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SWAT kill ex-Marine, 71 shots fired


I love my life
Maybe they should have just said they were at the door, thought they heard something, kicked the door in and murdered the ex marine sleeping in his bed. After all that's legal now to right? Fucking sickening.

You know that fucker was destroying evidence they shouldn't have even bothered with letting the wife live. Those fuck pigs are going to pop off 71 shots, but they don't have a ham sandwich for her?



I love my life
Here's something to think about. If he wasn't holding a gun would he still be alive?

Here is something else to think about. If the GOVERNMENT did not shoot him 71 times, IN HIS OWN HOME where he HAD to protect his FAMILY he would still be alive.

How the fuck do you have so much love for the pigs?



Here's something to think about. If he wasn't holding a gun would he still be alive?

Therein lies the problem - We have the right to bear arms and protect our home/family, but somehow no knock warrants throw all of that out the window. Fuck no knock warrants - they are a direct violation of our constitutional rights.

Would he had died if he didnt have a gun..who knows..most likely still... If it wasn't a gun he'd of been pumped full of rounds if he had a flash light, teddy bear, crazy straw, or anything else pussy cops deem a threat to their safety. They are trained to pull trigger not make rational decisions.

Its too bad he couldn't have dropped a few cowards before his life was wrongfully taken.

Eventually they will be held accountable for their cowardly actions - if not in this life, but eventually.


"I'm a part of the problem, my problem is I'm peaceful"
Lupe Fiasco - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22l1sf5JZD0


I love my life
Its too bad he couldn't have dropped a few cowards before his life was wrongfully taken.

Eventually they will be held accountable for their cowardly actions - if not in this life, but eventually.

The whole problem is no knock warrants. It's like they designed them so they could go in and do things just like this.

And the 2nd amendment was designed to kill GOVERNMENT invaders trampling on rights and freedoms. It is very sad that the Marine was killed in his own home, in the dark of night, by CRIMINALS on the government payroll.

If anyone questions why a private citizen would want to own (and has CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT TO OWN) a RPG or 50cal machine gun or stinger missile; this is the answer.

I'll be OverGrowing the government, but I have much love for those who are standing up and fighting it via other means.



I guess the Indiana supreme court is OK with what happened here. A MAN got up middle of the night to protect his family and was murdered with taxpayer bullets. Real nice.
I kno why there is no thread here listin the great differences between rippers n cops. Both are mostly parasites on the public dole.


New member


This is absolutely sickening! I am ashamed to be an American at times like this!

I have issues with anxiety about SWAT thugs running up in my house already, now I have to figure out a way to determine if the person that kicks my door down is police *before* I decide to arm?

We have got to do something about these no knock warrants and overuse of military-style-touch-anything-and-you're-dead raids!


I have issues with anxiety about SWAT thugs running up in my house already, now I have to figure out a way to determine if the person that kicks my door down is police *before* I decide to arm?

A big fuck off steel door+frame with heavy duty anchor bolts and a cage on the inside is what I'd do.


I love my life
This is absolutely sickening! I am ashamed to be an American at times like this!

I have issues with anxiety about SWAT thugs running up in my house already, now I have to figure out a way to determine if the person that kicks my door down is police *before* I decide to arm?

We have got to do something about these no knock warrants and overuse of military-style-touch-anything-and-you're-dead raids!

What one has to do is get off 71 shots of their own and make them count.



one day, we will rise again and take back what is ours - freedom.

in the mean time, where does one get a steel door, with anchor bolts? and how would you install such a door? you'd need at least 2, but even then any window at street level is vulnerable. it would take thousands of dollars to protect your home from a SWAT raid, and even then, their battering rams would bust through SOMETHING to allow them to gain entry. you're only delaying the inevitable with the police, now i can understand a common thief but if police want in, they WILL get in...

best thing you can do is to NOT give them a reason to be there in the first place. i DOUBT that this marine was just being investigated for no reason, im sure there was some reason (Drugs, etc.)...not saying i agree with police enforcement of drug use (which i clearly do not agree with an condemn this type of act and i believe these police will burn in hell for their actions) but at the same time, if you do dumb shit (making your sales in plain view, high traffic to your home, odors or any drug activity what so ever)....you are asking for police to come.


Welcome to the POLICE STATE OF AMERICA! BY the way having a weapon or not in the state I live in 10 years for one plant WTF!:wave::plant grow:


What one has to do is get off 71 shots of their own and make them count.


agreed ....... trouble is they would paint a person who did this as an absolute sociopath who made the poor cops (who had you outnumbered and outgunned) open fire even though they were only there to protect and serve :bat:

these gang bangers have the media and all the idiots who believe what the police PR machine tell them on their side. jose's last moments must be very hard for them to explain or they would not have been as quiet about what happened and why. the only justice jose will ever get may be the general population being less receptive to the pile of shit being shoved down their collective throats.

the problem is the cops are telling the general population nothing .... i am sure THEY have OUR best interest in mind ( bastards)


agreed ....... trouble is they would paint a person who did this as an absolute sociopath who made the poor cops (who had you outnumbered and outgunned) open fire even though they were only there to protect and serve :bat:

these gang bangers have the media and all the idiots who believe what the police PR machine tell them on their side. jose's last moments must be very hard for them to explain or they would not have been as quiet about what happened and why. the only justice jose will ever get may be the general population being less receptive to the pile of shit being shoved down their collective throats.

the problem is the cops are telling the general population nothing .... i am sure THEY have OUR best interest in mind ( bastards)
Yeap! Don't forget the news will be full of how poor officer so-n-so left a nice wifey and kids. If that is an issue? Those of you in Law enforcement?(we kno u r watchin) GET A REAL JOB!!
This should be awake up call to all Vet's ............. This is how our Government feels about you. All Vets are considered enemy of the state now. They are starting to label Vets as Domestic Terrorist's. They are also implementing plans on trying to disarm the vets. I heard that the pig hunting season is gonna be fully opened up 2012.


Yeap! Don't forget the news will be full of how poor officer so-n-so left a nice wifey and kids. If that is an issue? Those of you in Law enforcement?(we kno u r watchin) GET A REAL JOB!!

funny how it is always the poor cops family ...... i wonder how many people had a bunch of sympathy for poor mrs. eichmann back in 1944.

it all depends on how you spin it .... and they know it. sad state of affairs.


Active member
pieces of shit i hope they all get nut cancer. time for some kevlar and a m4a1. i predict this shit will just continue to happen for another 20 years the stories and tragedies frequent more often and maybe one day the masses of citizens will have had enough and we'll be fighting a military police from our houses with militias and it'll be the revolution all over again.. that'd be the day!


I think I'm gonna start breedin Pit Beagles. I do so love the sound of a beagle on a hot track. And a kevlar vest won't b much good from my little crotch biters.
They hav been huntin us hard for years. Still are, even here where it is medicine. Iv'e been the rabbit. Now ??


agreed ....... trouble is they would paint a person who did this as an absolute sociopath who made the poor cops (who had you outnumbered and outgunned) open fire even though they were only there to protect and serve :bat:

these gang bangers have the media and all the idiots who believe what the police PR machine tell them on their side. jose's last moments must be very hard for them to explain or they would not have been as quiet about what happened and why. the only justice jose will ever get may be the general population being less receptive to the pile of shit being shoved down their collective throats.

the problem is the cops are telling the general population nothing .... i am sure THEY have OUR best interest in mind ( bastards)

So true, but protect & serve my ass, more like search & destroy & everything is to look for drugs & keep the police state up & running putting people in jail!:wave::plant grow: