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Hey all, I have just finished an aeroponic grow using a new product (new to me) name SWEET by botanicare. This is some mighty fine stuff it really did what it suppose to do, and all organic. so i now include this in my arsenal of Botanicre organic nutrients. here is a quote from their webpage.

"nitrogen (P/N) ratio favors flowering and fruit development, whereas, a low P/N ratio favors vegetative growth. For this reason, it is common practice to cut down on nitrogen levels at the onset of flowering.

Unfortunately, this sudden deprivation of nitrogen results in a metabolic imbalance caused by limited nitrogen availability.Crucial nitrogen-containing compounds such as amino acids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones cannot be synthesized fast enough to keep up with the metabolic demands of the plant. Furthermore, the undesirable effects of nitrogen deprivation are amplified under enriched carbon dioxide atmospheres and high light intensities.

Sweet™ organic carbohydrate synthesizer is scientifically formulated with carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins, amino acids, and selected bioactive esters for flavor and aroma enhancement. The unique chemical composition of Sweet™ makes it beneficial during all phases of plant growth.

During the vegetative phase, application of Sweet™ prevents plants from becoming leggy and soft-stemmed in the presence of high nitrogen concentrations.

At the onset of flowering application of Sweet™ ensures a seamless and stress-free transition from the vegetative to the flowering stage even though nitrogen levels are artificially kept low. The key ingredients present in Sweet™ are rapidly taken up by plants and utilized for the biosynthesis of crucial compounds to maintain optimal metabolism.

The continued application of Sweet™ during the flowering and fruiting stages helps maintain a proper balance between photosynthesis and respiration. This is significant because, during flowering, many growers use high carbon dioxide concentrations, high temperatures and light with longer wavelengths. Under such conditions, respiration can outstrip photosynthesis causing excessive ethylene production which results in senescence, yellowing of leaves and leggy growth. Sweet™ protects plants from this metabolic imbalance and helps produce sturdy stems with short internodes and an abundance of buds, flowers and fruits."

try it you will like it!!!!!!!!! :joint:


I picked some up yesterday, so I will run it on the next flower run in about a week or so.

I will use Pure Blend Pro(grow and bloom), Liquid Karma, Silica Blast, Cal-Mag plus, Hydroplex, Sweet and Clearex on the flush.



Active member
:yes: just noticed your thread & glad to hear you liked the new Botanicare 'sweet'. I will definetly pick some up next store run along with the 'dark energy' suggested by jimmy...all kinds of nice new stuff to try :woohoo: Peace 3ld :joint:


It smells so good you just want to drink it, it's like apple juice.(not that I tasted it :wink: hehe



I bought a bottle the other day on a whim.. Does it work ok in soil also .. Like the other botanicare products ?


Active member
Yea sa most all Botanicares products can be used in either soil/soiless or hydro. Better read the bottle (fine print ) just to make sure. I use the EJ catalyst in soil late in flowering & it's very similar to the 'sweet'. Best of luck 3ld :wave:


Active member
i'm gonna try molasses, and if i like the effects of sweet carbohydrates, perhaps a superior composition like botanicare's sweet would be in order.