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Sweet from Botanicare


New member
I am weeks away from harvesting my first crop. I read that some people put Molasses in their water so that the plants can get all of the Carbohydrates they need to bulk up buds... Then I read it wouldn't be a good idea and to use Sweet from Bontanicare... has anyone used this during flowering and does it help?

I have two GC's that have small popcorn buds and I am already going into my fifth week of flowering. Or does GC develope more at the end?

Any help would be great and appreciated.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
:tiphat: whats GC ??? green crack

as for sweet i use it veg and flower n/p i stop sweet @end of flower when last 2wks is just plain ph'd water.


Active member
I used it for a few years, I was growing in a hydroponic system and would rather use sweet then molasses because the sugar would clog my sprayers. Anyway all the Sweet products meets the metabolic demands of your plants, throughout their life cycle, by providing vital compounds when your plants need them most. All Sweet flavors are scientifically formulated with: carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins, and amino acids. This ensures healthy leaf growth in the vegetative stage and a stress-free transition to the fruiting/flowering stage with hearty, fruitful crops. As far as Sweet Berry, Citrus and Grape changing the taste of you plant to grape, berry or citrus it will not happen but it will enhance your plants natural flavors and aromas. If you decide to use one of these product go with Sweet Raw. Hope I was some help and my the plant Gods bless you corp!! Grow On!!


could someone please explain the difference between simple carbs and complex carbs when it comes to plants? I know that simple breaks down quicker. Which one feeds the micro herd best?

products like sweet are simple
molasses is complex

just wondering what's best..


New member
I learned one thing about Molasses... And that is... Two of my Blue Dreams, did not like it one bit. We lost two BD's last night. Sooo, disappointing.
one thing i learn when starting to use molasses, is to start with really small doses and to add good micros before you start. adding sugar WILL cause a micro bloom in your media, by adding good micros, you ensure that they will out compete the bad ones and your media will be very productive.