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Sweet Tooth 1.1 (Breeding Help)

ok heres the deal

ok i got 2pks of the original SOL SWT 1.1 from another bank (yrs ago)....

these are my questions

1:What would u choose a male or females based off of to make my F2 gen for personal stock i wanna have good stock and breed back to the F1 seeds i may base my mother off of SPGF i know this wont be the original SWT but this is as close as imma probably get is by working it myself and backcrossing each gen to the most SPGF mom i can find from the F1 gen im now on a mission

2:When making a Hybrid with SWT 1.1 would u use a male or a female to do the cross i got killer ideas with topshelf strains i wanna work even though im only working 15 plants at a time its for me so i dont care and steves work has alot of time and work put into it so even though im only working 15 plants i should find a few gems in my work to keep around

3:I was reading around the boards and read if u breed go a extra 2wks to insure good healthy beans?

4:would u SWT gods help me do my pheno selections this project wont happen til august due to have nirvana BM cuts in bloom at the moment just cuz a partner had a over flow and wanted to lower numbers of plants on his property SWT is the shit i had 3 around 01 ish and been on the hunt again for 3 or 4 for yrs so imma pull these beans from the fridge and work the hell out of them by back crossing since this is 1.1 should i hunt for more BB leaning or GF leaning parents or look for both and keep a pheno of both in female form so i can influance either or at will my main questions are bout a male who do i really wanna select from GF or BBi plan on keeping a well noted journal here on icmag of progress and of course im for the medical community ill send in all my hybrids as freebies and server funds so all u ppl geeking out there for the tooth can get your fix kinda sort of ...as i only want the SWT in pure form as this is my mission for now when the space is ready next run

5: another thing should i work outside of my 1.1 with DJ BB pollen?

6:koot in no way am i trying to disrespect u or step on your toes the work im taking on is for my personal stock other then SWT1.1 hybrids good luck with SOL genetics i look forward to purchasing them

7: when i make my hybrids what do u think bout some SWT 1.1 pollen x

Lavender Soma (purp pheno)
Lifesaver Bog (grape bazooka joe pheno)
Sourbubble Bog (venom pheno)
White Russian SS (??)
AK47 SS (Cherry pheno)
Pablo Cheese Pistils (12wk pheno)
Grapefruit sat FMS most GF smelling pheno
DPD TGA (???)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If you want stock that will last a long time and is suitable for more incrossing down the road you need to use several males. This is first and foremost in preserving traits and not "bottle necking" the strain. You can use one male of course but you will not have the genetic diversity most likely down the road and there will be far less variation phenotype wise. If you are only making seeds for yourself and want more clone like plants with less overall variation then just use one male but be aware you will not have the genetic range you need to find certain phenos that may exist in there somewhere. If you want to fully preserve the line and work it for many years to come possibly then try to use several males, as many healthy ones as you can find.

You mix the pollen of the males together and then use that to pollinate the choice females. I would also use a few females if possible that are showing the traits you desire, but keep in mind that many traits are hidden and not visible and you will not really know if many of those traits you liked about the mother plant will actually get passed on to the offspring until you grow out the next generation of beans and flower them out.

When selecting for plants suitable for breeding it really is a dice roll because what looks promising in veg may not really perform that well in flower and the ones that are so frosty and smell fantastic may not be nearly as potent as the less impressive looking ones and so on and so forth. In the case of Sweet Tooth, it is a plant that is mold susceptible and a key point of breeding with it is to try to utilize individuals from the line that do not mold readily and hopefully this trait is passed on to it's offspring which in my experience seems more likely than not passing it on and is related to earlier flowering and the more side branching phenos with less of a dominant central cola.

To really do this properly you need to plant all the seeds you have and then take clones of every single female that you find suitable for growing into completion. Be sure to cull any sickly or small spindly plants if any right away as they will not be suitable for breeding in most cases. Flower all your plants and label and test everything until you determine the females that have the high, yield, look, and everything else you are looking for. Flowering times can also vary widely in the Sweet Tooth line and I usually try to work with the fastest flowering more early plants, I take note of which ones preflower first and they goto the top of my list because it is a very useful trait if you want to grow them outdoors so they will flower faster and come in faster than later flowering ones with less chance of mold.

Veg out the clones of your chosen female plants you want to make seeds with & flower out the males with them and collect the pollen of all the strong healthy ones possible and mix it together and pollinate every single clone very early in flowering when there are plenty of white pistils showing but before real bud development takes place which is usually right around two weeks flowering time and this will give the seeds a nice long growth period to mature fully with no deficiencies. Do not pollinate late in flower because you want to try to get plenty of bud too, a proper seedrun will net you hundreds or even thousands of seeds depending on the plant size and barely any smokable bud. But the seeds will be properly formed, mature, & viable with less chances of mutations and germination problems.

Also do not load your plants up with all kinds of exotic boosters and supplements when growing for seed, they need plenty of Nitrogen for fruit development and they should be fed a good balanced flowering solution which supplies all the micro and trace elements as well. I like to use GH 3 part in a 1/1/1 ratio at around 700-800 ppm for making seeds. Too much P/K will give you very thick shelled seeds which may have issues germinating later on without scuffing which is a real pain in the ass and can stress the seedlings. You want balanced nutrition with plenty of N throughout flowering for your seeds best interests. :canabis:

For outcrossing I would recommend you use a MALE Sweet Tooth to pollinate whatever other strain you wish to use.

You could also do it both ways using a male Swt and a female Swt with the other strains pollen if you really wanted to infuse a true 50/50 split gene wise and then later cross the desirable plants from each of those F1 crossings to come to a true balanced hybrid of the Sweet Tooth x whatever you choose. Continuing down the line several generations you could stabilize that very easily into an IBL that would breed true after several generations and you could very well develop something very unique and different.

If your aim is to recreate the backcrossed versions of Sweet Tooth like the Swt #3 the closest you are going to get is to find a very special male or two that are BB leaning (look for the most purple/red striped stems and dark green leaves) and then pollinate the SPG clone with that pollen and grow the progency of those out and choose for the most SPG leaning plants smell & structure wise with the biggest & most resinous male flower formations and continue to pollinate with the select males from the new generations back to the pure SPG mother clone until you have your 2nd or 3rd backcross and the results you are looking for. Keep in mind that Kootenay will be re-releasing the Sweet Tooth #3 sometime late this year hopefully so in the near future you may be able to buy it in seed form.

Breeding and making more seeds is fun, but it takes time and work to actually get what you have in your mind into actual seed form. Sometimes you find suprises and sometimes things work out exactly like you hoped for. Either way it's better to be making beans to preserve & work a line than to just be growing them out to clone, chop, & smoke.

Without people making seeds, many of the great strains we have today would be extinct by now. My advice is make as many seeds as possible and spread them far and wide! :)

:plant grow:Peace! SOTF420
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just do it
oh BTW, i had a pack of 1.1 last year and had 9 males so back to the dont get ahead of yourself thing... good luck


ICMag Donor
Given the age of the seed you could easily end up with half a dozen plants or so , would use everything in that case unless they were some real dogs , often the slower starting SWT have finished amongst the best for me and the current keeper looked poor in veg and was nearly culled.


Active member
Isn't age a factor for all the ''Joint Projects"? Even though they can be ordered today, they are all 5-6 years old. Correct?
Isn't age a factor for all the ''Joint Projects"? Even though they can be ordered today, they are all 5-6 years old. Correct?

from what i understand your right.....out of 20 seeds if i get 10 ill be happy but i aint sweating the germ rates ill soak them for couple days if they dont sprout and try again ...older seeds seem to take a few days unlike most beans u can poppem over night i know i got my 1.1 as the were released at another valid bank who had a forum but doesnt ne more named HG


I like bottlenecking.....Its how you get single inbred parents for making new F1 seedlines. You just do multiple single inbred crosses within seperate single lines. Do this several times while throwing away over 95% of the offspring. Make clonal lines from the best multiple inbred single lines (according to the traits of selection) and do test crosses with unrelated multiple inbred single lines. Yield is not top priority in the inbreeding process because it is likely the first thing to go, but you should certainly try to hold for it. Make sure you keep track of your outcrosses cause one of those crosses will produce outstanding offspring with a high degree of uniformity. Distribute the F1's and feel secure because inbreeding those will produce highly non-uniform offspring. No one will be able to make the same thing as you without lots of work like you did. Keep your originials as represenatives before the bottleneck in case something bad happens. Clones will be better then seeds, though the prior post to making seed lines with many males does have marit. Just use many males with similar traits and keep those seeds in storage.

But hey, what do I know. I just like braking the rules for the sake of it some may like to think. :pirate:

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
this is a very interesting thread would love to know what progress has been made on DOG's project, also did kootenay ever re-release sweet tooth#3 as stated by SOTF420?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Kootenay posted on his profile page he just now started flowering some Sweet Tooth #3's for a seedrun. (or was about to) Hopefully that all goes well for him for the SWT #3 incrosses. :good:

Big Eggy

Active member
from what i understand your right.....out of 20 seeds if i get 10 ill be happy but i aint sweating the germ rates ill soak them for couple days if they dont sprout and try again ...older seeds seem to take a few days unlike most beans u can poppem over night i know i got my 1.1 as the were released at another valid bank who had a forum but doesnt ne more named HG

Some of my seed collection is coming upto 10years old.. some of them took more than a week to germ.. and then initial growth was very slow.

this year is all about rebuild my stocks.


moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Kootenay posted on his profile page he just now started flowering some Sweet Tooth #3's for a seedrun. (or was about to) Hopefully that all goes well for him for the SWT #3 incrosses. :good:
thanx for that... is kootenay a member here?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Yes, of "Deluxe Seeds" there is a forum here as well in that name. ;)