thing for you ta do is stop fuckin with me cuz it don`t look good on yas and will guaranteed come backta bite you in your young dumb ass if you keep this shit up.....
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Backyard Farmer

Active member
DHF please stop being an internet thug...

All some one has to do is read your posts and they will see you are full of bull shit...In some posts you were growing nothing but Bubba Kush, other posts Chem D, other posts Purple Dawg other posts a Mexi Skunk hybrid like Jalisco Kid...

You can't ever offer an alternative because you've never been there and done that. All you can do is repeat yourself over and over "Make 10x10 rooms blah blah dial age lumen shock " lol...How come plants never lumen shock when I take them outside from my indoor grow room ? LoL..Any way...

I decided on just using a 10x15 space and putting 8 lights on 6 plants with the lights on 5' centers and the plants 2.5' off the wall and on 5' centers from the 1st plant. Will give me 2 plants with 4k and 4 plants with 3K , I won't have to do anything other than switch from reflectors to vertical sockets.

Still deciding on strain..either DOG, Bomb Threat 2, or NL x Trainwreck.


Veg....The only strain I had for over 20 yrs was a mex skunk hybrid from bagseed via my uncle with 12 yrs outside , and another 8+ yrs in my Krusty buckets...and then.....I ran Bubba Kush S-1`s 1 time in my DIY 5 gal ebb and flow buckets , and it just didn`t measure up yield wise that I needed for my rotations due to pitiful vegtime and yield .......

While for the most part my E&F bucket runs were Heath`s strains , and toward the last Purplewreck gifted from your end of the world , as were the beans.....

The last setup I ran was the stacked bulb racks with Chem D , so if that`s what you refer to as me never been there and done that , then we`re back at weaksauce 101 with you Veg as the sucker in the corner with the dunce hat on.....but ....

You`re right about me being very ignorant of all the shit ya`ll take for granted , cuz I`ve never bought a bean in my life , nor cared for the rat race of chasin different cuts/flavors of the week.....

Where I live there was no competition , and no need to be a strainwhore , but I`ll say this 1 more time Veg , and you can skate over and avoid every answer I`ve had for your bullshit attacks like they didn`t happen , but I`m real , been there and done that for more yrs than you`ve been alive....and.....

I`m not goin anywhere , so keep your slander bullshit to yourself , and I`ll avoid your nuthin ass like the plague gladly.....so ....

Start a new thread with build pics and ALL details of "your" soil mix and water only feed manifold system and help some folks Veg , and while you`re at it...

Stop bad mouthin me and pissin in the wind like your opinion on ANYTHING means dick to most down here ......

Waiting patiently and won`t say a DAMN word in your thread JUST like I don`t post in Bobble`s thread anymore...but....

Your attitude and talkin down to respected members down here in vert sub forums will not be tolerated , so be respectful and all will be returned in kind......

Don`t fuck up Veg.....Put my old ass on ignore and you don`t haveta SEE my bullshit as you call it , but it`s funny though everyone else calls it appreciated and thanks for all the time tested proven help......

Eat me....DHF.....:ying:......
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Senior Member
DHF please stop being an internet thug...

All some one has to do is read your posts and they will see you are full of bull shit...In some posts you were growing nothing but Bubba Kush, other posts Chem D, other posts Purple Dawg other posts a Mexi Skunk hybrid like Jalisco Kid...

You can't ever offer an alternative because you've never been there and done that. All you can do is repeat yourself over and over "Make 10x10 rooms blah blah dial age lumen shock " lol...How come plants never lumen shock when I take them outside from my indoor grow room ? LoL..Any way...

I decided on just using a 10x15 space and putting 8 lights on 6 plants with the lights on 5' centers and the plants 2.5' off the wall and on 5' centers from the 1st plant. Will give me 2 plants with 4k and 4 plants with 3K , I won't have to do anything other than switch from reflectors to vertical sockets.

Still deciding on strain..either DOG, Bomb Threat 2, or NL x Trainwreck.

I am not familiar with the DOG but bubbas don't work well for me with verts, they do better flat and dense. But I bet the NL x TW would blow up in vert.

edit...and out of curiosity what size soil are you going to use?